I thought I’d start this week with a muscle-motivating (and heart-warming) story about Lucy, a wife and mother from the USA who simply wanted to get in shape …
“Dear Marianne: My name is Lucy Boyd, and I live in the US. I wanted to tell you just how much your site has meant to me over the past year.
A year ago, I was doing a “Mommy Boot Camp” that was heavily influenced by Tracy Anderson. I lost weight, but I gained no muscle. I discovered your site, fell in love with your workout format, and bought my first (10 pound!) KB and a Gymboss as my Christmas present.
For Christmas this year, I bought a 50 pound KB that is my new baby.
I’ve lost a few more pounds in the past year, but mostly, I have gained muscle – lots and lots of it! – and also inspired my husband, my MIL, my sisters and a few friends to begin working out seriously too. My sisters both have KBs now, and they are falling in love with them, too.
I can’t even tell you how thankful I am to you – and to Nia as well! – for being so inspiring, encouraging and informative.
I’ve attached a couple of pictures to show my progress. The first pic was us a year ago, in Nov. 2011, taken at the beginning of our journey to strength. The last two were taken in Dec 2012 (the handsome lad is my husband).
Lucy and family, 2011
Lucy and Hubby, 2012
Lucy and her muskles 😀
All the best with your new ventures in your new digs!“
It really makes me happy to get emails like Lucy’s, because it is more proof that smart training works! Â Focus on what you can do and let the rest fall into place. A method that both myself and Nia Shanks ascribe to.
As Girls Gone Strong Co-founder, Molly Galbraith said: “Don’t train to punish your body, train because you love it”.Â
While Lucy shows us the outward results of her training, I can see the confidence and self-belief she has gained from getting strong, and I believe it is these changes that mean the most to her and her family!
Thank you, Lucy, for allowing me to share your story.
See you all later in the week with a new workout 🙂Â