Hi everyone,
With the Easter weekend behind us, I wonder am I the only one feeling a little bloated and guilty about all the culinary pleasures :-/ Even though I understand that any over-eating I do is on the rare occasion, I do still suffer from guilt. Because of this I am setting myself a goal this week to be extra good with my diet – ie minimal chocolate and wine, and only a extra treat at the weekend (Chinese food). On top of being better with my diet, I thought I would start the week with a longer workout, just to burn of a few of the Lindt Chocolate Bunnies 😀
I was searching through older workouts and I found the Black Jack Body Blast from last September – it was a great 21 minute body weight workout. But reviewing the exercises I decided it could be more balanced and I could include some strength, mobility and posterior chain work – so I designed an additional section to start the workout with.
Both sections have 3 rounds of 7 exercises, but section one is NOT interval training, the exercises are performed to either set times or set reps. You can choose to progress the weight you use in each round also.
In the Video I show round 1 and 3 or each section – as to show all 3 rounds makes the video too long and boring and, it takes me longer to edit.
Workout Breakdown
Section 1
Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for one manual interval of either 30, 45 or up to 60 seconds – this will be your count down for the timed exercises. I used 45 seconds for mine. Try not to hang about too long in between exercises as you do still want a good level of intensity.
There is a reason behind the order of the exercises below, as it begins to “open” up the hips by stretching out the hip flexors, activating the glutes thus increasing your range of movement for hip extension exercises, such as the 2-handed swing, the hip thrust/glute bridge and even deadlifts, if you chose to add them in too.
Complete 3 rounds of the following 7 exercises – remember you can swap the pull ups for more rows, and the single leg hip thrusts for doubles or glute bridges (from the floor). My reps are in brackets:
- Alternating High Deficit Reverse Lunge (progressing the weight if possible) x 45 seconds (BW – 16, 12kg – 15, 16kg – 14)
- Bird Dog x 45 seconds
- Two-Handed Kettlebell Swing x 45 seconds (Round 1 with 16kg, 2 & 3 with 20kg) (32, 27, 27)
- Pull Ups (4, 4, 4)
- Single-Leg Hip Thrust (right) (15, 13, 12)
- Single-Leg Hip Thrust (left) (15, 12, 12)
- Renegade Row (Rounds 1 &2- 2 x 14kg, R3 – 2 x 16kg) (17, 16, 14)
Section 2
The last time I set my timer for 20 seconds rest and 40 seconds effort, so I decided to keep it the same, as I want to measure progress. But feel free to increase or decrease the intervals to challenge yourself – I can tell you that I was still challenged by these exercises and intervals, but I did beat my numbers, despite being pre-exhausted by section 1.
I set my timer for 21 cycles of 20/40 and completed 3 rounds of the following 7 exercises. See my numbers in brackets:
- Burpees (no push up) (24, 22, 21)
- Plank Climber (24, 23, 21)
- Squat Tap Tap (21, 21, 20)
- Reptile Push Up (20, 18, 17)
- Side Squat (right) (26, 25, 26)
- Side Squat (left) (26, 26, 25)
- Mountain Climbers (WHAT AN IMPROVEMENT) (101, 92, 88) – still hate them tho!
This was a very enjoyable workout today, I am so glad that I included the first section, because section 2 alone wouldn’t have been enough for me to feel like I burned off any chocolate bunnies 😉
I hope you all enjoy it as much as me.
Now, I have a little announcement to make. At the end of May, I will be moving house AGAIN! This time I will be moving back to live with my mum for a few months while my NEW home is built. Yes, I have decided to get onto the property ladder and set some roots down. At my mum’s, there is a garage to do my workouts in, but my new home will be a lot smaller, so I will have to think ahead and find a new venue to continue myomytv’s workouts and videos. This is a big deal for me, as I can’t believe I am actually in a position to buy a home, even if it’s a small one 🙂
Talk to you all soon.