Kicking Butt – Extreme Glute and Full Body Workout

by Marianne  - September 25, 2010

Hi all,

As promised I am back with a brand NEW workout that will literally kick your butt into shape!  I have recently bought a few pieces of equipment for my studio which I can use to advance certain exercises or even create some new ones.

Recently I was asked by an avid myomytv follower, Bianca, how to adapt the barbell glute raise, as seen in my Work That Bootie (gym-based) video, to something that can be done at home. Now, I realise I have an advantage as I have a step and a bench but you can do this exercise from the floor, as seen in my Killer Leg Workout, or even with a stability ball (which I will try and include in a future video). By using the step and the bench, this adds to the range of movement, therefore increasing the difficulty of the exercise. If you perform it slowly from the ground and really squeeze your butt at the top, you will still get a really effective BURN. I have also done the same exercise using body weight only in my Sexy Sweat Fest Workout, which also burns like crazy! So don’t be put off by my equipment 🙂

The other exercise that really will tighten your glutes is the Bulgarian Squat. Again today I have advanced the exercise by including my step and bench to increase the depth of the squat, therefore activating more of the glute, adding the weight, adds to the burn 🙂 Once again, do not fret if you do not have this equipment as I have previously done this exercise with a chair in Burn Baby Burn and this was very difficult. Recently I have also done a body weight version using my stability ball to advance it in Stability Ball Workout . Sorry about all the links, I just want to show those of you who are new to the site, are beginners, or don’t own any weights or Kettlebells, that all is not lost and nearly any exercise can be adapted to your needs or abilities.

The Workout

Moving on now to today’s super workout, during which I was drenched in sweat. There are 3 rounds of 8 exercises. I set my Gymboss Interval Timer for 24 cycles of 25 seconds (recovery / reposition period) and 45 seconds effort. You will see why the rest period is longer, if you watch the video above. The first exercise was changed from the second round, as the original version was too easy for me, so I spiced it up a little more. Notice the other new KB exercise (as recommended by Steve xx) the KB Ballistic Row. This exercise needs some umph behind it to get that explosive pull, which works your rear delts, biceps, core, forearm, grip and even your legs (which burn from the static hold), so a great exercise Steve!

As another request, I have included a letter to signify what type of exercise each is. The Key is this:

  • Cardio – c
  • Strength – s
  • Resistance (which shows exercise good for toning and sculpting) – r
  • Core Activation Exercise – cae

Other letters may be added in the future 🙂

The 8 exercises are (and my reps per exercise):

  1. KB Vertical Swing into Squat Thrust (c, r, s & cae) – 16, 13, 12
  2. KB Ballistic Row (r,s,c & cae) – 22, 19, 18
  3. KB Bulgarian Squat (right) (r,s,cae) – 13, 11, 12
  4. KB Bulgarian Squat (left) (r,s,cae) – 13, 12, 10
  5. Elevated Push Up (s,cae) – 17, 15, 14
  6. KB Single-Leg Glute Raise (right) (r,s) – 14, 12, 10
  7. KB Single-Leg Glute Raise (left) (r,s) – 15, 12, 11
  8. KB Alternating Swing (c, r, cae) – 29, 27, 28

I hope you enjoyed today’s workout and post. Please give this workout a try if you can, you will really feel your butt burn 😉 I will be back tomorrow with another NEW workout.



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