Hi everyone,
As promised, I am back today with a new workout. There have been crazy floods here in Northern Ireland the last few days, which has meant me being stuck in the house and only venturing out for work. I had full intentions of going to do some Deadlifts and Hip Thrusts in the gym this morning, but alas, I could not bring myself to experience more rain and more traffic because of the floods. So I did this workout again! I loved it!
Sometimes we must adapt our plans. Sometimes we have no choice but make the best of a bad/disappointing situation. When you have your heart or mind set on something, then we need to accept every lesson that comes from having that goal, or want; even the possiblilty that it’s not meant to be at this time. You cannot truly have Faith without patience, if your faith in something is strong enough, you should no longer worry that all will work out for the best.
Sorry for the random code talk!!
The Workout
The workout is epic in length and variety … and it is a challenge!
Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for 10 cycles of 20/40 (you can set it for 15/45 or 30/30 if you like) and complete 3 separate rounds of the following 10 exercises. After each round, complete the “Bridging Combo”. As usual, my reps per exercise and weights used are in brackets:
- Thruster into Reverse Lunge (right) (16kg) (8, 7.5, 7)
- Thruster into Reverse Lunge (left) (16kg) (7, 7.5, 7)
- Double KB Suitcase Deadlift Burpee (2 x 20kg) (10, 10, 10)
- Jump Rope (any style)
- Super Plank Climber (11, 11, 10)
- Two-Handed Swing (24kg) (30, 29, 29)
- Renegade Row (2 x 16kg) (17, 18, 17) – want to upgrade soon!
- Stand-Kneel-Stand (right) (16kg) (14, 14, 13)
- S-K-S (left) (16kg) (13, 13, 12) – this side was sore 🙁
- Roundabout Swing (20kg) (29, 28, 28 )
Bridging Combo
- Sub-Max Pull Ups (6, 5, 5) – feeling tired from previous day’s pull ups
- Alternating Single-Leg Hip Thrusts x 20 – 30 total
I loved this workout! It took just under 45 mins to complete, and the bridging combo breaks it up and changes the pace making it more interesting 🙂
Hope you all enjoy a challenge!
this morning I was searching through your workouts looking for something ‘different’….I am so glad I did it! I’m sore!! Instead of doing pullups I timed myself (HKC certification requires 15sec ‘hang time’).
Did this this am. Its a killer!!
my reps were
thruster left (16kg) – 7,7,7
thruster right (16kg) 7,7,7
dbl suictase burpee (2x20kg) 10,11,12
jump rope 70,72,60 ( last round I kept hitting my feet and stopping)
super plank climber 8,8,8
two hand swing (20kg) 28,31,27
renegade row 14, 16, 18
sks l 10,10,10
sks r 10,10,10
round about swing (16kg) 24,24,26
pullups 10,10,10 ( I use my assist band since I can only do 1 unassisted)
single leg hip thrust – 20L, 20 R ( for all three rounds)
this was tough! I was moving a little slowly and my low back has been bugging me so I didn’t do my swings with my 24kg like I usually do. great workout Marianne!
Nice work Shanna! Thank you for posting your results 🙂 I can’t wait until I can do these workouts again! Make sure you keep a check on that back pain x
I have been taking it easier, keeping some weights lower at the gym like squats etc because of it feeling strained. Lots and lots of stretching and foam rolling too that helps.
If only my kids would clean up their toys I wouldn’t be straining my back bending over picking up toys all day long. ha!!
I will try this again in October when Rog comes to visit you so I can see if I have improved too!! A challenge from afar!
Can’t wait for the re-match 😀
Hi Great post.
I have never used kettles before although I have trained for many years.
Your post has inspired me to order some and give it a go.
Thanks Rodney, hope you enjoy KBs – I think you’ll find them a welcome change 🙂
You’re working hard here, no doubt about it. Your strength and endurance is impressive. But even though you’re straining – does it have to extend to your breathing? Your motions are controlled and dynamic – your breath could be, too. Sufficient air flowing in and out, makes even more power available. Some very fit women (like you) have tight abdomens, which looks nice – but leaves too little room for the diaphragm to expand downwards. Hence, insufficient airflow. I don’t know if this applies to you. But, if you’re short of air, lie down for a while and work (gently …) on letting your lungs fill your whole trunk with air. And when out walking, play with how many steps you can take on each inhalation/exhalation, just to see what your limits are while slightly exerting yourself. It’s a simple, but effective way to increase ones awareness about breath. Please keep up the good work, your posts inspire many to exercise and change their lives in the best way.
Thank you Sigurd, I will take on board your advice 🙂
This would have been be a good Philadelphia indoor workout when the temps were 101 last week. I was doing my “kettles” outside at 6am temp was 87! My marathon training is getting reading to start soon and I’m forward to see how these 3 day week workouts help my race training. At 59 I need all the help I can get!!
I’ve been giving you credit and directing people to your site. I’m a part time trainer at my local YMCA and I keep your 500 rep workout on my I phone to demo when a customers ask “I’m looking for something new”. I think you should market yourself play in fitness segments on TV and the like.
eeek! What heat! Wish we could have even a little heat here 🙁
Thank you for spreading the word 🙂
Oh what a sweat bath… my “upgrade” (12kg) arived today 😉
I’m thinking about joining a crossfit course, as this seems the most suitable for me (no cardio bunny stuff, mix of BWE, KB and weights…), but I was wondering what you think about the “American” swing the crossfit guys do. They swing the KB higher – overhead. I get the point that this needs even more power from the hips, but there must be a reason why the RKC style is different 😉 what do you think?
