EKI 100 REP Challenge

by Marianne  - September 1, 2010

Hi everyone,

Today’s workout is a challenge from Optimal Life Fitness Group, which is Europe’s Leading Provider in Continuing Educational Training for the Fitness Professional. They are probably one of the most well known Kettlebell training groups in the UK. I get their Newletter via email every month and they have started a monthly EKI Challenge. I missed July’s, but I fancied a go at  August’s Challenge 🙂  Now, me being me and with my tendency to leave things to the last minute, I actually missed the deadline! I thought it was August 31st, when it was actually the 25th 🙁 Boo. But I thought, since I did it, I may as well show you anyway.

“This month’s EKI Challenge is:

  1. 20 KB Snatches each arm
  2. 10 KB Clean and Presses each arm
  3. 10 Double KB Front Squats
  4. 10 Double KB Military Presses
  5. 10 Double KB Bent Over Rows
  6. 10 Push Ups on KBs

We would like to see a full range of movement in all the lifts. We would also like to see an attempt of lockout and or fixation in all lifts. The winner may not be the one who lifts the heaviest bells or has the fastest times, it can be the person with the most creative clip. Guys should be aiming for 24’s and ladies with 12’s.

Get lifting people and send us your clips!”

Initially when I heard about the challenge I was all geared up to do it with 16kg (as seen in the video), but I soon realised that my technique, during the latter end of the snatch cycle, was starting to suffer. And then, I just lost the will (mentally) during the squats. I just felt I had failed.  Below is this attempt:

But I soon wised up and swallowed my pride later in the day (just as we were about to leave for the KB class), to complete the challenge with my 12kg in all exercises except the rows, were I upgraded 🙂 YAY – to make me feel better LOL. So here is my 2nd attempt:

My time was 7 minutes and 38 seconds. And I have to say it was a lot harder than expected. I also learned that being competitive has its downside! Wanting to be the strongest is one thing, but not at the cost of technique, which I forgot! I’m well aware that my technique with the 12kg is still not perfect, but it’s a lot better than with the 16.

I am happy to have completed the challenge, even if it isn’t entered into the competition.  At least I can still say I did it!!  Next month I will hopefully enter a valid attempt.

Anyway, feel free to give this challenge a try and let me know your thoughts and scores of course 🙂

Talk soon


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  1. You’re awesome. Keep it up! Come to Charlotte NC and show my wrestlers what a kettlebell practice is like. Please. Thanks Tad

  2. Hmm. This looks somewhat like a certain sandbag-exercise seen elsewhere…. :-/ But thats probably just me being picky….

    1. Think the other site must’ve stolen the concept from us Kettlebellers because every month Optimal Life Fitness, the KB training group here in the UK sent a newsletter with a monthly EKI 100 rep challenge 🙂 So, not guilty, this was their August challenge I think.

      And anyway that sandbag challenge was 1 exercise, this was several 😀

      You did read this post?

  3. Marianne……..have been following your routines over the last 2 months(have left comments/questions on a few occasions)or so and needed the motivation/inspiration as i needed to get fit for a beep test.I did the beep test the other day and got to 11.5(i only needed to get 9.4).I just really want to say a big “thank you” for your workouts and routines, you made the difference.
    Keep up the good work and keep them coming.

    PS.Can you recommend a good recovery drink.Been currently using the for goodness shakes brand,as a matter of convenience which i must say are ok.But i am sure there are far better ones on the market.

    1. Hi Jon, great result!! I am glad my site has helped motivate you, but remember you are the one who has put in all the hard work 😀

      As for a recovery drink, I don’t take one anymore. I used to take a whey protein shake, but now I am usually fasting when I train, so I wait and have whole foods a while later. I can recommend a good protein though. Myofusion. Andrew has a full write up on it on his site, if you want to check it out.

      Hope this helps

  4. Hi Marianne,

    I am a newcomer to your web site and have really enjoying looking around.

    The guys at Optimal Life Fitness are a great bunch and have done a few courses with them myself.

    Good effort on their EKI challenge, nice technique and full ROM.

    Keep up the great work!

    All the Best

    1. Thanks Matt for the feedback. I want to do the EKI Course with them, but it rarely comes to Belfast and it is a little pricey. Will get it one day 🙂

      I have a few areas to work on, but overall I think it was a good effort. The guys at Optimal Life were able to give me good constructive criticism, which I will apply to improve my technique more.

      Hope you enjoy my workouts, I have come a long way since January!


      PS Love your site! Very good info on it. For anyone wanting to check it out here’s the link

      1. Hey Marianne,

        Just looking back over your vids you can see how far you have come 🙂

        Kettlebells are really awesome arent they?

        Have you tried Bulgarian Bag training at all?
        If not, you should, its good fun and very different but also compliments kettlebell training very well.

        Thanks for the comments about my web site.

        Ill pop a link to yours later on.

        Best Wishes

        1. Thanks Matt. Yeah I’ve seen the Bulgarian Bag on Wolverson Fitness’s site, looks like a good piece of kit. Will maybe look into getting one in the future.


  5. Hi Marianne,
    Just did the challenge,but… just for a workout.I’m in love with the kettlebell workouts. I’ve never done anything like it. I’ve yet to buy them ,I’ve been improvising with my dumbells as best as I can. I finished in 9:37 and enjoyed doing it. I did one two days ago where you began with 50 kettlebell swings doing two rounds.(Boy was I sore) Todays workout was the challenge and one round of the workout I just described. I just didn’t have the strength for the second round. I’m hooked on your blog,you are more believable than Zuzana on Bodyrock. I’ll still go on there out of curiosity but will admit I do like your exercises 200% better. I seldom followed her workouts to the letter and would take from them and do my own thing. My first love is weights,hence the kettlebell enthusiasum. Thank you for introducing me to this new (well maybe for me it is)way of being strong and healthy.
    in NYS 🙂 Have a great day!
    p.s. I was very impressed with your challenge,using both weights.
    You worked out your body not your ego.

    1. Thanks as always Minnie 🙂 I know that feeling of curiosity with Bodyrock.tv, I stop by too to see what she’s up to. But I think a lot of her stuff is a little far-fetched! And I have to watch with the volume muted because of her voice (I just can’t stand it LOL). I’m sure there are people who find me annoying too 😀

      Weights are definitely my preference too, love the challenge of it. Glad you are enjoying it as much as me!


  6. Marianne — you have a great website. I’m a relative newbie at kettlebell training, but it’s been a great addition to my regimen so far. Your 2nd attempt at the challenge is admirable. I have a potential suggestion for you for future challenges. I’m guessing that you are naturally right-handed, and are probably somewhat naturally stronger on that side. Try starting with your left-hand first for snatches, cleans, etc … as you fatigue you can rely on the higher natural strength you have on the right-side to help maintain form. Of course, if you’re left-handed, ignore everything I just said 🙂 -Tom

    1. Thanks Tom, it’s weird actally, because as I was about to lift the KB for the snatches, I thought for a split second that I should do that!! LOL

      I will in future. As I am indeed right handed 🙂


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