Tri Tri Try Again – Extreme Home Workout

by Marianne  - February 4, 2011

Hi everyone,

Firstly, I am posting on behalf of Marianne today as she is feeling unwell.  She did this workout a few days back and luckily had it all edited and ready to upload. All I needed to do was post it, so I get the easy job! This is what she wrote:

“Today’s workout is a killer! I mean pure evil 😀 So I prepare you now for what lies ahead!

The goal of the workout is full body conditioning and cardio with a mixture of Kettlebells and Body Weight exercises. This type of workout is great for overall fitness, conditioning and fat loss. Not so much strength (unless you are a beginner), but it will make you wish for a pull up challenge instead of this torture (in a good way of course).

The workout goes like this:

Instead of couplets, we have triplets. There are 3 triplets and 3 rounds of each triplet – see how I got the title?? Tri once, tri twice, and again!

You complete 3 rounds of each triplet before moving on to the next – this is why it’s so brutal.

As usual I have edited the video to include some basic modifications for beginners and intermediates, along with the full, advanced version. Below, I have included individual workout breakdowns for each, which will hopefully help make this a tough, but not impossible workout for your fitness level.

Beside each exercise in each level I have indicated what time in the video your exercise modification appears. I have used Red for Advanced, Orange for Intermediate, and Green for Beginner, so we don’t get confused.

Advanced Workout Breakdown:

You will be aiming to complete 3 rounds of each triplet, without stopping. This is 9 minutes of interval training per triplet. After each 9 minutes, allow yourself extra recovery and a drink.

So, set your Gymboss Interval Timer for 9 cycles of 20 seconds rest and 40 seconds effort. These intervals may seem too easy, but they ain’t – I promise! Of course there’s nothing stopping you from increasing the intensity even more.

The Triplets, and my reps and weight per exercise are as follows:

Triplet 1 (death by shoulders)

  1. Burpees (full) (12,12,11) (01:12)
  2. Kettlebell Renegade Row (14kg) (16,15,15) (01:34)
  3. Mountain Climbers (70,66,67) (01:52)

Triplet 2 (death by heart rate)

  1. Side to Side Step Ups (42,42,40) (02:03)
  2. Two-Handed Kettlebell Swing (20kg) (27,26,26) (02:19)
  3. Mountain Climbers (66,67,65) (02:30)

Triplet 3 (death by legs)

  1. Light Sumo Squat Jumps (31,29,27) (02:43)
  2. Vertical Swing Burpee (16kg) (7.5, 7, 6.5) (02:57)
  3. Mountain Climbers (65,67,60) (03:14)

This entire workout will take at least 27 minutes.

Intermediate Workout Breakdown:

You can either complete each couplet in a continuous cycle for 9 minutes, or break after each round for an extra breather. Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for either 3, or 9 cycles of either 20/40, 20/30 or 15/30. It’s up to you. It may be that you fitness level is up to advanced level, but you technique is not, so take note of the exercise modifications below:

Triplet 1

  1. Burpee (no push up) (03:28)
  2. KB Alternating Bent Over Row (03:40)
  3. Mountain Climbers (03:53)

Triplet 2

  1. Side Lunge Jumps (04:00)
  2. Two Handed KB Swing (04:13)
  3. Mountain Climbers (04:19)

Triplet 3

  1. Dynamic Sumo Squats (04:28)
  2. KB Vertical “Step IN” Burpee (04:37)
  3. Mountain Climbers (04:58)

Remember, you don’t need to follow these exercises to the letter. If you have a better idea for one, then use it. Also remember your level can be different for each exercise, so make sure you plan ahead which version you will use during the workout.

Beginners Workout Breakdown:

I am classing beginners as those people who are within their first 6 months of exercising regularly or, those who have never done a certain exercise before. You may have an established fitness level, but are unfamiliar with the advanced or intermediate versions of some exercises. In the case of the complete beginner, I would recommend modifying both the exercise and the time/reps. If you are new to a certain exercise today, then you can use more advanced timing, but maybe replace that exercise with an easier version, until you have a chance to practice it outside of the workout.

