Product Taster | Coached Home Workout System

by Marianne  - August 28, 2013

Firstly, let me draw your attention to the photo (left). Back in April I was asked to help a local fitness company out with their photos to market their training equipment and amazing new website.  Metal Rhino in based in Belfast and I was honored to be their first guest blogger. I did an exclusive article and video about improving your KB Swing, called: “Tweak Your Swing, Not Your Back“. Hope you’ll check it out.

Now on with business:

Over the years, I have seen common problems that folk who train at home face:

– Knowing where to start

– Knowing how to structure a workout and training program

– And knowing how to progress so that your results don’t halt


I decided a while ago that I really wanted to create an online system that would allow you to train better from home and tailor it to my readers – after all, you come here because you enjoy this style of training, right? *grins*

This isn’t just a downloadable program PDF – it is going to be like a wee club that like-minded people join to work at their fitness goals from where they are at – both geography-wise and starting-point-wise (too many hyphens).


But there are different options.  Imagine a training room that had several different doors:

Door Number 1 – Complete Newbie: This is where you can start – come with me, while I show you the ropes.

Door Number 2 – You have been doing various home workouts (dvds, blogs, maybe you’ve tried programs) but you have fallen off the wagon and need help refocusing your sights on your goals.  Let me take care of the training schedule – you just show up and put the effort in and get to reap the benefits of progression and consistency.

Door Number 3 – You’re an experienced Trainee, but you’re looking for a change of pace, or your circumstances have changed that mean you are now training from home (maybe you have young kids, your gym fees are too high, or you simply hate venturing outside during the cold winter months)… then I have the perfect set of challenges for you!

Today’s workout is a way for me to show you how I will film the workouts.  I am hoping you’ll leave a bit of feedback so I can make it the best I possibly can given my resources.

This system is not closed from the creator (moi) and I will be on hand to add material to help you with hurdles along the way.  I’ll provide and participate in a mini forum to help answer questions and help support you along the way.


While these options may seem like “one-size-fits-all”, they are not.  Why? Because there is no such thing!  What these “generic” programs *will* do for you is complete a little bit more of your fitness picture.  Depending on where you are starting and where you intend to go, you will manage to reach some point of the target you are aiming for – it might not be a bull’s eye, but it will teach you something about where you need to aim next.  I am not able to make you promises or impose on you what you will get out of this system… I know you will improve something along the way and more than likely get stronger, more competent and fitter – with a wider knowledge-base, but I can’t promise that you will be “shredded” or “cut” or that you will see “amazing” results, what ever that means.  

 Like most things around here, it will be a pretty real experience from the get-go: commitment to a goal to complete the program and overcoming various challenges along the way, while learning a little bit more about your self and gaining a lot of insight along the way.   

You see, each of us (especially those training from home) will often have high expectations: expectations that you will look similar to me, or your old college photo from 15 years ago.  Each Program will last 12 weeks, and I will only deal with the training and mindset aspects of this. Therefore, you must adjust your expectations and accept that some improvements will be made, but the journey is far from over.


Is that a bleak sales pitch, or what? haha!


What I am selling you is guidance and support to help you learn the fundamentals of strength and conditioning from home.  I am selling you the idea that, actually, you *can* make great progress without access to a gym and it can be fun and very successful.  There is no pressure to live up to any expectations apart from those which you impose on yourself.

May I make a strong suggestion that your only expectation be to recognize what you can do, the things you like and what currently makes you happy. Don’t worry about what you don’t yet have. Each workout will be a chance to learn something new: whether that is through a “good” performance or a “not-so-good” one.  I want you to experience all the wonderful ups and downs of trying to reach a goal that can’t be reached – wait, WHAT?

Let me explain: Unless you learn to accept that you have great ability and beauty *already* built in, then you simply won’t notice when you are actually reaching your goals. Nia Shanks kinda just wrote about this on her blog – and I contributed a wee video for it.

Now, let me show you the workout 😀

The Workout


Superset the following:

1a) KB Reverse Lunge: x8 reps (each leg)

1b) Push-Ups: x 8 reps

1c) Inverted Row: x 8 reps

Now set your Gymboss Interval Timer for 9 cycles of 20 seconds rest and 35 seconds effort. Complete 3 rounds:

1) Thruster (right)

2) Thruster (left)

3) Roundabout Swing


Finish with:

– Single Farmer’s Hold: 3×30 seconds (each side)


Firstly, I hope you enjoy the workout and secondly, please leave me your honest feedback on this idea 🙂




Barbell, Kettlebell and Body Weight Home Workout!

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  1. I like this idea now that I am trying to workout at home. It would be very helpful before you have folks sign up to let us know exactly what equipment we will need to participate most effectively.

    I would be in for option 2

    Thanks for all you do!

  2. I would love option two! I have been doing your workout but also some running, swimming, yoga etc…
    I would love some focus and a training plan. with maybe an e-mail to remind me what I have to do for the day?
    When do it this workout, I had an issue with my elbow getting sore when doing the thrusters. I also struggle with doing “tidy” push-ups.
    Any advice on either of these issues?
    Keep up the good work 🙂

  3. I love your workouts! I am a seasoned Trainer. Teach a lot of different types of group Ex classes & do lots of functional, HIIT training!
    I would pay for your workouts & accountability to my own goals Marianne!
    When will it become available?



    1. I hope to have something ready to release in the next couple of months – provided I get the technical stuff set up. I can have the content ready in a week, but there has to be a good and reliable system to handle secure content and payments – stuff I am outsourcing because I am seriously crap at tech stuff haha!

      I just wanted to get a feel for what my readers and “followers” would appreciate the most and didn’t want to assume they’d like this – I am glad I have had a positive response 🙂

  4. He Marianne, as a trainer myself I’m also toying with an idea like this for some time. I like your idea, I think the idea is for people to stay, is to keep it interesting and changing it often!

    1. Changing every 4 weeks, yeah. I don’t want to sell people on the idea that programs are all over the place. It takes a lot of work to make this type of system – I have already done it with Get Glutes and that’s with 2 other coaches – there’s definitely a lot to it. I’ll think about creating it so it keeps going – I’d love to do that.

  5. Hi Marianne,

    all I can say is: disappointing, disappointing. I thought you were going to promise us that we’d be able to get Kut (which is “Kane-cut”) by next week, that we’d get a six-pack by Sunday, that we’d get shredded by Wednesday and have your cats – all of them – by Thursday…Your product just sounds too reliable, too informative, too useful…I guess I won’t like it at all. Because I want a guru to fool me with fake promises and appealing commercial messages. (lol).


  6. Marianne. I would purchase this product. Just watching this video, I learned something that I needed. I wonder if you could film the explanation, then do the workout? I appreciate seeing the fluid, uninterrupted movement. And i do really like seeing the exercise from both the side and the front. This is quite useful to me.

  7. I have been following your site for quite some time now. Although I have not followed any of your workouts I have always been impressed with your routines. I did this one and really enjoyed it. I look forward to your program. I have been using kettlebells for over a year now but exercising for many years. I’m sure theses workouts will only get better.

  8. I’d be very into this! Your current posted workouts appeal to me, and after I finish my year of Precision Nutrition, I can see how having something else to keep me accountable with my home work-outs will be very important in my future fitness success. I don’t believe that you mention price or when you might begin your programs, but when you have that info, I’d be interested!

    1. Thank you for your feedback, Wendy. The price will be somewhere in the region of $49 for a 3 month membership. I still have to work out the details, but it won’t be a large amount of money. Similar to Get Glutes.

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