What a stressful few days! I hate moving house! But now we have made across to the other side of Belfast, to our bigger, damp-free home 😀 The cats have been pretty stressed too, it seems that Tim has been the worst affected as he has been in hiding for the last 3 days 🙁 Poor boy LOL
After 3 days off training and eating rubbish (because we don’t yet gave a fridge), I notice a big difference in my strength and my energy levels!
The Workout
The workout itself is 21 minutes long, it is interval training. There are 3 rounds of 7 exercises. Using my Gymboss Interval Timer , which I finally found (turns out Andrew didn’t have it after all :/ ) I set 21 cycles of 15 seconds recovery and 45 seconds effort. The workout is a mixture of body weight and Kettlebell exercises, and the usual mix of cardio (c), resistance (r), some strength (s), plyometric (p), stabilising (st) and core activating exercises (cae). Sorry if the key is all over the place these days, I sort of forget about it sometimes. I have also recorded my reps per exercise, which are also in brackets in the list below.
The exercises today are:
- Two Sumo Squat Jump into Evil Burpee (c,s,p,cae,r) (11,9,8)
- KB Renegade Row (s,r,cae,st) (16,14,14)
- Side Bridge Raise (right) (st,cae,r) (13,12,10)
- Side Bridge Raise (left) (st,cae,r) (12,11,9)
- KB Goblet Squat into Shoulder Press (s,r,cae)
- DiveBomber (s,cae,r) (14,12,9)
- Two-Handed KB Swing (c,r,cae) (24,21,21)
For the Kettlebell exercises I used my 16kg (yellow) and the 20kg (grey). I really felt like giving up today, so I hope my mood didn’t come across as too negative. I know that I will regain what I have lost as I get settled, but it’s frustrating when you are out of your “flow” 🙁
Please leave your feedback and comments as always as it is nice to stay connected to you all. Let me know what you think of my wacky orange wall LOL!!! Not my doing I promise. My Studio may need to be rearranged a little to accommodate it being a little smaller than my old one, the camera range can’t fit me in any closer, so I may need to turn it around the other way. Will try that for the next video and see which is better. So many changes!! Turns out the only variety in life I enjoy is in my workouts, and food 😉
Talk to you all soon.
Greetings from Finland.
I’ve been following your blog about a month now and I’m loving it! I have done a lot of bodyweight workouts and cardio before and felt that I needed something else, more challenge and bought 2 kettlebells. I had no idea what to do with them, though. So, I searched for KB exercises and found your blog and now I’m totally hooked. Loving my kettlebells and your workouts. And is it my imagination or is it possibly to see/feel my body tightening and changing in such a short period of time..??! so cool.
So, I just wanted to say hi. New follower here. I really like your blog, and find it/you very inspirational.
About the wall colour, now that the winter is here it feels like it’s sunny and warm there, so it’s quite nice actually. Wish I had a everlastingsunshineroom.:P
Hi Annika, thank you so much for your lovely comment 🙂 It is possible that you will tighten very quickly if you are new to this training, you will start to see great results 😀
I never thought of the wall that way – my everlastingsunshineroom, love it!! Thank you
Hi Marianne, just finished the above workout..Just added one more exercice and did 45 sec skipping after each exercice! Thanks again for all your workouts. As I told you I am hooked. I really really love this mix workouts and fell in love with my KB 🙂
Thanks again!
Nice! I must try and adds some skipping again, it might work with the high ceilings in my new house – mmm I wonder will it?
Thanks for the suggestion Danielle 😀
Hey gorgeous! Just wanted to let you know that I am FOR CERTAIN doing a rotation with ONLY your workouts after I am finished with the Zuzana rotation. Could you please tell me what you think your easiest workout is? I want to start with that one because I am pretty sure it’s all going to be too hard, and I would like to start out with as little pain as possible. :o) I plan to include all of your “favorites” from youtube as well.
Love and Hugs,
Hey, thank you so much for wanting to do my workouts 🙂 I honestly don’t know which was the easiest as they were all pretty hard when I did them. Probably the most “basic” I can think of is one I am recommending to myomytv newbies which is Lady Marmalade Meets Kettlebells. I would start with this one.
I hope you find my workouts better of course 😉 You will definitely be stronger anyway !
