We are Lifting MORE than Kettlebells HERE!

by Marianne  - November 10, 2010

Hi everyone,

A strange workout title I know, but I want to share the message that this site is about more than just the workouts, it about the community and support that we give each other. Hopefully I provide some small motivation along the way to help lift spirits and confidence with these workouts and your fitness, so you will see improvements and keep making progress.

This workout is again a straight forward bunch of Kettlebell exercises where the focus is endurance again. There are 3 rounds of 7 exercises. Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for 21 cycles of 20 seconds recovery and 1 minute effort. This is moderate intensity Interval training, so pace yourself to last the full minute. Chose a weight/tempo that will challenge, but not pre-exhaust you. You will build a sweat so believe me when I say, not every workout has to be high intensity!

The exercises are :

  1. KB Goblet Squat to Diagonal Press (15,13,12)
  2. Two-Handed KB Swing (59,60,57)
  3. Double KB Suitcase/dead Lift Burpee (15,14,12)
  4. KB Renegade Row (25,22,19)
  5. KB Thruster (right) (17,17,14)
  6. KB Thruster (left) (18,17,14)
  7. KB Alternating Swing (47,44,40)

Creating balance between muscles and their functions takes more creativity and planning than 12 minutes of body weight HIIT for example (not pointing any fingers of course LOL). Each week, you should try and plan your training to include strength, endurance and speed. You may want to focus a day solely on one type of training some days or, maybe throw in variety mixes for a bit of everything. Keep the body in ship shape for everything. Remembering if you don’t use it – you lose it!

Another important factor when considering your training is creating workouts that have balance! You can’t call it a full body workout if you forget about your back for example (again not pointing any fingers). I am a huge fan of rowing and pulling exercises, and I try and include these in EVERY workout to balance out the dominant pushing exercises.  KB Swings, deadlifts, pullups, suspension cable pulls, KB / Dumbbell rows are all great examples of exercises that will go a long way to providing this “anterior verses posterior” muscular balance in your home workouts. Throwing these exercises in once in a blue moon is not enough, especially if you do push ups in nearly every workout. When planning a workout always think of the opposing muscles, and exercise them too. Also think upper and lower, side to side and rotation.

My workouts are never perfect, but I try and provide you with a good balance. If you have other exercises you do for function, then make room for them too. My workout design is always flexible and is there only as a template. They can be done as they are, or modified – so get creative!! 😀

One thing I’ve learned lately is that people focus on what they can see. You see your abs, your quads, shoulders, chest etc, so it is easy to forget about what’s behind you! Always look over your shoulder so to speak and, never forget those left behind 🙂 And maybe I’m not just talking about muscles here, but the principles are just as relevant no matter what you apply them to!

Enjoy this workout guys, I hope to hear your comments as always!



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