Ultimate Home Strength Training Routine | With Tabata Finisher

by Marianne  - December 11, 2012

Hi everyone,

Getting this week off to a great start with a killer strength training routine! This morning I was too unorganized to get my butt to the gym – it was one of those times when I wanted to go and lift heavy, but I also remembered this week is pretty busy and today would be the only day I have to film … so I came up with a great workout for us all 😀

In order to make sure everyone can perform the exercises effectively, I spent a little time going over a couple of lesser known exercises to help you understand the movements.  Some of you may already know these, but I wanted to cover them for anyone who needs more tuition.  Hopefully it doesn’t take away from the workout flow.

The Workout

Section 1

Complete 3 sets of exercise 1 and then perform 2 Supersets of exercises 2a and 2b.

1. Bulgarian Split Squat: 3×8 reps (each leg)

2a. *Single-Leg Hip Thrust: 2×12-15 reps (each leg)

2b. Inverted Row: 2×12-15 reps <== and row would do

* If you are new to this exercise, I highly recommend you read through my tutorial on proper progressions for the Hip  Thrust.

Section 2

Complete 3 sets of exercise 3 and then perform 2 Supersets of exercises 4a and 4b.

3. **Jefferson Deadlift: 3×8 reps (each direction) <== any deadlift will do

4a. Military Press (double or single): 2×8-12 reps

4b. Bent-Knee X-Band Walk (side to side): 2×30 seconds <== Frog Pumps would be a good alternative


** For more information about rotational/odd lifts, I advise folk to read this great article by David Dellanave of how to restore movement in the spine.  If you don’t have 2 KBs of the same weight, you can substitute this with the Rotational Deadlift (as seen in the article) or Body Weight equivalent.


Tabata Finisher

Set your Gymboss Classic Interval Timer for 8 cycles of 10 seconds rest and 20 seconds MAX effort! Complete 2 rounds of the following 4 exercises:

  1. Jump Squats
  2. Double KB/Heavy-ass Swings
  3. Burpees
  4. More Double KB/Heavy-ass Swings!
And that’s a rap!
Hope you enjoy the new workout.
My next post will be on how often you should train.


FAQ: How Often Should I Train / Work Out?

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