Full Body Blast

by Marianne  - March 13, 2010

Hi everyone,

I was just off night duty and I think I must’ve been over-tired because I had an unusually high level of energy for someone who’d been up all night. Unfortunately I wasn’t on top form today at all, nothing was going quite to plan in this workout. I think I was also a little giddy, as I thought I was being funny at one point. So, I devised this workout during my break last night and I think it definitely provides an ample fat burn, provided you try to maintain proper form 🙂  I decided to forgo the Kettlebells today because I think that would be stretching it a bit, but this bodyweight workout is not easy either.

I have been on YouTube lately researching some ideas for new exercises and I came across this “ninja jump tuck” by UndergroundLab. This girl is amazing at everything, so I probably don’t do the exercise justice, but I wanted to try it anyway.

The Workout

It was initially 18 minutes long, but I had to increase the recovery time to allow positioning for the next exercise and recovery so it actually ended up being 24 minutes long.  I of course used my handy wee Gymboss Interval Timer to keep the momentum consistent as I think I definitely needed that this morning. I set each cycle for 20 seconds max effort and 20 seconds rest. 6 exercises per round, 2 sets per exercise (1 min), then completed 3 rounds in total (so 36 cycles).

Here are the exercises (during the 10 seconds rest I didn’t have enough time to write my reps down):

  1. Burpees
  2. Elevated One-leg Push-ups (change leg for 2nd set)
  3. Lunge Jumps
  4. Jack-knife with Oblique Twist (using swiss ball)
  5. Ninja Jump-Tucks :/
  6. Tricep Dips

Jump-tucks are really hard! I was also finding it hard to stay on the ball while performing the one-leg pushups – maybe I should stick to the Kettlebells. Let’s call today an off day!  Good luck with this workout, let me know what you think.  See you soon for another workout.


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