Triple the Results – Full Body Home Workout

by Marianne  - January 23, 2011

Hi everyone,

I am trying yet another new setup for my workouts. I know I have been lagging behind with them, but everything else seems to get in the way. So I put extra thought into the workouts I do post and make them worth the wait 😀

This one has 3 sections, which again change pace throughout and have a mix of Body Weight, Kettlebells and Core exercises. The difference today is I have actually filmed 3 separate videos to show you firstly my workout (the advanced version), then I have recorded one round of the workout for both Beginner and Intermediate modifications. Then below each separate video I have outlined the actual exercise modifications, with suggestions for either set reps or intervals.

Instead of having to try and visualise from what I write, you can play the short video of me demonstrating each modified exercise for your level for the workout. You can either do this before, or after you watch the advanced level and see what you can aim for in the future. It is good to see different levels so you can match it to your own abilities.

REMEMBER – you can pick and choose which level of EACH exercise to do. Meaning, you may be beginner level at some exercises and not with others. For this reason, I have included the times (in red for Advanced, Green for Beginners and Orange for Intermediates) where each exercise appears in each video, to save you time scanning through looking for it, just in case you don’t want to watch the whole thing 🙂 So, if you see me doing the advanced burpee and you want to see what the intermediate modification looks like, then scroll to the intermediate section and scan to the time indicated.

Hopefully a win win setup.

Please note though that for most of the first section of the workout the modification is really the weight you choose and the tempo you move at. Slower tempo, weight feels heavier. Faster tempo, weight feels lighter.

This workout has a lot of focus on the lower body, but there is plenty of upper body punishment too, as we are aiming for full body workouts as much as possible (more time efficient). But giving the legs are hard time is great for burning more calories, better conditioning, and getting the glutes firing !

Now for the Advanced Workout breakdown:

Section 1 – Strength

Feel free to set your stopwatch for this section, just out of interest. Because it is a strength section the focus is on quality not quantity of reps. Therefore I have set reps as a guide. For a “true” or traditional strength workout, normally the reps would be way lower (like 3 – 5), but because we won’t all have the weights available for this, we can still do strength exercises and use the heaviest weights we have. For this I used my 16kg (yellow), 20kg (grey) and my 24kg (green) Kettlebells, I started lighter and progressed. This section took me 15 minutes 02 seconds.

There are 3 rounds of 4 exercises, followed by a “filler” exercise between sections. The exercises and rep range are:

  1. Kettlebell Deadlift x 8 – 12 reps (1:00)
  2. Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift x 8 – 12 reps (1:14)
  3. Kettlebell Single-Leg Deadlift (right leg, left hand) x 8 – 12 reps (1:28)
  4. Kettlebell Single-Leg Deadlift (left leg, right hand) x 8 – 12 reps (1:39)

Now, set your Gymboss Interval Timer for one manual interval of 45 seconds and complete:

  • The Kettlebell Halo x 45 seconds each direction (3:20)

Section 2 – Endurance/Conditioning

This section uses Kettlebell combinations and cardio to increase the pace and demand for greater endurance and co-ordination. Setting my Gymboss Interval Timer for 8 cycles of 15 seconds rest and 45 effort, the goal is to complete 2 rounds of the 4 exercises below. This time use a lighter weight and aim for a faster pace, but quality reps throughout. Because you are down-grading the weight, your form should stay solid:

The 4 exercises (and my reps) and the “filler” exercise are:

  1. Kettlebell Thruster to Reverse Lunge (right) (8.5, 7) (3:31)
  2. Kettlebell Thruster to Reverse Lunge (left) (8.5, 7.5) (3:47)
  3. Kettlebell Renegade Row (18, 16) (4:02)
  4. Two-Handed Kettlebell Swing (30, 27) (4:13)

Now re-set your timer for one interval of 45 seconds again and complete:

  • Kettlebell Weighted Single Glute Raises (toes up or down) x 45 seconds each side (5:14)

Section 3 – Cardio/Endurance

This section uses body weight only to maximise both the reps and the heart rate, again you will feel a major leg burn and will probably hate me forever 😉 The effort interval increases and the rest decreases, making this section even faster and a KILLER! But, we’ve done worse, so no moaning! Remember choose your level carefully for EACH exercise because you need to be proficient at the exercises to get full benefit from them in this section.

For this level I set my Timer for 8 cycles of 10 seconds “rest” and 50 effort and completed 2 rounds of the 4 exercises below, followed by a final “filler” exercise:

  1. Burpees (with push up and jump) (18, 16) (5:30)
  2. Reverse Lunge Hops (right) (24, 19) (5:50)
  3. Reverse Lunge Hops (left) (22, 21) (5:55)
  4. Dynamic Squats (33, 30) (6:07)

Re-set your timer AGAIN (lol) for the last static exercise for 60 seconds:

  • Super-Girl/ man x 60 seconds (6:58)

Now I will show you modifications for other levels.

Beginner’s Workout Breakdown

Section 1 – Strength

Beginning these types of strength exercises is difficult because you may only have one Kettlebell to start with. However, you will still benefit from practicing these exercises to perfect your technique before increasing the weight, this type of approach is a good one as form is everything. If you are getting to 12 reps and you find it easy, then that’s a sign that you have “outgrown” your weights for this exercise. As an alternative, I would recommend doing 8 good but slow reps, count 4 seconds up and 4 seconds down, to make it harder – this makes the weight feel heavier.

