Quick Conditioning Kettlebell Workout | Home Fitness Workout

by Marianne  - August 29, 2012

Hi everyone,

Lately I made a pact with myself that I would try and upload more workouts! I confessed on Facebook last week that I had been increasingly lazy with my conditioning workouts.  So, with September around the corner, I thought I might use the 30 day month to pose a challenge to everyone (including myself). The challenge is to do 3 KB and Body Weight Workouts (not all will be posted) each week for the whole month! I will also be doing my 1 or 2 heavy days in the gym, but I realised last week that my conditioning has suffered because of my laziness. It will also be interesting to see if my body composition changes too … I have a feeling it will 🙂

The Workout

I actually posted a similar workout on the myomytv Facebook Page over the weekend and I enjoyed it so much, I thought I’d film it.

Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for 18 cycles of 20 seconds rest and 40 seconds effort (adapt to your own fitness level), and perform 3 rounds of the following 6 exercises (my reps per exercise and weights used are in brackets):

  1. Tactical Reverse Lunges (20kg) (17, 16, 16)
  2. Two-Handed KB Swing (24kg) (28, 27, 27)
  3. Weighted Side to Side Step Overs (6kg) (41, 39, 36)
  4. Burpees (13, 12, 12) – eek!
  5. Inverted Row (12, 1o, 8 ) – again … eeek!
  6. Vertical Pull Burpee (20kg) (9, 8, 7.5) – when did these get so tough?!

Love, Love, Love 18 minutes of HIIT! Done and dusted in such a short time.

Hope you enjoy the workout too!

I’ll be back soon with more 🙂



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