As a beginner it is important not to push beyond your abilities too soon. I know we all want to make improvements and get the most out of each workout, but there is no point pushing your “technical” abilities too far and risk injury. For this reason I have made suggestions for alternatives for some of the exercises, and I have also suggested set reps and beginners time intervals.

I have set reps beside each exercise, for complete beginners to do the workout in your own time. This will help you build up good form and balance without rushing through an interval. For those beginners who are now more proficient at exercising, you may want to progress to intervals. But I would recommend leaving an extra recovery time between each round of each triplet.

Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for 3 cycles of 30 second rest and 30 seconds effort, or 30 seconds rest and 40 seconds effort.

For both set reps and interval timed versions, try and do all 3 rounds of each triplet, but you may want to decrease them to 2 rounds. This will still give you at least an 18 minute workout. If you are using the set reps, then you may want to do 2 rounds, as it will take you longer to complete the whole workout. Being new to exercise also means getting adequate recovery, so we don’t want you to suffer needlessly, but you should be trying your best.

Triplet 1

  1. Burpees (no push up, no jump) x 5 – 10 reps (05:04)
  2. Kettlebell Single Arm Row (right) x 10 – 12 reps (05:18)
  3. Kettlebell Single Arm Row (left) x 10 – 12 reps (05:26)

Triplet 2

  1. Jumping Jacks (from the toes, not the heels) x 15 – 20 reps (05:35)
  2. Two-Handed Kettlebell Swing x 15 – 20 reps (05:44)
  3. Mountain Climbers x 30 – 40 reps (each step = 1 rep) (05:52)

Triplet 3

  1. Body Weight Squat x 12 – 15 reps (05:58)
  2. Kettlebell Vertical Swing x 12 – 15 reps (06:11)
  3. Either High Knees x 30 – 40 reps (total) (06:24), or High Feet x 30 – 40 reps (total) (06:33), or Mountain Climbers x 30 – 40 reps (total) (06:40)

As you can see there are so many ways to modify and adapt workouts to our own level. There is no reason why anyone should be left out. Even if you do not have kettlebells, you can still put together some arrangement to get active. The only additional advice I would offer is to ensure you get your pulling exercises into a workout. This is when some sort of resistance tool, be it Kettlebells, Dumbbells, Sandbags or a pull up bar, becomes essential for home workouts.

Feel free to leave me a comment here or at the forum about this workout, and I hope that beginners and non-Kettlebell owners will be able to join in too 🙂



Poor Marianne hopes to be fighting fit again sometime soon. I am sure she will be dragging herself back to the computer to answer your questions anyway.



Ultimate Full Body Challenge - Home Workout

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  1. I did this workout today!! Really loved it, heart rate very high, at the same time getting my favorite kettlebells in there as well. I guess I should have noticed before I started there were mountain climbers in every triplet!!! Those were the ultimate evil! I look forward to these workouts everyday!! Thanks!

  2. sweat sweat sooo much sweat!!!!!!
    kill me but loved it!!!!!
    i’m trying to workout barefoot like you and melissa do, but unfortunately this makes me slip on the carpet when i do mountain climbers, so i had to substitute them with jumping jack, but for the last triplet i challanged myself and did my personal evil, the jumping lunges!as i tend to fall over i concentrated in keeping my balance and did not lunge very deep, i thought i can build up that slowly, first thing stop falling, cause it hurts!!!
    A very special thank you for creating the forum and a thank you very much indeed to Gillian, i was nearly given up at the second round but then the words she wrote in my diary came to my mind, as i did a third one and i gave it my absolute all!!!!now i’m wipes out but proud of myself!!!
    Thank for the killer(in a very positive way workout, i’m sure i’ll feel it tomorrow!!!

      1. You have so much heart Sara — your quote is so inspiring!

        Pavel Tsatsouline, the kettlbebell god, says that the mind gives up way before the body does, so endurance is a mental battle. Chances are you always have a few extra reps in you… more than you thought.

        I am so proud of you that you braved it through to the end. I think you also have a few extra difficulty points for using a slippery surface!

        From what I have read, it is healthier to be in bare feet as much as possible, since your foot has to work the way it was intended. Notice that people who have foot problems wear shoes all the time and usually ones that are way too high or too narrow in the toebox.

