24 Minute Interval Workout | Kettlebell Conditioning Circuit

by Marianne  - March 15, 2012

Hi everyone,

Today’s workout is Kettlebell Conditioning using Interval Training. Unfortunately I did not have enough time to perform the entire workout myself, but I still recorded one round so you can see what it looks like.

Like every workout on this site, you can easily adapt it to your fitness level and modify exercises if you lack all the equipment. I will offer some suggestions below.

The Workout

Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for 24 cycles of 15 seconds rest and 45 seconds effort. Aim to complete 3 rounds of the following 8 exercises.

NOTE: You can chose to perform the 3 rounds continuously, or as 3 separate rounds.  You can also change the interval times to include more rest if needed, or more effort time if desired.

  1. KB Suitcase Deadlift Burpee (if using 1 KB, place it between the feet deadlift it and then do your burpee. Or place on one side and do an Off-Set Suitcase DL, swapping sides the next round)
  2. Jump Rope FreeStyle (or mountain climbers, jumping jacks, high knees)
  3. Goblet 1.5 rep Squats (direction given on video)
  4. Two-Handed KB Swing
  5. Renegade Row (if you have one KB, then do single arm rows, or alternating bent over rows)
  6. Jump Rope FreeStyle
  7. Alternating Reverse Lunge (KB in Goblet hold)
  8. Roundabout KB Swing (if this is too difficult revert back to Two-Handed Swing)

This is the Honey Badger … it cracks me up every time!

That’s it for today – I hope you all enjoy the workout and will let me know how you found it … especially the 1.5 rep squats! 😉

I’ll be back soon with another update.

Before I go, do any of you want more beginner’s workouts?



Feel It! Kettlebell Interval Home Workout | Plus a Heart to Heart!

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