SPARTA 300 Kettlebell Workout

by Marianne  - July 24, 2010

Hi everyone,

After the Spartacus Workout I have been asked about doing a version of the “300 Workout”. I would love to actually train to do the original 300 workout, but you would be waiting a long time for the video LOL. All the same, I may surprise you one day 😉

Anyway I thought that I would do a Kettlebell version. Back in February I did a 500 Rep Kettlebell Workout which was a killer at the time. This 300 workout was, I think, on the same level of difficulty. However I don’t think I could have done it back then.

So basically after night duty on Friday morning I came home in a really good mood. I think it was connected to the fact it was actually SUNNY here and the heat just makes me happy and full of energy. So I stayed up to enjoy the day. I then devised and filmed this workout. Sorry I am so far away, but my dear cameraman was at work and I didn’t want to risk losing the sunshine LOL

The reason I am only posting today is because I then spent the day out with my mum and we went to walk dogs and see cats in the local animal shelter (I love animals). I saw this beauty of a dog, called Domino, a 5 year old greyhound, who was just unwanted. He was so sleek and graceful, gorgeous face and so soft. I would love to take him home, only we simply don’t have enough room 🙁 It makes me so sad to see all the hope in their faces. Even more sad is the dogs and cats who have been there for years, and they are just not “cute” enough for people to want. These animals don’t even bother coming to greet you anymore, they know there’s no point … I just want to cry now, so much for my sunshine mood LOL

The Breakdown

Now back to business. I set my Gymboss Interval Timer to stopwatch mode and timed myself completing one round of the following exercises:

  1. Kettlebell Snatches x 50 reps (25 each side) (I used 16 kg)
  2. Double Kettlebell Deadlifts x 50 reps (I used 2 x 16kg)
  3. Body weight Push Ups x 50 reps
  4. Kettlebell Thrusters x 50 reps (25 each side) (Used 16kg for first 10 reps, then used 12kg)
  5. Two-handed KB Swings (16kg)
  6. Kettlebell Clean and Press x 50 reps (25 each side) (did as many as possible with 16kg, then dropped to 12kg for the rest)

I completed this workout in 24 minutes and 15 seconds.  What a killer workout. Push Ups, thrusters and presses were the most difficult.  I really need to do push ups for volume. I only ever do them for short bursts, or do close push ups on medicine ball.  If I was to do I push up challenge, I would probably reach failure at 25 reps, so need to work on these.

Overall I think I did well. Although not all my snatches are perfect, I am so amazed I did them all with 16kg!! AND 10 thrusters in a row! I can see my strength has increased – because I managed this in a fasted state AND after nightduty. Or maybe it was the pressure to do a good workout kept me going, I don’t know, but I’m happy did it.

I just hope you guys enjoy it as much 🙂


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