Thanks again
Yes, that is what I’m predicting. It hasn’t taken my strength long at all to catch up to where I was and now I feel like I am in a lull. It could be PMS or it could be boredom, I don’t know which, but I just don’t feel that challenged. :-/ I am trying a workout today that targets booties and includes some cardio so I am hoping for some intensity. (keeping fingers crossed)
Thanks for helping me out girl! Love ya!
😀 Good luck with today’s workout!
Hoi Marrianne,
I’m a personal trainer in Holland. I like your workout’s, their great! I also want to start my own workout tube. Could you give me advise wich type of camera to use to record the workout’s?
Hi Harvey, thanks for your comment, welcome to my site. To be honest I started very low budget, I used a Flip HD until my indoor workouts, which was only 3 months ago I think. The Flip was great!!! Really easy to use and amazing picture quality. Now I am using a Cannon HD VIXIA hf m31. It has way more features (which I am still working out LOL). I wouldn’t recommend spending too much if you are just starting, start small and build up 😀
Hope this helps
Hi Marianne, welcome back and congratulations for your new studio: it looks very warm and very orange (but in a nice way). I loved this workout and I am going to try it soon.
I would like to know your opinion regarding some glute excercises: hip thrusts and glute bridges. I know that the Glute Guy loves them, but in your own experience (and in Andrew’s experience) do you find them as effectful as lunges, squats, deadlifts for the glutes?
I had never done hip thrusts and glute bridges before and have just recently tried them, but my glutes don’t feel sore at all after doing them (not even the day after). The fact that I don’t feel sore in my glutes means that I am not working them well enough?
Thanks 🙂
Have a lovely day (it’s pouring with rain in “sunny Italy”).
Hi Bianca, Andrew swears by the glute raises as he uses them with all his female clients, but in the gym, where there is better equipment. I personally get good results with lunges, high step ups, heavy squats etc. Two of the best exercises for glutes are the bulgarian squat and the Kettlebell Swing. A lot of people don’t realise it, but their glutes don’t “fire” enough. The swing and these single leg exercises are great for re-activating the glutes and getting them to tighten up 😀
Must run here, work awaits 🙁 boo hoo!
Let me know if you need any more info
Marianne (in stormy Belfast)
Hi Marianne,
thanks for your feed-back. Just one last question: when you say that in the gym there is better equipment to do the glute raises properly, do you mean that Andrew does them with barbells?
Bianca (in still rainy Milan)
Yeah they are better performed with a barbell as it can sit across the pelvis and you can hold the bar in place, AND you can add way more weight. It’s a tricky one to do on your own though as you may need someone to place the barbell on you once you’re in position. Andrew always does them with barbells 🙂 But, he does with barbell what I do with kettlebell. He really knows his stuff when it comes to gym-based training. And KB’s of course – but think I’m better at those 😉
Hi there. I really like that your workouts include all body parts. I wonder if you have any tips for the renegade rows. I have the hardest time with them because they hurt my hands so much! I have tried wearing gloves -does not help. It’s like I need padded handles – LOL.
I have long bony hands, so the pressure of the bell REALLY hurts. I have tried dumbbells too, but same thing. Sigh….
Hi Gina, no pain no gain 😉 the things we do, eh? The only thing that might help is to think about where your “grounded” hand is positioned. Keep the bell handle running along the bottom of your palm (the hardest and most stable part). Don’t lean on the middle of the hand, as this is softer and will hurt more.
I hope this helps. It could also be that the bells you ahve just have narrow handles (which will make it more painful).
Hey Marianne,
I so know what you mean about being knocked out of your flow!
Something happened a few weeks ago that has totally changed my life (a good thing by the way), and it really has taken me a while to adjust mentally to it. I became really lazy and didn’t even touch a kettlebell for nearly 2 weeks LOL. That’s just so unlike me!
But I am off on holiday in a few weeks so i started to really hit them hard again and I couldn’t believe how much I had lost. But it feels so good to get going again.
I wonder if the resort gym will have any KBs LOL?
Hope the move really works out for you!
Steve I hope that what ever it was does not take you away from your training forever. You have done so much and come so far. Don’t worry, you’ll gain it back quickly.
I’m sure the gym will have KBs they’re everywhere now 😉
No course not LOL.
Feels really good to get the sweat going again. Just had to drop back down to a lighter one this week, but back up to my 20 and 24 next week.
I spread the word to everyone I know 🙂
Keep it up Steve (and the spreading the workd of course 😉 )