Magic “Blonde” Moments – Kettlebell Workout

by Marianne  - December 5, 2011

Hi all!

In work we are planning a big move next week as the whole ward is moving down a floor. Part of the reason is to have more bed spaces so we can have a Progressive Care Unit on the ward and take more dependent patients back after their surgery to leave more room in Cardiac ICU and HDU for even more dependent patients.  To prepare for this change, all staff need to have additional specialist training to care for these patients, so we each have to spend 2 weeks working in Cardiac ICU and HDU to learn new skills and build our confidence with using the different equipment.

Anyway, the reason I am telling you this is that being somewhere new can be quite nerve-wracking and I was pretty exhausted after these shifts.  So I think it caused me to be a little stupid in my tiredness. When I went to do this workout on Thursday, things didn’t go quite to plan. My head must have been somewhere else because for the life of me I could not get the second exercise! It was quite funny at how stupid I can be at times 😉

I’m only posting this now because I have been having way too much fun this week 😀 We have a Continental Market in Belfast City Centre for the month of December and I have been hanging about there quite a lot drinking the nice Mulled Wine and Bailey’s Coffees/hot chocolates and eating nice burgers, fudges and crepes 😛 Yummy yummy!

Oh and this weeks training took a little detour as I decided to ONLY do home conditioning all week until Saturday when I trained heavy. I guess a deload week was needed, so I went with how I felt. Did me the world of good.

The Workout

The workout is mostly made up of  kettlebell exercises and the focus is mostly conditioning. Set your Gymboss Classic Interval Timer for 21 cycles of 15 seconds recovery and 45 seconds effort and complete 3 rounds of the following 7 exercises. Please note that for the second exercise you can split it into 2 intervals for the right side and left side, or change it to a double KB exercise like double Clean and Press or even just Push Presses. I clearly messed this one up LOL!

  1. KB Goblet Squat (20kg) (18, 16, 15)
  2. KB Alternating Clean and Press (LOL) (14kg, 14kg, 16kg) (5, 5, 6)
  3. Alternating Single-Leg Hip Thrust (16, 14, 14)
  4. Bent Over Double KB Row (2x16kg) (13, 12, 10)
  5. Stand-Kneel-Stand (right) (15, 14, 13)
  6. Stand-Kneel-Stand (left) (14, 15, 13)
  7. Two-Handed KB Swing (24kg, 24,kg, 20kg) (27, 28, 31)

That was a great wee workout, except for exercise number 2! But that did make me laugh, so at least I got some ab work in there too 😉

Hopefully you will think of something better to replace that exercise.

Have fun and I’ll see you soon!



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