Hi everyone,
To help me with my pull ups, I bought myself some Resistance Bands to assist me. I then realised, why stop at pull ups, as these bands can be used in so many exercises to increase the difficulty by applying resistance through the entire movement – hence the name 🙂
The Workout
Today’s workout consists of 5 exercises, with set reps. In order to judge the length of the workout and how many rounds to do I set my Gymboss Interval Timer to stop watch mode and timed each round until I got to about 20 minutes. I completed 5 rounds in 22 minutes and 17 seconds.
It was a tough enough workout because I was adding pull ups and chin ups to the equation, which are big compound exercises using a lot of upper body strength and energy. Combined with cardio, and Kettlebells, I was in a puddle of sweat by the end.
I had to stop and start a little to reposition the camera, so I did cheat and stop the clock a few times, but I did it a quickly as I could!
Anyway, this is a great full body workout, that is a must try. The exercises are as follows:
- 2- Sumo Squat Jump Burpees x 10 reps
- Resistance Band Push Up x 5-8 reps (with band applying 5-35 lbs resistance)
- Double KB Alternating Reverse Lunges x 10 reps (total)
- Resistance Band (and one set of bodyweight) pull ups and chin ups (alternating each round) x 5 reps (with band taking off 10-50 lbs)
- Double KB Thrusters x 10 reps
For those of you who don’t have bands, you can use a chair to assist your pull ups and, for the push ups, just reduce the speed of the push up eg a count of 4 seconds down and 4 back up. This will increase the time your muscles are under resistance which will act like additional weight.
As always I like to hear back from those who give the workouts a go and let me know your times and adaptations etc. It’s nice to see how others are doing too 🙂
Until next time
I actually definitely have to think much more in that way and find out what i can do about it.
good blog, not like many others arround!
I also want some pretty looking kbs! Mine are so boring and black 🙂
Hey, have you checked out Wolverson Fitness? They might deliver to Europe – but not sure. They do all the nice colour coded ones.
Hiya just did this workout, was really good!
I don’t have resistance bands, but I have some suspension straps that go with one of my pull-up bars. So I put my dip belt round my chest and hung my KB from my chest and did press-ups that way, 5 each set.
Then I did single leg thrusters holding my free leg out to the front and my free hand lightly touching the wall to help me balance, 5 each leg was really hard!
I am all set up for the day now 🙂
Interesting adaptation Steve, so were they like pistol-thrusters then?
Glad you had fun with it 🙂
If that’s what they are called yes 🙂
Oh where did you get your resistance bands from?
Hey, I got them from Pullum Sports – click the link 🙂