Hey, this is great news 🙂 You must be excited about your upgrade!!
As for the American swing, I know that many RKC peeps don’t like this swing because it puts the shoulders at risk and actually does not add any more benefit to the swing. The top portion of this seems like a waste of energy?? Like, if you want to do a hip hinge exercise that goes overhead, learn the snatch. Personally I have no issue with the XFit swing, as long as people learn proper form 🙂
Hope this helps!
wow! I am still sore from the rugged maniac race this Saturday http://www.ruggedmaniac.com/ it was pretty sick, 95 degrees F I don’t think I would have done well if I didn’t workout with kettlebells and did a lot of running.
I want to try this workout, but it looks scary ouch!
Oh it is!
Happy Birthday!!!!!
Good one, Marianne. You’re right, the bridging does break it up–without it I never would’ve been able to do three rounds!
Loved it. I changed the S.K.S. to single leg DL on 2 &3 sets to get more burn in my butt (i am trying to wake up my glutes! ) I love the bridge work….was a nice welcome break. Many thanks for sharing your workouts!
These type of workouts really start kicking in around the end of round 2. Is there a specific name for these type of programs? 10 exercises broken into 1 minute intervals (20/40…30/30).
The reason I ask, I go to some weekly workouts that certified trainers run and they have the same approach. Usually 10 exercises (20/40 or 40/20) for 2-3 rounds.
Brian, I’m not sure what this protocol is called. I just use it because it’s a great mix and nice round number for time – plus loads of variety 🙂 Maybe they copy me 😉 LOL
Had to look it up. Guess I was thinking it was not your normal Tabata or HIT.
Buuuuuuuut……I’ll refer to it as the Marianne Protocol in the future 🙂
Great workout- I’m going to have to try this one soon!
This one kicked my butt last night, oh, wait, all of your workouts kick my butt! But I like it like that! Thanks!
Thank you for this workout as well as all of your other ones., I did this one after an hour of
SAQ training and it was invigorating. I did just two rounds but pushed myself
to go heavier, to get out of my comfort zone. Thank you so much for sharing your workouts with us.
Nice job Christine! I would have been dead! LOL
Thank you for the random code talk 😉
Holy moly…i threw up for ya…i think i may make this my go to work out for my strength training for the next 6 weeks…im starting the “couch to 5k” running plan for a 5k obstacle course im entering. 5k of running, obstacles and….ZOMBIES!!!! Its called “run for your lives”. If i live, i’ll send you a picture
Oh my goodness, MK! With some slight modifications, this is ON for tomorrow’s workout! Hope you had a great time on your trip!
Awesome workout! I cant wait to try it! Wanted to ask too..Ive been dealing with some of the same issues with my one side. (The right side to be exact) Ive been working on strengthening my glutes big time, but I was curious too what other things have helped out?
I have been strengthening the lower abs (hanging leg raises, RKC Planks), stretching my hip flexors and also working on my glute strength.
I keep meaning to ask about your shoes….in my regular trainers I find there is too much padding in the heels to be able to really puch off the heels, expecially during squats, deadlifts etc. However, I feel I need something to keep me from slipping around during other moves. What do you wear?
Hi Trish, my shoes are Vibram Fivefingers. I love them!! Great connection to the floor 🙂
Thanks! I’ll have to check them out :-))
Hi Marianne! Well, I tried the Vibrams, but my toes are rather short, and the didn’t fit me well. However, I found some Fila Skele-toes which fit like a charm!! Oh… And as a bonus, they were $80 cheaper! I used them for the first time today, and first impression is…..I LOVE THEM!!! Great floor contact, and I could push throgh my heels so much more easily! I never would have even considered these without your recommendation for the Vibrams! Thanks so much:-)))
Great stuff Trish! Glad you got something sorted for your feet 🙂
I think I’ll do this one for the “I Must Break You” challenge!
HAHA! I can’t wait to see this 😉
I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you how motivating your exercises are. I am 70 years old and I have found because of you a new lease on life.
You are beautiful, smart and a real hard worker. I life in Navarre, Florida, USA and I find your videos to be impressive and helpful. No one wants to get old but it unfortunately is not up for debate.
Please offer some videos that the old folks can do. I am trying to duplicate some of your exercises but because of physical problems (which come with old age) I can do some but not all. I have very little range of motion in by right arm but I am getting stronger because of you. I tell friends you are an example of the best of the best. Keep on keeping on you are really better than you even think.
Hi Mike,
Your comment gave me goosebumps! Not because you praise me, but because YOU are such an inspiration! There are not many people I know in their 70’s who are out trying Kettlebells for the first time – I think it is great, and I hope that when I am 70 that I will be as active as you 🙂 You have motivated me to tailor some workouts for you 😀 I hope that you and your friends will have fun doing them!
Thank you!
Hi Marianne,
I agree with you. Mike’s message is very interesting and encouraging and I admire his determination, energy and passion.
I look forward to the special workouts designed for Mike and for other people in his same age range.