Hi everyone,
I am feeling mean today … >)
After having a weekend of rest, this workout was just what my body needed to get kick-started for the week ahead. The meanness I refer to, is the good kind of course – the sort we NEED after the weekend!
Over the last week on Facebook, I have been moaning that I had to get glasses.  All this computer work has made me realise I cannot deny the problem any longer as the screen has been getting more and more blurred. I’m not sure about them yet, but since they make such a difference, I’ll stick with them 🙂 What do you think – Nerd Gone Strong?
Now on with today’s workout breakdown – please excuse the brevity of it as I need some sleep after my shift last night.
The Workout
There are two sections, both interval training, but they the first section is geared more towards strength exercises and the second section is Tabata … so just a SLIGHT change in pace 😉
Section 1
Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for 18 cycles of 20 seconds recovery and 1 min effort. Perform 3 rounds of the following 6 exercises. As usual my reps and weights per exercise are in brackets:
- Front Squat to Press to Reverse Lunge (right) (16kg) (6.5, 5, 4.5)
- Same on Left (16kg) (6.5, 5.5, 4.5)
- Alternating Bent Over Row (20kg) (15, 16, 14)
- Super-Duper Plank Climber (feet elevated) (13, 13.5, 11)
- Single KB Single-Leg Deadlift (right) (20kg, then 24kg in last round) (15, 16, 13)
- Same on Left (same weights) (14, 15, 12)
Now comes the Killer …
Section 2 – TABATA!
Reset your Gymboss Interval Timer for 8 cycles of 10 seconds rest and 20 seconds MAX EFFORT. Complete 4 rounds of the following 2 exercises:
- Heavy Kettlebell Swing (I used 2x16kg)
- Dynamic Squats
The Tabata killed me! This is the first time in ages since I did double KB swings and it was tough – but in a good way. Wish I had standard KBs to do this with as it would mean a more “comfortable” Lady-like stance (lol).
Have fun with this and I’ll be back soon with more 🙂