        Good on ya!

        ~ Gillian

  3. It was really great workout, death by mountain climbers 🙂
    Before today I thought it was an exercise I liked a lot, now I’m not so sure. What I know is no mountain climebrs for a while.
    The firs part was my favorite, probably because it was at the begining.

    My numbers, I took 1 min rest between triplets
    -burpee 12,12,12
    -renegade row (12kg each) 14,15,15
    -mountain climbers 82,85,85
    -side to side step up 38,37,38
    -2 handed swing (16kg) 26,27,27
    -mountain climbers 80,82, 84
    -sumo squat jump 30,29,28
    -vertical swing burpee 7,7,7
    -mountain climber 74,72,78

    Next time I am going to use 16 kg for the renegade row

    1. LOL, yes the beginning of most workouts are fun, the ending is always the best feeling though 😀 EVERYONE is seriously stuffing me in the mountain climbers! I need to work harder at those!

      Great Job, as always 🙂

  4. I finally got around to doing this workout… here are my numbers

    Burpees 9, 9, 9
    DB Renegade Rows 30lbs each 16, 16, 17
    Mtn Climbers (counted each footfall) 98, 82, 80

    Side to Side STep ups 39, 37, 41
    2 Handed Swing 16 Kg 25, 25, 25
    Mtn Climb 84, 86, 80

    Sumo Squat Jumps 23, 20 , 20
    Vert Swing Burpee 14 Kg 9, 8, 9
    Mtn Climb 82, 84, 80

    I really felt that last set of Mtn Climbers — I wish it didn’t take that many!

    Challenging workout… I am glad I did it. As I said before, the routines all seem to be a level of difficulty higher than they used to be — are we driving you or are you driving us?


    ~ Gillian

    1. You are driving me for sure! I just want to keep the design fresh and the challenge interesting. Exercises aside, I think it’s all in the design sometimes, and the competition 😉 Well done – another person whipping my ass in the mountain climbers I see !


  5. This was really great one! 🙂
    But got “sick and tired” of Mountain Clibers by the end of it LOL 😀

    I don’t have a step to do side to side steps, so I did high knee jumps instead.

    1. Full Burpees – 6, 7, 7 (have to work on these numbers)
    2. KB Alternating Bent Over Row (6.8 kg – 15 lbs) – 18, 18, 19
    3. Mountain Climbers – 97, 95, 97

    1. High knee jumps (Side to Side Step ups) – 112, 113, 112
    2. 2 Handed KB Swing (6.8 kg – 15 lbs) – 30, 30, 30
    3. Mountain Climbers – 100, 103, 102

    1. Sumo Squat Jumps – 39, 34, 36 (this was the hardest for me!)
    2. Vertical Swing Burpee (16kg) 8, 8, 8
    3. Mountain Climbers – 99, 101, 102

    I liked this workout a lot! 😀 Will have to repeat again when my 8 KG and 12 KG bells arrive, and have to try KB Regenerate Row. My 15 lbs KBs are not stable enough for that move… I think it is because they are dipped in vinyl and the bottom not flat enough.

    I also did some tabata at the end (approx 12 min) 🙂 (I am crazy, but I just felt like doing it LOL).


    1. Oops, Vertical Swing Burpee (16kg) – not true 🙂
      Copy-paste mistake.

      This is the right one:
      Vertical Swing Burpee (6.8 kg – 15 lbs
      ) – 8, 8, 8


  6. Hello to all!
    Marianne, I do hope you’re feeling better by now and have been resting up in order to be at peak condition to torture us all with further workouts like this!! I genuinely, foolishly believed this workout would be…. not a ‘walk in the park’, but something a bit lighter, maybe, than usual. Is it just me or does it look easier on paper than how it unfolds in reality?!
    Regardless, I loved it. Definitely agree with Becci on the love / hate aspect!
    Everyone’s numbers sound great, well done! This is how I fared: 3 rounds of each triplet, 40s effort, 20s rest. 1-2 mins rest between triplets.

