Hotel Based Workout | Full Body Kettlebell HIIT Routine

by Marianne  - November 27, 2012

Hi everyone,

Since my last post, I have traveled to the other end of Ireland and back (seeing some amazing scenery), got a few new features added to the site and waved goodbye to the forum.

Cliffs of Moher, County Clare, Ireland


Mum, looking out yonder at Spanish Point, Co. Clare



Since I have been doing really well with my training, I decided I wasn’t going to miss two days while I was away, so I brought some equipment with me in the car: My Gymboss Interval Timer, my 12kg and 16kg Kettlebells and my Jungle Gym XT.  The first morning I did the 15 minute workout (seen below) and then the next day I did a killer 18 minute routine.

ALSO – My mum let me film her doing a short beginner workout, so I’ll post it soon 🙂  Last year my mum starting having great success at doing THESE routines most days during the week, but she has not trained in quite some time, so I asked if she minded me using her as an example to show you all (especially any beginners out there that feel overwhelmed and under pressure by seeing what I do) what a near-absolute beginner is able to do.  My mum used her 55th Birthday as a reason to get started again, and I’m very happy she has 🙂  But I will add, that I was at this level too at one point, so age has nothing to do with it (before I hear any “I’m too old” excuses)!  As an adult, training should be suited to your ability, goals, any health considerations and personality, not age.

Now that I’m done lecturing, let me show you the workout I did on day 1 (didn’t film day 2).

The Workout

Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for 15 cycles of 15 seconds rest and 45 seconds effort (because the total workout is short, I can afford to increase the intensity more). I complete 3 rounds of 5 exercises – each round had new exercises to show you some variety:

Round 1

  1. Alternating Reverse Lunge
  2. Snatch (left)
  3. Snatch (right)
  4. Inverted Row
  5. Burpees

Round 2

  1. Double Front Squat
  2. Single-Arm Swing (right)
  3. Single-Arm Swing (left)
  4. Alternating Single-Leg Hip Thrust
  5. Alternating Curtsy Lunge

Round 3

  1. Jungle Gym Push Ups (I should’ve had it set lower, but the interval was too short)
  2. Dynamic Squat
  3. Clean and Press (Push Press mostly 🙁 ) (right)
  4. Clean and Press (left)
  5. Moutain Climbers (why?!)

And there we have it 🙂 Hope you enjoy the workout idea and the new features on the site. Please let me know if there are any problems with them.

Be back soon with more.




Beginner’s Fitness Journey (Part 1)

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