Do 3 rounds of the following:, you will notice that the deadlifts can be modified to make them easier, so you don’t miss out on an excellent exercise.

  1. Kettlebell Deadlift x 8 -12 reps (00:36)
  2. Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift x 8 – 12 reps (00:59)
  3. Kettlebell Single-Leg Deadlift (right leg, both hands) x 8 – 12 reps (1:10)
  4. Kettlebell Single-Leg Deadlift (left leg, both hands) x 8 – 12 reps (1:23)

Now set your Gymboss Interval Timer for one interval of 20 seconds for your “filler” exercise:

  • Kettlebell Halo x 20 seconds each direction (1:40)

Section 2 – Endurance/Conditioning

The exercises are slightly different here than in the advanced section, but they are working the same muscles in much the same way. Remember you want this to be a faster pace, but still maintain good form.  This time it’s interval training and your timer should be set for either 4 cycles (allowing for a longer rest between rounds), or 8 cycles (for two continuous rounds) of 30 seconds rest / 30 seconds effort:

  1. Kettlebell Goblet Squat to Press (1:59)
  2. Single Arm Kettlebell Row (right) (2:18)
  3. Single Arm Kettlebell Row (left) (2:37)
  4. Two-Handed Kettlebell Swing (2:46)

Now re-set your timer for 30-45 seconds and complete:

  • Either Weighted or unweighted Double Glute Raises (2:55)

Section 3 – Body Weight Cardio

Sometimes beginning to exercise for the first time can be challenging in all different ways. One way is lack of co-ordination and or balance. So, on one hand, while single leg exercises can help with balance etc, it is not wise to add single leg jumps or fast single legs movements to your routine too soon (we want healthy knees). This is especially true if you are over-weight. Because this section is faster paced, we are looking for exercises that will help, not hinder your efforts to raise the heart rate, while benefiting from similar exercises. I have taken this into consideration when modifying this section.

Remember you can, for example, do an intermediate burpee but the rest be beginner style, it’s up to you and what you know you can do in this workout. Besides, if one exercise becomes too difficult, you can always down-grade in the next round. Flexibility is key to a fun workout 🙂

Now set your timer again, but this time, either for 4 or 8 cycles (depending on fitness and recovery abilities) of 20 seconds rest and 40 seconds effort. Complete 2 rounds of the following 4 exercises:

  1. Burpees (no jump, no push up) (3:18)
  2. Alternating Reverse Lunge (3:24)
  3. Mountain Climbers (3:37)
  4. Either Dynamic Squats / Jumping Jacks (3:46)

Finally for the last challenge, set your timer for 30-45 seconds:

  • Plank Hold x 30-45 seconds (4:11)

This is you finished. Now Cool Down and Stretch.

Now for Intermediates

There will be some people who may be progressing well, but need some extra ideas at how to modify some exercises to assist them when things become too tough.  Or if things are too easy, here is the next stepping stone to advancing your ability, which is far better than just stopping. If a weight becomes too much for me for example, I down-grade for the rest of that exercise, this is ok to do as long as you are still moving 🙂

Section 1 – Strength

This should be done using heavier weight/ lower reps, but again decide if the weight is too light and gauge if slower reps may be better here. Complete 3 rounds of the following 4 exercises:

  1. KB Deadlift x 8 – 12 reps (0:23)
  2. KB Sumo Deadlift x 8 – 12 reps (0:42)
  3. KB Single-Leg Deadlift (Right leg, right hand) x 8 – 12 reps (0:51)
  4. KB Single-Leg Deadlift (left leg, left hand) x 8 – 12 reps (1:06)

Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for one interval of 30 seconds:

  • Kettlebell Halo x 30 seconds each direction (1:20)

Section 2 – Endurance/Conditioning

Moderate weight this time and aim for max reps. Set your timer for 8 cycles of 20 seconds rest / 40 seconds effort and complete 2 rounds of the following 4 exercises:

  1. Kettlebell Thruster (right) (1:36)
  2. Kettlebell Thruster (left) (1:47)
  3. Kettlebell Bent Over Alternating Row (1:58)
  4. Two-Handed Kettlebell Swing (2:12)

Now set your timer for one 30 second countdown:

  • Body Weight Single Glute Raises (toes up) x 30 seconds each side (2:23)

Section 3 – Body Weight Cardio

This time set your timer for 8 cycles of 15 seconds rest and 45 seconds effort. Complete 2 rounds of the following 4 exercises:

  1. Burpees (with jump, no push up) (2:47)
  2. Reverse Lunge and Knee Up (right) (2:57)
  3. Reverse Lunge and Knee Up (left) (3:09)
  4. Dynamic Squat (3:20)

Now set your timer for 45 – 60 seconds:

  • Plank with Alternating leg lifts x 45 – 60 seconds (3:28)

I realise that there is a lot of timer changes and count-downs, but this gives you a little extra recovery to allow you to really push harder in the next round. It is often beneficial to workout like this, allowing the heart rate to nearly settle before bringing it back up again. The body doesn’t have a clue what is going on, so it must keep burning, not conserving energy. If Fat Loss is your goal, this is a good may of training. If Fat Loss isn’t your goal, then this is just plain fun and still good to add in for full body variety and conditioning.  Plus, if you know each section is hitting you with something different, it keeps you focused throughout.

Let me know what you think of this workout and the set up. I am interested to see if it’s easy to follow, although, given my useless internet connection it has proven annoying and very frustrating to get these videos up at all – given they were meant to be posted on Saturday 🙁


From a very tired



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