Shoulder and Core Bodyweight Burn!

by Marianne  - May 5, 2010

Hi everyone,

Well, today’s workout challenged me far more than I ever expected.  When I planned it yesterday, I knew it would be tough as I put in a lot of core exercises, but I did not expect to be so busted by the end of the first round lol!  My core needs some serious work and my poor front deltoids got a hammering too.

The Workout

I divided the workout into two sections. A resistance/core and shoulder workout which was 18 minutes long. And then Tabata Interval Training at the end for cardio and legs.

For section one,  set my Gymboss Interval Timer for 18 cycles of 15 seconds rest and 45 seconds MAX effort. completed 3 rounds of the following 6 exercises:

  1. Squat – Roll – Squat
  2. Walking Bridge
  3. Push-up Crawl
  4. L-Crunch
  5. Superman
  6. Close Push-up on one foot

I started out recording my reps per exercise, but I soon realised it was difficult to keep track with some of the exercises, so I didn’t continue it past the first round.

Next I reset my interval timer for the usual 8 cycles of 10 seconds rest and 20 seconds MAX effort.  The bodyweight exercises were as follows:

  1. Power Jumping Jack x 2 sets
  2. Mountain Climbers x 2 sets
  3. Dynamic Squats x 2 sets
  4. Reverse Lunge with Kick x 1 set right and x 1 set left

I really was totally wrecked by the end of this workout and it really was a shoulder, core and then leg bodyweight burn as the title suggest!

Give it a go and let me know what you think.


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