Hi everyone,
Would you believe that my Hamstrings and Glutes are still sore from Monday’s workout! So, in many ways I was dreading this one today. But, once I got warmed up, it was another great challenge.
With the longer effort intervals, you really have to push through that mental barrier of expecting the beep at the usual 45 seconds. That extra 15 seconds seems like forever!
In order to break things up, I have separated the rounds and put in a little “Bridging Combo”. The Combo will work on your upper body strength, your abs and also your grip endurance. If you don’t have a pull up bar, then you can substitute the pull ups with bent over rows and the hanging leg raises for lying leg raises. Â Actually, I felt like doing the same because my grip was shot half way through!
The Workout
Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for 6 cycles of 20 seconds rest and 1 min effort. Complete one round of the following 6 exercises. Then complete the “Bridging Combo” before repeating the process another 2 or 3 times. I did 3 rounds in total and was pretty beat!
- Double KB Suitcase Deadlift Burpee (2x20kg) (14, 13.5, 13)
- Overhead Reverse Lunge (right) (16kg) (16, 15, then 10 OH, and 6 racked R.Lunges)
- Same on left (16, 13, 9 OH and 6 racked)
- Two-Handed KB Swing (24kg) (33, 32, 33) – eek, my grip!
- Renegade Row (2x16kg) (19, 18, 18)
- Burpees (20, 17, 18) – on fire with these today! 😀
Bridging Combo
- Pull Ups x “sub max” reps LOL – (4, 4, 3) – death!
- Hanging Leg/Knee Raises x 8 – 12 reps (10, 12, 7) – couldn’t hold on any longer.
Because of the Bridging Combo, you get more of a rest for the higher paced section. This allows you to put more effort and have more endurance for the Intervals. But you still get a real sweat built up!
As I mention at the end of the video, I DO NOT recommend the Overhead Reverse Lunges for Beginners, or Intermediates. It is an advanced exercise and you need to have sufficient shoulder, torso and lower body stability, plus good co-ordination to manage that move. My advice is that Beginners do Body Weight or Goblet Hold Reverse Lunges instead and intermediates do Regular or Contra-lateral Reverse Lunges.
If you have been practicing Windmills, Overhead Presses and/or Turkish Get Ups for a while now, then you can give this exercise a go. Start with a light weight and build up your co-ordination and confidence as it’s very easy to lose the shoulder stability and the weight pull you backwards. Â Focus on keeping that arm LOCKED OUT. Once you are maxed out, then lower the KB into the rack position and carry on with the regular Reverse Lunges.
IF you want to make it even harder, then have the KB Overhead on the opposite side. So it becomes a Contra-lateral Overhead Reverse Lunge. Something I will try the next time – eek!
Lots to keep you occupied here!
Feedback appreciated as always 🙂