Hi everyone,
Finally I have finished my weekend of nights, so I’m able to do a well needed workout. And boy did today’s workout make up for lost time!
The focus today is MAXIMUM calorie burning and fat loss.
The reason I focus on full body workouts is because the more muscles you use, the more energy you need therefore, the more calories burned.
I devised the workout to consist of 2 sections. The first, a resistance section focusing on strength, toning and sculpting the muscles – which also helps to deplete glycogen stored in the muscles (stored carbohydrates). Once these are depleted, your body then turns to fat for energy. If you keep each interval as intensive as possible, you will achieve maximum results.
The next section is made up of cardio exercises, using both body weight and Kettlebells. Once both sections are completed, go back and repeat one more time.
The Workout
I set my Gymboss Interval Timer for 12 cycles of 15 seconds rest and 45 MAX effort. After these 12 minutes, have a little rest for about 1 minute, then repeat the workout again. Including your minutes rest in between the rounds, this whole workout lasts 25 minutes.
The exercises and my scores are as follows:
Resistance Section
- Double KB Front Squats into Shoulder Press (11, 9)
- KB Renegade Rows (16, 13) – 1 rep is one row
- KB Curtsy (right) (14, 13)
- KB Curtsy (left) (15, 13)
- KB Push Ups (12, 9)
- Double KB Sumo Deadlift (16, 17)
Cardio Section
- 2-Handed KB Swings (35, 32)
- Burpees with Push Up (8, 10)
- Alternating KB Swings (28, 24)
- Dynamic Squats (31, 28)
- KB Snatches (right) (18, 16)
- KB Snatches (left) (16, 15)
Rest for 1 minute and repeat. For this workout I used a mixture of 12 kg and 16 kg Pro Grade Kettlebells
I found this workout REALLY tough today, I had so little energy. I hope to be revived for tomorrows workout after a good nights sleep. Try and beat me and let me know how you do, so I can up my game the next time 🙂