Kettlebell of Belfast City | Titanic Quarter Workout

by Marianne  - March 5, 2012

Hi everyone,

Well, I managed to get some footage from my “on location” workout. My plan was to get lots of clips from all over the city, but disaster struck when I locked my car keys inside the car LOL. Was stranded for a while in the freezing cold. Luckily my Kettlebell came in handy … But now I have a broken window to get fixed 🙁

Anyway, being on location down in the Titanic Quarter was such a great feeling and I did manage to get some film of 1 round. The aim was to do 3 – 4 rounds of these exercises, but I will go out another day and film a proper compilation workout video around beautiful Belfast just for a change of scenery! It makes filming and editing a lot more fun for me and hopefully makes viewing a little more exciting for you 🙂

The Workout

The handy thing about this workout is you only really need one KB to make it challenging! All the exercises have set reps and you should aim to have as little rest between exercises and rounds as possible.

Complete 3-4 rounds of the following 6 exercises:

  1. Thruster (right then left) x 12 reps
  2. Roundabout KB Swings x 30 total swings
  3. Burpees x 15 reps
  4. Alternating Clean and Press x 12 reps (total)
  5. Single Leg Contra-Lateral Deadlift with Row (right then left) x 12 reps each side
  6. Jump Rope (any style) x 100 skips

I brought my 16kg Kettlebell to perform all of these exercises with, but I could have used my 20kg for some of them.  If you can perform these set reps with ease, then increase the weight, or the reps in the next round. Stay challenged!

Sorry the video didn’t work out as well as it was meant to, but this is typical of my life LOL something always gets messed up 😀 Speaking of messing things up:

  • Here is ANOTHER attempt at my 10th Chin Up 🙁

  • And here is my entry for the Survival Deadlift Challenge. Do as many deadlifts with 1.5 times body weight on the bar.  Didn’t expect that I would gain so much in just a few weeks! Training more, doing more cardio makes me gain weight?? Anyway, I was happy with 12 reps considering I only expected to get 6!

Hope you enjoyed the videos and the workout will challenge you. I will be back soon with a “normal” workout 🙂



Overcoming Negativity and Letting Positivity Grow

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  1. My wife and i did this workout…except i did 100 jumping jacka and she did 30 box jumps instead of jump rope….after, when we got in the car, i yelled “darn you marianne!”. My wife concurred….great workout

  2. Out of curiosity, do you know about how many calories you burn per kettlebell workout? I’m trying to track my cal’s in cal’s out and I’m doing the “Killer Kettlebell Couplets” workout tomorrow. 🙂 Thanks for sharing such useful information!!

    1. Kelly this is a difficult question to answer for sure, but last year I wore a heart rate monitor for a few of my intense workouts and in 25 – 30 minutes, the watch calculated that I burned about 450 kcal (as far as I recall). Much more than 30 minutes of cardio LOL! I would say at least 300 kcal for 30 mins. Go with the lower figure and then any extra is a bonus. 🙂

  3. Gidday Marianne
    That was a great effort outdoors.Good choice of music too even though I’m an oldie!! The slow motion is better than the quick action you have on other workouts as it gives you time to have a good look at technique and form. looking forward to the other ones and seeing a bit of Ireland as well. Sorry I had to laugh at the broken window.The same thing happened to me when I ran my 1st Marathon years ago. Oh and one last thing aerobic excercise like running doesn’t make you put on weight. It’s what you shove down the throat. Remember everyone energy in energy out very simple. What ever you do for exercise enjoy it.!!

    1. Thanks Gerard, glad you liked the slow mo 🙂 The window is now fixed thankfully because it’s raining non-stop here now!

      On the gaining weight thing, maybe I have been eating more and not realising :/ I guess, if I am over training the stress response could account for some water retention/weight gain. Maybe I just need to rest a little more again. But I have been enjoying the extra training in the gym.

      Thanks again.

  4. Great video Marianne! However on your next attemt try two things before failure if you could please.
    when you are at the bottom of a pull/chin-up take in two quick breaths then pull in your shoulders.
    Good luck. (worked for me.)

