Rest periods are important to allow replenishing the ATP-CP system.
The duration of the rest period is normally guided by how heavy the resistance is, or how explosive the work effort is. But also, paying attention to your force production (how your tempo changes), and how you feel (breathing, heart rate, fatigue) will help you become more in tune with your individual recovery rate.
As a general rule of thumb, according to the ACSM’s recommendation is as follows for the type of programming you will generally see here:
Muscular strength for moderate to heavy (not maximal) loading:
Rest between exercises 1-2 minutes; rest between sets or supersets 2-3 minutes.
Muscular Power for light- moderate loading:
Rest between exercises 1-2 minutes; rest between sets or supersets 2-3 minutes.
For metabolic conditioning:
Rest 1 minute or less between exercises; rest as needed between rounds (can be less than 1 minute, but sometimes may need to be longer). I will normally say 20 seconds rest to 40 seconds effort, but for some people it will need to be much longer rest than that. For example: 30-60 seconds rest for a 30 second interval.
Always opt for more rest until you get accustomed to training this way.
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~ Your Coach,