If My Kettlebell Could Talk |18 Minute Interval Workout

by Marianne  - February 29, 2016

My last two updates have discussed more heavy and perhaps difficult subjects: My journey back from depression, and a different look at the fitness goals we set our sights on and my personal realisation about my own decisions. Click the links to check them out.

Today I’m going back to the roots of myomytv with an “old style” workout done with a new perspective. This new approach is all about my mindset beforehand. I am aware that I still have some pain and some limitations to my movements. I accept that, I forgive my body, and I gratefully focus on the what feels good about the exercises I *can do*. Rather than curse my right leg for not being able to lunge full range, I will celebrate the partial range I can do. If I can’t feel my Glutes firing like they used to, I won’t force it if it hurts to try. I will simply be present in movement and not wishing things to be any different. Pain doesn’t have to be a catastrophe. Being pain-free – even though it seems less than what I could do – can still be full of as much purposeful joy as I allow myself.

Now let’s get to today’s workout….

In the next couple of weeks my tank tops will be available to buy. If you are subscribed to my list (sign up in the box before the comments), you will get first dibs and a discount 🙂

The Workout

Set your Gymboss Classic Interval Timer for 18 cycles of 20 seconds rest and 40 seconds effort. Perform 3 rounds of the following 6 exercises:

  1. Alternating Reverse Lunge
  2. Hand Step-Overs
  3. Side to Side Step Overs
  4. Ballistic Row
  5. Burpee
  6. Two-Handed Swing

Suggestions of how to modify for beginners:

  • Rest longer and shorten effort interval (maybe 30/30 or 45 rest/30 effort) and/or
  • Set it for 6 cycles so you can rest longer between rounds and/or
  • Do 2 rounds and/or
  • Instead of doing intervals, set the reps to a number that allows you to feel like you’re working at about 7 or 8/10 (exertion scale where 10 would be highest intensity) AND that you can maintain the same quality of form throughout your set.
  • Less weight.
  • Regress or replace exercises that are too challenging. You know this if it’s something that you have to constantly think/worry if you’re doing it right. These types of exercises can be practiced outside of a workout as very short sets. You might choose 1 or 2 exercises you want to improve on and do them after your warm-up or before your cool-down with a light weight or no weight.
  • If something hurts then stop doing that technique and perhaps try changing your stance, your range of movement, your torso position. Pain doesn’t necessarily indicate tissue damage: read more about what pain is and isn’t HERE and HERE.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this workout and I’ll be back soon with more 🙂



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  1. Hi Marianne,
    Good to see you again. Thanks for this workout, it is just what I need. Heavy kettlebell workouts plus ice hockey were playing havoc with my lower back so I stopped the KBs except for Turkish get ups and viola, no lower back issues. This workout doesn’t strain my lower back.

    Good on you for keepin’ it real!

  2. Yippee!
    Great to see you, and I appreciate your candor about doing the best you can at what ever stage you are in life. I too have taken a step back from my fitness (mostly out of lack of discipline) and I will stop beating myself up about it. I’m doing what I can for the time being…someday I’ll be back again as the “bad ass” I was a few months ago. This isn’t that time. Thanks for the enlightening commentary! You rock!

  3. Thank you for your great advice Marianne. Struggling with injury does make you change your outlook that’s for sure. Suddenly I’ve had to be come creative with workouts and with life in order to change the balance from obsessed fitness baddass 24/7 to fit enough older injured woman who has now had the time to explore other things in life and found I have other strings to my bow. Take care of your body it’s got a long way to go.

  4. Thank you for the inspiring commentary & personal outlook of one’s self & the journey. I really liked the part where you stated, “I don’t feel like this every day or every moment of the day”, but you try everyday & that’s important. I’m trying to change my outlook & he way I view & communicate with myself, so your message really hit home. Thanks for the great workout too-I’ve never seen ballistic rows before.

    1. Thanks, Scarlett. One of the worst things (habit maybe) I have found myself doing across all areas in my life is allowing one tiny spillage to bleed into everything and all time. Slowing down and even pausing that cascade helps me keep my thoughts (those harmful ones) from attacking the my inner self. Pain can sometimes make you feel worthless and that things will never get better. But I know that I could well wake up tomorrow completely pain-free.

      I hope you can purposefully practice self-compassion and free yourself of that burden all together <3

      I think you'll like the Ballistic row!

  5. Hi Mariane

    your transparency and Journey is what makes you real

    Make the rest of your life the best

    You continue to grow in besutiful sprit.

    1. You’re very welcome, Sharon. I know it will be helpful. These modifications are ones I too will use sometimes (depending on how I feel on a given day).

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