  5. My three year old son is convinced that you’re stronger than Superman, I agreed with him 😉 Love your videos.

  6. WOW marianne, what a very cool video……loved the location, music & slow motion affect. I’m very excited for you, I see u doing big things in the near future:)Keep up the good work & inspiring all of us. I gotta tell you, your form on the deadlift is perfect…..I gotta keep working on mine. And also wanted to mention….a lot of people are starting to ask me where do I get my workouts from, and I’ve been giving out your blog u should be getting some new people from Wisconsin checking u out:)

    Now for a few questions: I wanted to get your opinion on doing the barbell bridge twice a week? I really love the way this move is helping me overall with my form on the DL’s, front squats, etc. I remember watching this video of one of the GGS girls doing the bridge but slightly elevated on a stepper. I dont really see u doing them elevated, do u feel u get a better glute contraction laying on the floor? I know you’ve atleast tried them!! Also wanted to ask you, I’m getting a little frustrated with my tricep dips, does your body lean forward? Mine does…not sure if that’s correct or should my body be straight when I dip.

    Well gotta go for now, cant wait to hear from you

    God bless!


    1. Thank you Cita for your comment 🙂 And cheers for spreading the word about my workouts.

      Are you asking if it’s ok to do BB Glute Bridges twice per week? Yes it is. I would sometimes do them 3 times per week. But at least twice. Nia Shanks uses a low step to do Hip Thrusts from; this increased the range of movement, but I prefer Glute Bridges, because I can a) get more hip extension and b) load the bar more. Plus the set-up in the gym I go to makes Hip Thrusts difficult, because the benches are too high.

      With the dips, when you lean forward more, you work more into the chest as well as the triceps. It could be you are leaning forward because your triceps are not yet strong enough to do most of the work, so your chest muscles are helping. I don’t see a major issue with this, as long as you are not swinging and your depth is improving. I always keep my head looking straight ahead so I keep my chest up and don’t lean forward. But I have strong Triceps, so this is fairly easy for me now. I would say just keep trying to stay straighter, but don’t worry if you lean a little. It also helps to create tension in the rest of your body; keep you core braced, you glutes squeezed and your knees together and you’ll find more strength is hiding on you 😉

      1. thanx for the tip on the dips…you mention to try tension on the rest of my body….makes a lot of sense man! I’ll keep that in mind next time.
        As for the BB bridges I love them a lot…u do them 3x’s a week?? I dont think I can do 3 marianne….2…yes!!!! Wish I had more time….cuz I really like doing those.

        well talk to you soon!


  7. Such a cool video. Love the slo-mo. You look great!
    Yes, I have heard and read that doing more cardio can in fact make you gain weight. There are dozens of articles on google about it.

    You make pressing the 16kg KB look so easy. Damn I want to be able to press that thing! Though this morning I used dumbbells instead of KB’s and found that I needed to use a lot less weight. ARGH. Is it just because I am used to KB’s? If someone who was used to dumbbells then tried KB’s – would they in fact need to use less weight?

    I finally deadlifted my body weight today. Yippee. I did 4 reps and my grip gave out. 🙁 Now have to keep building up to 1.5 times my BW? Geez! You are motivating and inspiring. Thanks so much!

    1. Hey Gina, thanks for the comment. Thought the slow motion looked pretty cool. Next time I go on location I will make the video even better. I have the music picked out and everything 😉

      Now for your question. I would say that it’s because you are used to your KBs. Anytime I change to pressing a DB or even a KB that’s a different design from mine, I find it more difficult. You won’t need to drop the weight for long, just until you get used to the weight distribution 🙂

      Seriously well done on your Deadlift victory! You might have manage a little more for 1 or 2 reps. Next time, chalk up before, and this will add so much to your DL. I did the Survival Deadlift Challenge with chalk (never used it before), and for once it wasn’t my grip that went. I now have chalk here at the house too, so I can start trying my KB snatch (low reps) in SOME workouts.

      Hope this helps. Keep up the great work 🙂

      1. This is great Marianne. How inspiring will definitely get me outside and working harder this spring loving all the new stuff on your site.

        thank you

  8. Hi Marianne,

    I have recently started using kettlebells and am loving it! I found your site a couple of weeks ago and am finding you fantastic inspiration/motivation! I have quite a substantial amount of weight to lose – so the journey has begun!!
    Thanks again!

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