Kettlebell Kick-Start | 18 Min Interval Training Home Workout

by Marianne  - May 22, 2012

Hi everyone,

Hope you all had a great weekend? I’d like to hear if anyone did anything extra fun?  I went out with a bunch of girl friends for a big feed and few drinks. Was a great wee night, but I was ready for a chill-out session on Sunday. I sat and got caught up on all my TV programs (Grey’s, CSI, Mentalist, Bones etc etc … ).  It was nice to see my friends, but equally nice to relax on my own.

Anyway, the weather here seems to be picking up, so I decided to head outdoors for a blast of KBs and VitD with this short but sweet Interval Workout.  Please please don’t judge my gardening skills, or lack there of 🙁 First of all, I don’t have a lawn mower (so I need to ask my landlord to cut the grass), second of all – I hate bugs and creepy crawlies, so I stay well away from the flower beds, hedges and edges … because that’s where they lurk! But the buzzing ones still manage to seek me out no matter where I go … eeek!


The Workout

Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for 18 cycles of 15 seconds rest and 45 seconds effort (or what ever interval breakdown works best for you), and complete 3 rounds of the following 6 exercises. My reps per exercise are in brackets btw:

  1. Reverse Lunge (right) (20kg) (15, 14, 14)
  2. Reverse Lunge (left) (20kg) (16, 15, 15) – I hate when the sides don’t match, but my right hip has been “annoyed”
  3. Suitcase Deadlift Burpee (2 x 20kg) (12, 11, 11)
  4. Dynamic Push Ups (16, 15, 13) – DEATH!
  5. Bent Over Alternating Row (20kg) (15, 14, 12) – feel free to do doubles btw 😉
  6. Alternating Swing (20kg) (30, 29, 30) – think I need to upgrade – not as taxing anymore.

Great workout! Loved being outside, and really loved that it was only 18 mins!!  After the workout, the sun came out and I got to read Kindle and sunbathe a while 8)

Hope you enjoy it too.



Just to make you all smile, I saw this picture and it cracked me up! When I was younger, people used to always ask me “what’s wrong Marianne?” or “are you ok?”, saying I always looked so serious/grumpy. And I could never understand, because I felt just fine inside. And I used to respond with “This is just my relaxed face, I can’t help it!”. I feel this bird’s pain! What’s even funnier, is the other bird in the background! LOL Anyway,  I thought it was funny … it takes very little to amuse me … 😛

Good Day at the Gym | Front Squats, RDLs, Hip Thrusts and Military Press

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  1. Pingback: Kettlebell Kick-Start | 18 Min Interval Training Home Workout … | Kettlebell
  2. Hi Marianne,
    I’m a PT and when I read how you get annoyed when your sides don’t match I just thought I’d let you know that when I do interval training with clients, I always get them to do the weaker or ‘injured’ side first, count the reps and then when doing the other side stop when the reps match (even if the time isn’t up). That way your left leg won’t start getting stronger than your right, and if it’s a weakness then the weaker leg/arm gets a chance to catch up and become more balanced. 🙂 Just a tip of course you do as you prefer 🙂 Keep up the good work, I stumbled across your website about a year ago, and have recently found it again and you are looking AMAZING and you really are a girl gone strong!
    Caysha x

    1. This is really good to know, after having a mastectomy and then getting a frozen shoulder I will start working my right side first, just like you say! Thanks for commenting.

  3. Thanks for a wonderful workout. I recently found your website through other training bloggs here in Sweden. I just did this workout during lunch today and I absolute loved it. Looking forward to get more inspiration from you

  4. Thank you so much for doing this! I am working on creating a Home Exercise Program and you and your workout will be part of this. It was super helpful to hear your brief comment on the BodyRock body image drawback. I am now shying away from them. Your program is honest and more akin to what I want for myself.

  5. Hi Marianne!
    I always enjoy your show, keep them coming! You’re an ispiration!!
    I like your accent too, lol. Never new there were so many exercises that can be done with KBs.

    Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

  6. Wow!!! is all i can say!! I have watched many of your videos, just stumbled upon your youtube channel today. You are strong, beautiful, and intense!!! Love the intensity in your workouts! You are very inspirational Keep up the Awesome work!!! I have just recently turned my life around from eating to training, this is my second month of my new life style of no excuses I’m loving it!! Keep going and nervier give up you will do great things!! have a good day!!

      1. So true! I like it cause it is totally up to myself to change myself!! No if, and, or but’s about it, you yourself determine what you accomplish in this life!!! Plus with God it is even better!!!! Thank You God!!! Hope fully have some training videos of my own on my youtube channel just trying to figure it out? Anyways, Keep up the hard work and I will do the same!!!

