Be Your Fit Self Today!

by Marianne  - January 18, 2017

Yasmin said it perfectly:

[Being part of The Pull-up Academy] continues to be an incredible chance to get back to my fit self 

This is a woman who had suffered a shoulder injury which caused her to lose her Chin-ups for 2 years. After just 4 months she has regained strength, confidence, and has found herself leaner as she easily performs 6 unassisted Chin-ups. Now she’s unstoppable.

Your fit self is who you are when you’re strong, healthy, and believing in your ability to keep going. You may also feel pretty confident in your own skin.

Notice it has nothing to do with numbers; it has everything to do with who you are.

I am happy to report that I feel like my fit self. You’ll hopefully see that my function and strength are returning – though my conditioning needs to catch up – but more important than these external changes is the inner shift that happened over the holidays: that what I believe about myself within my circumstances is what will make or break me. The last few years have brought pain, loss of confidence, along with a burden of guilt over my desire to regain what I once had. Even though I still have pain and some limitations, and even though my body isn’t as it once looked, it’s really good. Finally I have reached a place where I can embrace the fit self I can be TODAY!

What holds you back most from embodying your “fit self”?

Join the conversation below.


The Workout:

I set my Gymboss miniMAX Interval Timer for 5 cycles (at a time) of 20 seconds for recovery / 40 seconds for effort and I completed 3 total rounds of the following 5 exercises:

  1. Step Up (leading with right leg)
  2. Step Up (leading with left leg)
  3. Roundabout Swing (using 12kg)
  4. Push-up/Pike Push-up Death Combo
  5. Dynamic Squats

Let me know if you try this workout!

Happy 2017 … It’s going to be a great year for Myomytv so be sure to sign up for my Newsletter to stay up to date on all the new happenings 🙂



PS – If you buy a gymboss through text or banner links on my pages, I will earn a wee bit of money for that. I have been a gymboss affiliate since 2010 because I loved them then and I love them now. Especially because it one more thing I can operate that’s not on my phone.

Gymboss miniMAX

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