20kg Kettlebell Leg-Punisher Workout

by Marianne  - October 2, 2010

Hi everyone,

First of all I have to let you all know that the great plans that Andrew and I had have fallen through. It’s so typical that when I finally tell you all about it, the next thing there’s a major spanner thrown into the works 🙁 So, for now anyway, we will be staying put.

I’m not going to let this get me down, because I am still so motivated and excited about other things that are happening here. Firstly I am waiting on getting my Fitness Instructor AND Kettlebell Instructor Qualifications very soon, so finally I will be able to take the classes with Andrew and expand our range of community programs, minus our own premises of course.

Now on to today’s workout. With our plans to expand our Kettlebell Classes, we have had a rather large order of Kettlebells arrive. On it were several 20kg and 2 brand new 24 kg KBs! Today I challenged myself to use the 20’s 😀 Boy was this a tough workout. It is funny how, in the gym I can concentrate my strength and back squat 70kg, but front squats, combined in an intense and fast-paced workout, are so much harder for me! I love the feeling after doing heavy weights, but I also want to be able to build stamina and more explosive power for heavy KB moves. This workout today really focused on the lower body – I will leave the overhead lifts for another day LOL!


The Workout

There are 4 exercises and set reps for this workout and I thought I would time it to about 20 – 25 minutes. Keeping count with my Gymboss Interval Timer I managed 4 rounds in 23 minutes and 38 seconds. This workout is not for the faint-heart, your legs will be on FIRE! If you have the option, use your heavier KBs, dumbbells or sandbag for this workout to feel the burn.

The 4 exercises and reps are :

  1. Double KB Deadlifts x 15 reps
  2. Two-handed KB Swing x 30 reps
  3. KB Goblet Squats x 15 reps
  4. KB Vertical Swing x 15 reps

This is a leg punishing workout, so beware, but all the exercises are compound movements meaning you use more muscles groups and therefore you will burn more calories.

I had fun with this today and I hope you will give it a try. Even if you need to adapt the exercises to suit your available equipment, you will still get a great workout. Do more rounds, increase reps, make the tempo different each round, add a burpee or jump back to the DL’s and Vert. Swings to to ramp up the heart rate even more.  There’s always a way to modify a workout for your needs 🙂

Good luck and talk to ya all soon.


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