When I move to Saudi Arabia, I will have to temporarily give up my heavy KBs 🙁 The gym in the compound only has a max of 16kg, which kind of sucks. But, I’ll be able to adapt my workouts and continue to post.
I will also be without my beloved beverage – Cheers 😐

Though I will miss my home gym and everything I have bought recently, it won’t be wasted as it will be there waiting for me when I do come home.
For the next 6 weeks, I will be making the most of things as I film a whole load of new material for my website re-launch. Yesterday, I had new photos taken and they look amazing 😀 So excited to finally make this site into what I always dreamed. Not just about how it looks, but how it feels and what it delivers. It’s more than just a fitness site – it’s about finding and sharing my sources of strength, peace, and lessons in life. It’s about bringing you something you don’t expect to find.
I think we often sell ourselves short. You all know I do. But I try to recognise when I do it and talk about it. I often think, rather than cover up my weakness with something else or pretend they aren’t there, that I am often more free when I am unapologetically weak (sorry, Jen Sinkler for reversing your saying). No matter how strong I may appear, it is my weaknesses that keeps me grounded and keeps me anchored in truth. Otherwise, I do tend to feel I know best or that i’ve “got things sussed” – and that is what so often distances me from the truth.
You may be the same way, or you may not. The point is that each of us have a “danger zone” that indicates when we have been pulled away. This might be: becoming too religious, feeling sorry for ourselves, obsessing about our appearance, wondering what others think or seeking other types of self-absorption. The things we think of as good can just as easily become bad when we become secure in it, or feel approved because of it. When things pull us away from being humble and present (even just that fleeting thought: “oh, I am pretty humble”) is a sign that you’ve gone too far in the wrong direction. Perhaps we live in the future a lot, always wondering how things will all work out or wishing things were different? That is no way to live.
I think we all know we should try to remain in the now, but the world pushes us on to keep thinking around the next corner. Don’t let it! If you think about why people feel their most peaceful and joyful when they see beauty, hear music, stand in awe at nature, it is likely because, at those moments, time no longer exists and we feel most connected with God – who exists outside of time. The world is a busy place with lots of distractions, lots of things to worry about. If I don’t have a Kettlebell, a Gym or even a nice glass of wine in the evening, I will be perfectly happy anyway, so long as I remain close to the Truth continuously submitting to God’s will, no matter what that might entail – for only He knows what will keep me close to Him, just as the evil one knows what might make me stray.
Even if it means a life of anguish, I’d rather that, than a life separated from God.
BTW – If you want to know more about what I am talking about, I highly recommend buying C.S Lewis’s “Screwtape Letters” – it provides amazing insight into the things we don’t know are actually bad for us. People often curse God because bad things happen, but this audiobook gives another perspective to why things happen the way they do.
Seems that I can’t help but talk about deep stuff LOL
Now, on with a wee workout I did the other day 🙂
The Workout
There was a time when I would obsess about getting every workout completely symmetrical. I still balance my

program, but it is more tailored to my needs now, considering my history of LBP.
My favourite training design these days: supersets of 4-5 exercises. This type of training seems to be helping keep my back pain at bay 🙂 All thanks to THIS GUY –>
1a) Deficit Reverse Lunge: 4×8 (16kg)
1b) KB Snatch: 4×8 (12kg)
1c) BB Hip Thrust: 4×15-20 (60kg)
1d) L-Sit (progression): 4×10+ seconds
As you will see from the video below, I am still working on a few things. All the same, I am enjoying the process. Like I said, it’s all about now.
Anyway, I am away to Munich for a few days to visit family 🙂 Hope you enjoy the workout.