Live Strong and Prosper (couldn’t resist) – Kettlebell Strength Workout!

by Marianne  - June 29, 2011

Hey everyone,

Firstly, I apologise for the corniest workout title in history, but COME ON – who doesn’t love Star Trek and of course the great Vulcan himself, Spock 😀 (guess who loves Sci-Fi …)! But I think this saying and even the original have a very valid and fitting application here 🙂

Swiftly moving on, this post has to be brief because I have so much to do today, what with getting ready to go to Munich tomorrow!! Because I have been on 3 shifts in a row, I haven’t had the time to post a new workout until now, so I HOPE you all enjoy this one.

My goal (although a tad ambitious) is to upload a Body Weight workout from Munich, but we will see how things go LOL! I will however update you on my shenanigans over the weekend, as it is my 29th Birthday on Saturday! So PARTY TIME for me 😀

Today I decided to give you a workout more focused on strength exercises with a little extra sumthin sumthin! The focus is also on the lower body and glutes (of course).

Don’t get too excited though, because you will likely curse me from here to eternity for the final combo :-/ and then wish me to stay parted from my KBs forEVER! ha!

For me, this was a really challenging workout to get through because it involved a lot of technical skill and mental focus, because I was using either advanced variations or advanced weights. Add that to 3 nights shifts and you will understand why I look like I’m turning 39 not 29 in this video 🙁 Still, I managed to pull it off and deliver you all a great challenge before I head to warmer lands (or at least they better be warmer, or I will start to think there is an actual black cloud following ME around).

The Workout

There are 3 Combos of exercises with one Bridging Exercise in between. Complete 3 rounds of each Combo before moving to the Bridging Exercise and so on. The Combos are a mixture of strength and conditioning exercises, set reps, set times and a lot of will-power!

Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for one interval of either 30 seconds, 45 seconds or 1 min, depending on your fitness level.

Try when possible to progress the weight or challenge through each round. My weights and reps are in brackets.

  • TGU x 1 rep each side (14kg)
  1. Double KB Front Squat (2 x 16kg x 10 reps) (2 x 16kg x 8 reps) (2 x 20kg x 5 reps)
  2. Two-Handed KB Swing x 1 min (20kg each round) (36, 35, 35)
  • TGU x 1 rep each side (16kg)
  1. Double KB Single-Leg Deadlift (right and left) (2 x 16kg x 12 reps) (2 x 20kg x 8 reps) (2 x 24kg x 5 reps)
  2. Two-Sumo Jump Burpees x 1 min (14, 13, 14)
  • TGU x 1 rep each side (20kg)
  1. Single-Leg Hip Thrust (right and left) x 15 reps each round (please see my Glute Journey Tutorial for regression/progression advice)
  2. Stand-Kneel-Stand (right) x 1 min (Round 1 and 2 with 16kg x about 18 reps) (round 3 with 20kg x 13 reps)
  3. Stand-Kneel-Stand (left) x 1 min (as above, minus 1 rep with the 20kg)
  • TGU x 1 rep each side (24kg)

Well, that’s it for today. I have run out of things to say and, possibly the ability to string two coherant words together will also leave me soon as I seriously need a nap!

Talk to you all soon



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  1. I did this workout this morning…my legs are still screaming!!! Great workout and it left me a sweaty mess. I increased my weight on most exercises 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. I did this this morning right after some ring work — its been a while since I’ve done one of Marianne’s workouts and I was a bit concerned whether I would get through it! In fact, for about half of it, I was thinking about quitting! I am glad I didn’t!

    It was a challenge definitely — I tried increasing weights on most rounds, though it took some time as I don’t have doubles of everything and I had to add a ‘bell buddy’ to a couple of bells. (That was just a way to get a little extra rest!) Every combo was hard, so that the cardio part made the subsequent strength part harder still! I know where you got the stand/knee/stand — great idea combining it with the hip thrusts!

    So here is what I managed to do:

    TGU 10 Kg
    1. Double squat 12 Kg x 10; 12 Kg x 8; 14 Kg x5
    2. Swing 1 min 36; 37; 38

    TGU 12 Kg
    1. Double KB SL DL 12 Kg x12; 14 Kg x 8, 16 Kg x 5
    2. 2 Sumo jump burpees 11.5; 11; 11

    TGU 14 Kg
    1. 1 leg hip thrust 10 each; 12 R 10 L; 12 each
    2. stand/kneel/stand 12Kg x 16; 14 Kg x 13; 16 Kg x 12

    TGU tried 16Kg, but I could not sit up all the way, so I went back to 14 Kg.

    I had never done the hip thrusts before — another bench makes a huge difference to the difficulty and the range of motion! I could barely get 12 out! The stand/kneel/stand was a challenge (I bet we’ll see more of these!) I had a hard time holding the weight.

    Oh, on TGUs, I do them backwards, as I think my form is a bit better — so I start in standing, get down to the ground and back to standing.

    .. I was thinking that the name of this workout was, “may the strength be with you,” so my mind was on other spacey things. Maybe that would be a good name for another workout!

    Thank Marianne — have a great trip to Germany!

    ~ Gillian

      1. Sorry I forgot— Hippos Birdies… make that Happy Birthday! On holiday and a birthday too? Have a fantastic time!

        ~ G

  3. Great workout Marianne. I think the TGU is one of my favorite exercises, it works every bit of the mind and body, it is amazing to watch you with that 24kg kettlebell, it gives me courage.

    This will be my 4th of July challenge. can’t wait.

  4. OK, it might be a cheesy title (even tho I like it), the workout isn’t. Can’t wait to give it a whirl tomorrow! BTW, if that’s what I look like at 39, then awesome! ha ha.
    Enjoy your Holiday and Happy Birthday. Hope it’s a good one!
    Again~Thanks for all your inspiration~It’s keeping me going.

  5. Marianne,
    I’m glad the dead lift tips helped. My coach had me train sumo style then would switch to
    Conventional on competition day . Worked for me. Have to say I enjoyed the mettle workout a lot.
    My favorite ? Kneel to stand and the farmer walk. Loved it. The workout was taxing, had me in a heap of sweat and gasping for air . This new one I’ll try tomorrow. Can’t wait.
    I want to take a second to congratulate you on your invitation to workout with Bret Contreras. I’m so happy
    For you. Please take lots of pictures. One more thing, it’s my birthday on Friday. So Happy Birthday to you ! And…..have a great weekend. 


  6. Marianne – “Wow” is all I can say – so glad you didn’t drop the KB on your face during the TUG!!!!! I am going to try this out with dumbbells, and a bit lighter I might add!!!;) By the way, I was looking up old workouts and I wanted you to know how great your abs look in the recent videos! Not that they weren’t good before, but they are very flat now!!! – I have a small “pooch” from carrying babies and though I am developing muscles above and below the “pooch”, the pooch continues to have fat! I hope I can get my abs in shape someday – they are better than they were, but not flat like yours! That’s okay – I’m happy for you and not a bit jealous! LOL! Have a wonderful trip and thanks for your encouragement!!!
    Michele <

    1. They will improve I am sure Michele, but I have the advantage (in that sense) as I have not had a baby. Just wait until I come back from eating bread all weekend LOL – I will probably look pregnant LOL.

      That was a scray moment with the TGU :-/

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