Legs Out Ladies! Lower Body Home Workout | Kettlebell Interval Training

by Marianne  - June 15, 2012

Hi everyone,

Well what a week this has been! I can’t express to you enough of how grateful I am for your many comments of support about my decision to leave nursing. It really did make me see that I made the right choice! The next stage is finding a place to stay, a job and friends in a new country … wee buns!  Not scary AT ALL!   But, it has to be done, because it’s been in my heart for the past 6 months to GO – just GO!

Today, I have a workout for you. It’s short and sweet, and focused on lower body exercises to help us ladies (and men) feel good about our legs. Legs are one of those problem areas for many of us, so they need a little extra attention – or at least mine do!  I hit them at least twice a week with heavy training and my entire body looks better when I make the most of my lower body training.

It’s not about spot reducing fat, but working the largest muscles in the body for maximum calorie burn. Plus, strong legs are sexy legs!

The Workout

Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for 18 cycles of 15 seconds rest and 45 effort. Then complete 3 rounds of the following 6 straight-forward (honest) exercises.

  1. High Deficit Alternating Reverse Lunge (or without deficit) (16kg then 20kg) (14, 12, 11)
  2. Two-Handed Swing (24kg) (31, 30, 30)
  3. Goblet Squat (20kg then 24kg) (18, 16, 14)
  4. Alternating Single-Leg Hip Thrust (18, 19, 17) – try to pause a little at the top
  5. Side to Side Step Overs (weighted) (6kg) (45, 44, 41)
  6. Roundabout Swing (20kg) (30, 29, 29)

I really enjoyed this workout and will likely do it again some day. I love simple, straight-forward stuff and this is right up my street 😀

Have a great weekend everyone. I’ll be back soon with another guest-post from the “Myomy Story” Series. Stay tuned for more inspiring pieces of writing from members of the community here.



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