    1. Full Burpees – 12, 11, 9.5
    2. KB Alternating Bent Over Row (16kg) – 15, 15, 14
    3. Mountain Climbers – 79, 64, 66

    1. Side to Side Step ups (using a higher bench than I would have liked!) – 38, 31, 32
    2. 2 Handed KB Swing (16kg) – 26, 24, 25
    3. Mountain Climbers – 68, 70, 73

    1. Sumo Squat Jumps – 34, 28, 26
    2. Vertical Swing Burpee (16kg) 7, 6, 5.5
    3. Mountain Climbers – 65, 49 (oh dear!), 53

    I also count Mountain Climbers as each leg forward = 1 rep. So Becci, don’t do yourself down – you did REALLY well! 🙂

    1. It’s so misleading, when you see a workout on paper. It really needs the 20/40, think trying to fit a little 15 second break in would have killed me anyway.

      As usual, your numbers are great! I think EVERYONE beat me in the mountain climbers ! There are 2 exercises in life that I hate – mountain climbers and bench jump overs, they just make my shoulders burn like mad for some reason LOL

      Good burpees 😉

      Becci should be proud of her numbers, defo ! 😀

  7. Loved this one and hated it 😉 Means that it is a great workout !!!

    I have been really sick for the last two weeks so I actually haven’t been moving at all and I feel that I’ve lost a lot of my strenght. My numbers are

    1. 7,6,5
    2. 10,9,8 (12KG)
    3. 43,43,40

    1. 35,31,34
    2. 27,26,27
    3. 42,42,42

    1. 29,28,29
    2. 6,6,6
    3. 40,42,45

    I admit these numbers look kind of poor but I wasn’t pushing at my maximum effort because I still feel weak from all the lying and sleeping and coughing 🙁
    But I’m at least happy to be back on track. I think it’s always hard to start over again after being ill and I’m proud that I did it.

    Anyway I have a question about the mountain climbers: How do you count them? I’m a little confused about Rashelles numbers with them. 117 reps in 40 seconds thats really a lot!!!
    I think some people count one leg forward=one rep. I count every time I bring my right leg forward=one rep. It is just that when I saw her numbers I was so embarrassed about mine I didn’t want to post them 😉 And I still have hope that she doesn’t count them like I do.LOL


    1. Hi Becci, good for you for getting back on track! I find it sooo hard to get going again after being off sick. I count mine as each leg forward = one rep. Your numbers are great so post them with pride:) I always feel embarrassed when posting my squats, they are my weakness..them and burpees!!

  8. Marianne,
    Hope your feeling better. I don’t know how much more you can deliver to us with you having a workout waiting in the wings ready to go while you are sick. That just shows your dedication to us.
    I really enjoyed this workout. I did the advance workout with a 16kg kettlebell. It did take me 36 minutes to do because my heart rate was screaming and after it was over I was screaming ” Thank God it’s over.”

    1. Glad you survived Jim. Still taking it easy, so I will have more up tomorrow. Andrew was complaining that I spend too much time on the laptop, so I am giving it all a rest today 😀 Can’t go upsetting the loved one 😉

  9. What a great workout! This was right up my alley:)

    Triplet 1 (death by shoulders)
    Burpees (10.5,8,8)
    Kettlebell Alt Row (17,18,16) 2x 20lb dumbbells**should have gone heavier
    Mountain Climbers (117,90,94)

    Triplet 2 (death by heart rate)
    Side Lunge Jumps (35,40,43) used my bench
    Two-Handed Kettlebell Swing (25,26,25)16kg
    Mountain Climbers (110,89,100)

    Triplet 3 (death by legs)
    Light Sumo Squat Jumps (29,25,25)
    Vertical Swing Burpee (8,7.5,7)used 30# for all, yahoo
    Mountain Climbers (96,78,80)

    I really enjoyed this workout and was happy with my overall performance. I did this last night and am feeling it today!! I think it was all the mountain climbers!! I found the final triplet the most difficult and really had to push through the MC’s near the end. The verticle swing burpee really gets the heart rate up!

    Hope you are feeling better Marianne and thanks for another great sweat session!


    1. Wow, look how many mountain climbers you did!! You are the mountain climber queen 😀 Impressive stuff! And excellent on the Vertical swing burpees!! I’d say you could try the 30lb KB for the rows as long as you don’t feel it in your back. Pulling exercises should have you use heavier weight 🙂 Either that, or I am just being evil!