  7. This is a great workout, I have a 24 min interval planned for today, but I may have to take on this challenge tomorrow!

    I love your blog and have been following you for a couple months now. It’s amazing to go back to your videos just a year ago and see how much improvement you’ve made! Inspiring! I always have to remind myself that fitness is an ongoing process and not something that happens overnight 🙂

    By the way, I love the way your toes twitch when you do the rows! Ha! I’m positive mine do the same thing!

    Keep up the good work! Warm wishes from sunny Colorado!

  8. Hey Girlie,
    it is sooooooo goooood to have a woman like yourself who is activlly willing to share their acomplishments with begginers like myself, have to say i feel guilty because it’s free!!!

    You are a true insperation to people like me who have lost all confidence, will, power, drive, rejection…ect… You have actually given me a reason to prove something to myself. What a woman, you should be so very proud that you can reach the city of Glasgow, Bonnie Scotland…. I shall be following you whatever…..SheWolf….Ahowlin’ at the moon..xXx

  9. I did this routine yesterday evening using 24kg’s but with a slight modification – I added a push up to the Suitcase Deadlift Burpee.
    Great routine and I will definately be trying out some of your other routines 🙂

  10. Marianne, I’m also a new KB convert and I’m so happy I found you. Love everything about what you do! I am considering taking a KB certification course thru CrossFit. Any comments on that course? Thanks so much for what you give us all! Beth

    1. Hey Beth, I can honestly say I do not know what the Crossfit KB Cert is like. I haven’t been paying much attention to Crossfit as it’s not well known here in Ireland. But I do think you will be best to learn great form.

      Thanks for your comment, and sorry I couldn’t help more.

      1. Crossfit style swing is overhead. Some other KB people call it the “heroic” swing (I think) and some KB people are not into the o/h swing at all because there’s a higher risk of shoulder injury. I was always told to swing russian style if I had any doubts at all about the weight. Jeff Martone is the person who does many of the videos for the main site and I think he’s way cool. He’s rough around the edges in a way that I find appealing and he seems to give good, sound, safe advice–at least on those videos. So if he has anything to do with the CF kb cert, I think it’s worthwhile. And isn’t it always worth while to learn from as many sources as possible so that you can figure out what makes the most sense?

  11. Hi marianne,

    I love your workouts but lately they seem to be getting shorter and shorter. I’m a big fan of the couplets and the circuits with 8 or more exercises. A long time ago you did a workout on u tube called the perfect 10. That was my favorite. It was comprised of thrusters, renegades, alt curtsy, kettle pushups, sumo squats, swing, burpees, dynamic squats, alternating swing, and snatch

    1. Hey Marc, I’ll take on board what you say and will do the occasional longer workout. I hope you know that it’s usually only because I am short for training time some days, so a 20 interval workout is just as good as 45 mins, but I hear your point about the variety of exercises. I love 2 rounds of 8 or 10 exercises, so I’ll put one together asap 😀

  12. the dyanamic push ups are always killer !i took my workout outside this weekend as well!! loved every minute of it!

  13. The bird picture made me laugh, too. This is a great workout! How long did it take you to get so strong? I just bought a 45 pounder & it’s pretty much for me like Tempest. I can do deadlift/jump squats with it & some two handed swings, but that’s about it. You use the 20 kg. bells like they are nothing! And you look amazing! Thanks for sharing the wonderful workouts. I love them.

    1. I started KBs about 3 years ago with 8kg. But I was very soon up to using 16kg. With good training and consistency, it’s possible for most females to be using the 16kg for swings within a few weeks. Once that hip hinge movement is perfected, then for sets of lower reps swings, there is no reason why you shouldn’t progress quickly. You learn to load the hips and use them to snap the KB forward far more with a slightly heavier Bell – the temptation, with the lighter KB, is to use the arms.

      Anyway, as long as good form is learned and ingrained, you can expect to progress quicker than you probably think right now. If you need any pointers for form you can use my Coaching Service. I don’t want to force it on anyone, but it really helps to have someone coach you, whether it be here or by a qualified KB instructor elsewhere 🙂 Anyway, I wish you all the best with your Training and your strength progression!

      1. Yes, I can use the 35 pound KB for swings fairly easily, but I’ve seen you doing military presses & other more difficult upper body moves with really heavy weights. What wt. do you use for the snatch? I just worked up to 20 pounds, but that’s still somewhat difficult to do without banging my forearm.

