Time for a quick post today. This workout was great, just what I needed to supplement a lot of high intensity training earlier in the week. Going high intensity all the time is not a good idea for your body. You need to recover and also try to provide different types of training stimuli.
Although each week I do 2 HIIT workouts, I try to vary the intensity even within those. I was asked a while ago why sometimes I change the interval times? Because sometimes my body needs more recovery. If we just assume each day we are the same as before, we risk making a mistake and getting injured. Things will never differ a lot, but even a small 5 seconds can make a huge difference to your performance AND results. It's important to listen to your body.
The Workout
I set my Gymboss Interval Timer for 20 cycles of 25 seconds rest and 35 seconds effort --> this lowered the intensity and allowed me to focus on form. I completed 2 rounds of the following 10 exercises, but feel free to add a third round. My numbers are in brackets below:
- Thruster (right) (14kg, 16kg) (16, 12)
- Thruster (left) (same) (15, 12)
- Single-Arm Swing (right) (16kg) (24, 23)
- Single-Arm Swing (left) (same) (same)
- Super Plank Climber (12 push ups, 10) <== or do regular Plank Climbers (feet on floor)
- Clean (right) (16kg) (18ish, 17)
- Clean (left) (16kg) (same numbers)
- Alternating Single-Leg Hip Thrust (16, 15) <== or do Alt. Single Leg Glute Bridges, or X-Band Walk
- Inverted Row (12, 12) <== or do Alternating Bent Over Row, Ballistic Row, or Seated Band Row
- Skater Hops (didn't count) <== or do Jumping Jacks, Mountain Climber, or Burpees o_O
It was a lovely calm and effective workout. Great to do Cleans again, and I love single arm swings!!
Have a great weekend everyone!