Choosing the best weight

by Marianne  - December 1, 2017

All of your selected weights should allow you to perform the prescribed repetitions while maintaining good form. Once your form is broken, either through a change in the execution quality of the lift or by a significant change in the speed of the lift, you should not continue the set. This is often referred to as leaving one rep in the tank, where you should feel that you could have performed at most one more “good” rep. You should not train to muscular failure, as this has been identified as increasing your risk of injury; however, make sure that you are still using challenging weights!

Keeping a log of your weights is very important in this program, as the weights may fluctuate frequently. In fact, your workout templates are designed so that you can easily print out the forms and fill in your weights, creating your own workout journal. For each change in the reps, you should assume a 5-10 pound change, depending on the exercise. Be sure to monitor your fatigue. If you need to keep the weight or even drop the weight on subsequent sets in order to maintain your form, do so.

When your routine calls for bodyweight exercises, the resistance can be fluctuated in accordance to the required repetitions in your program by using external weight, such as by using a dip belt during pull-ups (eventually :D), or by changing the tempo to make the exercise more explosive. In addition, you can also regress bodyweight exercises if you need to make them easier for higher-rep sets, such as performing pushups with your hands elevated.

For unilateral or one-sided exercises, such as lunges or step-ups, the required repetitions should be performed for each side without alternating (unless instructed otherwise). For instance, if you are performing Step-ups for 8reps, perform 8reps with your left leg and then switch and perform 8 more reps with your right leg in order to complete the set.

You may alternatively see the word “max” written in the rep section of your workout. This indicates that you should perform as many repetitions as possible before a form breakdown.

NOTE: Form breakdown can be observed with a break in your speed of movement, where your form is still good but it takes you longer to perform the repetition. This is not the same as an actual break in your form and subsequent cheating motion, however, which increases risk to injury. Always pay attention to how you feel throughout your sets and reps, and adjust your weights as necessary to ensure an effective and safe workout.

Got questions? Leave a comment or send me a message.

~ Your Coach,


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