      Feeling much better thanks.


  10. I was in a heap after this and the noises I was making during it lol. This was INTENSE!! I found it really tough aerobically by the end of the third Triplet which really shows in the mountain climbers numbers I got. They are pretty horrible!

    Used a 16kg

    Triplet 1 (death by shoulders)
    Burpees (7,6,10) – last one I didnt do the pushup part
    Kettlebell Alt Row (20,21,20) – dont have two of the same weight
    Mountain Climbers (65,63,59)

    Triplet 2 (death by heart rate)
    Side Lunge Jumps (37,33,36) – dont have a step
    Two-Handed Kettlebell Swing (27,26,27)
    Mountain Climbers (54,48,50)

    Triplet 3 (death by legs)
    Light Sumo Squat Jumps (30,22,26)
    Vertical Swing Burpee (6.5, 6, 5)
    Mountain Climbers (36,34,36) – total joke!!

    1. Your numbers are getting really good! The rows, swings, the vertical swing burpee! I know the mountain climber were a bitch, but I hated them too 😀 I did it to annoy myself LOL

      Well done!

      1. Thanks Marianne 🙂 its thanks to you and your site for getting my ass in gear!! I’m up to doing 5x KBs a week and got a spin class in (which was a shock to the system!!) so I’m delighted. All your workouts really help with roller derby too so its awesome! I have training tomorrow and I’m utterly terrified. They going to show us the contact side of it eeek lol I envisages lots of falling on my ass!

        haha brilliant. I guess there’s no point doing stuff that we like/find okay to do the whole time. By the of the last triplet I kinda felt my legs were flailing all over the place hehe.

        Oh I loved your names for each of the triplets, spot on!!

  11. Not many words here aaarghhhhh! Marianne you are way to sweet to be dishing out this much evil.

    1. Burpees (full) (7,7,7)
    2. Kettlebell Renegade Row (12kg) (12,11,11)
    3. rope skip high knees (57,60,62)

    Triplet 2 (death by heart rate)

    1. mountain climbers (57) then I switched to knee tucks 37,39
    2. Two-Handed Kettlebell Swing (12kg) (24,26,23)
    3. skipping feet together (57,58,55) girl downstairs is mad as heck

    Triplet 3 (death by legs)

    1. Light Sumo Squat Jumps (21,15,15) going really low
    2. overhead Swing no Burpee (12kg) (15 16,13)
    3. skipping free style (54,53,66 )


    1. I’m sure she can stick the noise for half an hour 😉

      This was a killer, but in a really good way ! I hate mountain climbers, but I would have skipped if I could inside.

      Hope you’re not sore today 😀

      1. Girl downstair complained to the management so I can’t do any jumping or bouncy exercises. it is too cold to workout outside, so I have to be creative and figure something out, I am welcome to suggestions.


  12. Dear Marianne, after much trial and error, and boiling exercise down to the most functional and effective routines, I now do skipping and kettlebelling. I was thrilled to find your website and feel justified in my decisions. Your routines look great. I am slightly ashamed to say that I only use a 12kg bell and your efforts with a 20kg make me feel like a wimp (47year male, emergency worker). On a technical note, on your two handed KB swings you do not appear to dip vey far. Should this exercise be more of a core exercise than a squat? I tend to bend more at the knee. Should I stop?



    1. Hi Tony, and welcome. The swing can be performed in two “styles” – the one I use is the posterior chain dominant swing, as the hamstrings, glutes and back are heavily neglected areas of the body when training is concerned. The swing should be more of a horizonal (back and forward) movement, rather than up and down. I used to bend at the knees a lot more, in my earlier days, but I have gained significant glute activation, hamstring development and lower back strength siince I started keeping the kegs straighter and feeling a stretch in the hammies.

      Please see my Swing Tutorial for more information on this. Bending at the knee makes the movement more quad dominant. A strong posterior chain is the KEY to effective training.

      I hope this helps 🙂

      Just ask if you need anything else 🙂

  13. Hope you get better soon Marianne. Thank you Andrew for posting this killer workout, I will try this later with some modifications.

    take care of yourselves


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