Hi everyone!
Finally I have a workout for you. This is a very straight-forward one, because as I keep saying, I have to take things easier for a while (booo), but there are plenty of ways you can ramp up the intensity for yourself!
Over the weekend I will post the video from my new routine to TRY and improve my SI Joint issues. It’s just an experiment that in theory should help, but sometimes these things don’t work the way we expect. Anyway, all I can do is try it. But I’ll post this asap. I have 3 nights to work … so I’ll put it on my priority list.
Finally, I will be launching my services page next week, so keep a wee eye out for that. I’ll announce it anyway, but just thought I’d try and create some “suspense” 😉
The Workout
I performed 3 rounds of the following 5 exercises with set reps. But if you like you can turn the Goblet Squat and Swings in to an interval section using your Gymboss Interval Timer. Say 6 cycles of 15/45 and then rest and use the Push Ups and Pull-Ups as a Bridging Combo, before repeating. That’s 6 hellish minutes of intervals and then strength exercises to boot 🙂
- Goblet Squats x 12 – 15 reps
- KB Push-Ups x 12 – 15 reps
- Two-Handed Kettlebell Swings x 20 reps
- Pull-Ups x 5/6 reps
- 2H KB Swings x 20 reps
I felt good after this workout and my SI Joint felt a little better afterwards 🙂
That’s all for today, hope you enjoy it and feel free to leave your feedback.