        I’ll keep the coaching offer in mind. My problem is that I don’t have any way to video myself.

        Thanks for the tips!

        1. Elaine, upper body exercises are much more of a challenge for most females. And, while they will progress quickly with the swing and other lower body exercises, the upper body lags behind at maybe 8kg for the presses. Very few females in the KB class I go to sometimes will ever try a 12kg for Push Press, but I know many of them COULD do it!

          I don’t often snatch, but when I do, I have started using the 16kg and chalk! The snatch is my nemesis because I am a perfectionist – so I don’t like being poor at something haha! The forearm banging is an issue with your technique and is easily corrected by not swinging the KB out like a one arm swing. The snatch direction is more vertical, so start by doing a one arm swing, then a high pull, then a higher pull, then a final push through at the top to make it a snatch. I really must get a video on this!! It’s on the long to-do list LOL!

          Keep practicing 🙂

  14. Hi Marianne!
    It has been awhile since I’ve done one of your workouts. My husband and I did this one today in our garage which was a steamy 105. it was horrible! my poor little fan was barely eeking out a breeze. Anyway, loved the workout– i def needed something quick and painful to improve my mood. Thanks!

    1. 105!!! Holy Cow ! I would have died LOL Your poor little fan was probably thinking “what’s the point in my existence?” haha

      You two get extra points 😀

  15. hi, Marianne!
    You’re such an inspiration to me since I’ve found your blog (about 2 months ago)! I bought 2 KBs 16 kg each and it’s my fav tool now:) Don’t know what admires me more – your legs/booty or your arms/shoulders 😉 Thank you so much for everything you do!!!
    BTW, the picture is all about me, too:) There is always someone asking “Are U ok?” or “Why are U so sad?” when I’m all fine’n’happy, maybe just a little concentrated:)

    1. Aw this is awesome Margo! A KB-convert 😀 Great to hear. Though, sorry to hear you have had issues with your facial expressions too LOL! It’s funny how many people are the same!

      Thank you for your kind comment!

  16. Awesome workout as usual! I absolutely love that picture it’s hilarious. You don’t seem to have an angry type but I can relate cuz to this day people think I am tired sad or angry when I am just fine. It’s just my normal relaxed face. I think I’m just going to tape this picture on my face and walk around…….lol. I am grateful for you, and your website. Thanks for everything you do. Be well and be Blessed..

    1. Haha! I’m glad I’m not the only one with this face issue! I don’t think I have this problem anymore – I had made a conscious effort over the past 15 years to correct the it. 😀 It can be done! lol

      Thank you for always having such positive comments Julissa 🙂

  17. Wow wow wow!
    Dynamic push ups how did I not know you existed until today?
    Can’t WAIT to try this.
    As always, you are strong and amazing and inspiring.
    Would love to know how your bench press PR attempt went….?

    1. Thanks Carrie! My Bench attempt was only 52.5kg today 🙁 I little down from my last PR of 55kg. But it’s been a month nearly since I went heavier than 45kg, so I’m happy enough. It will come with some extra lifts. Started pauses, decline press and close grip presses to help 🙂 Will see in a few weeks how it all goes.

      Thanks for commenting, and good luck with the workout 🙂

  18. You are so amazingly strong. i mean i knew you were, but when you said you needed to up the weight on your alternating swing, and you are already swinging over 40 lbs, i’m impressed. Let alone single arm swings. I just bought my 40 pounder and i usually can only swing it a few sets of 10 reps,,,,,, and obviously i’m not swinging very high at all.

    Anyway i can’t do the jack pushups , so i will opt for regular ones, heck maybe i can do those, then do 10 jj.

    I love your bird picture. People tell me all the time to smile, you looks so mad, but i really never am, it’s just how my face is, i guess. who knows. I usuallly say , “sorry, i’m smiling on the inside”. ha ha

    i love doing my workouts outside now. I have a school on the corner that is closed, and it has a whole football field there, so i love it. i can do so much out there. I do all my walkinglunges there and curtsies.

    1. Just do what you can 🙂 That’s all we can do. Glad you liked the funny bird pic LOL! Still making me laugh as I think about it now 😉

      Keep up the great work!

    2. Tempest, My kids tell me the same thing about my face. I’m like WHAT? this is my ‘normal’ face! My teenagers are so.. well, teenagery (if that’s a word).

    1. Hey, I didn’t include one, but you can set the timer up so it stops after 6 cycles to allow for a longer recovery between rounds. I recommend this if your form starts to suffer due to fatigue. Thanks!

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