KettleHIIT – Beautiful Body Sweat Bath

by Marianne  - September 30, 2010

Hi everyone,

Today’s workout is a little mixture of things again. I fancied a High Intensity Interval workout, so there are 3 rounds of 8 exercises, making the whole workout 24 minutes. You will need a step or a chair to do step ups on, tricep dips off and bench jump overs.And a Stability Ball (if you don’t have one, then you can sub this exercise with V-Ups or lying leg raises.

The Workout

If you have one, set your very handy Gymboss Interval Timer for 24 cycles of 15 seconds (recovery) and 45 seconds effort. The exercises are:

  1. Kettlebell Side Step-ups (right) (26,24,20)
  2. KB Side Step-ups (left) (25,24,18)
  3. Tricep Dips with KB in first 2 rounds (15,11,17)
  4. Mountain Climbers (61,58,52)
  5. Stability Ball Jackknife with Push Ups (16,15,12)
  6. KB Forward Lunge and Press (right) (13,10,9)
  7. KB Forward Lunge and Press (left) (12,10,8)
  8. Bench Jump-Overs (35,31,33)

My reps per exercise are in brackets as usual.  This workout is great for everything, which is why I loved it so much. Sweat Bath!!

Please, as always, leave feedback on the workout, but also if you have any questions about the Class and Personal Training Studio, then leave me a wee comment too 🙂



20kg Kettlebell Leg-Punisher Workout

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  1. Hi Marianne,
    Just read about your plans falling through. In my opnion when things like that happen its always for a resason and something much better is awaiting ahead. Good things happen to good people and you most certainly, are a good ,positive person. So inspiring to see you move up with the kettlebell weight. So strong. While I haven’t tried this workout I will do the most recent one in a few minutes. Still improvising with the dumbells as my kettlebells haven’t arrived yet. I’ll let you know how I do.
    Take care & have a great day! 🙂

    1. Thanks Minnie, we appreciate your wordsof encouragement and support. Let’s hope there is a better opportunity awaiting 😀 Well done on doing this workout – can’t wait to hear what you think of your Kettlebell!

      All the best

  2. Hi marianne,just finished ths workout. Made a big mistake “warming up”wth rope skipping for 30 min, before I started ths torture! Any way, I am sweating like a pig. I really enjoy the simplicity of your exercices. They are not too complicated to perform and it means tht I-personally-can better focus on a good execution. Really enjoy your workouts a lot! I have to disappoint you because I am still using my 8 kg KB, but I promise you tht this enough for me. Your strength is amazing and I find it hard to understand how come you do so many reps???!!! I only managed to beat you on the mountain climbers (78,78,64) and the bench over jumps (39,43,42). All the rest you beat the crap out of me 😉
    Way to go! Please keep up with the good work! It is really appreciated! Btw, I wish you lots of success with your new project!
    kind regards,
    Danielle 🙂

    1. Hi Danielle, You must’ve been so exhausted by the end of that hour LOL but well done. I think when I know I’m working with a weight, my determination goes through the roof so I’m really competitive with myself LOL!

      I’ll have a new workout up tomorrow which I did today, it was TOUGH!!! Start back to work tonight after 2 weeks off 🙁 so very depressed about that. Working all weekend, so no X-Factor – boo hoo

      Anyway, thanks for checking in 🙂


      1. Marianne, you should be so proud of yourself. You may not have 300.000 views on your last Youtube video (like Ms. “Whatever her real name is” did yesterday with her last video). But for sure the comments you get on your blog are comments from people who TRULY and REALLY appreciate you for what you do, for how good you are at what you do, for how nice you are. We all know what your name is, what your work is, who your fiance is, what you do and even know your cats’ names. Probably at least 295.000 of the people who watched the other person’s video yesterday are people who don’t even know her name, who don’t care about what she does or why she does it.

        Well done, Marianne. And thanks for this most welcome “change” in the style of fitness blogs and videos.

        Sorry for your missed X-Factor.


        1. Thank you so much Bianca, you’re very kind 🙂 I really do enjoy what I am doing, I guess it’s just hard to know I’m going back to a place that is stretched for staff, resources and where, unfortunately I am just a number on their payroll. I know the patients don’t see us that way, but it can be disheartening when you get very little feedback 🙁

          Also, Andrew and I have had a blow in our big plans … it’s sods law that when I tell everyone, things fall through. So there will be no studio yet 🙁 🙁 🙁 Very disappointed about that.

          Anyway, I will continue to do my workouts at home in my custom-made studio, with all my cats wandering about LOL!!

          Nearly time to leave for work. Will post my workout from today when I get up tomorrow afternoon.

          Until then, enjoy your friday night.

  3. This is my workout for tomorrow…looks like quite a challenge. Congrats on the new business!! I hope to make it to Ireland someday and I will most definitely look you up!!

  4. Hi Marianne,

    great news regarding your Kettlebell Classes and PT Studio in Belfast. Any plan to open one in Milan as well in the near future? 🙂 I am so sorry that we live so far away! In any case, I wish you and Andrew all the best for your new exciting project.

    I look forward to seeing your new “filming” location for Myomytv(though the studio in your house, with the cats walking in from time to time, is really very very nice) and I also look forward to watching the videos of your actual kettlebell classes. Very interesting idea, even though I do hope you will also keep up the same sorts of videos you are doing now (perhaps more personal and cosier, if this makes any sense in English).

    This workout looks just great: yesterday I ordered some plyometric boxes (30-45-60 cm tall) just to do the step-ups and similar exercises, so I’ll be able to do this complete workout as soon as I get my new equipments (the chairs I have in my house are very unstable, so I can’t use them).



    1. I know Bianca, I hope I don’t lose that “personal” atmosphere too, I will miss the cats as well 🙁 . I will be keeping my style exactly the same, and will actually take my workouts as classes for people too. All my blog workouts will be down on my own. I intend on having a Workout of the Day for members to try on there own each day (which I will also do and post on here), then there will be a “Workout of the Week” Class 3 times a week to give everyone (members and non-members) a new challenge each week to keep things fresh. Just hope it all comes together!

      Anyway, I really want to get plyo-boxes! They would be great for jumps and things too. Great idea. Maybe I’ll get me some soon 😀


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