Hi all,
I had planned to get up early today to do a strength section and a conditioning section, but I kinda slept in (though I had been awake for 30 hours, so I needed it). Anyway, I only had time to do the conditioning part, and boy was it tough! I was really energetic so put my all into getting good numbers.
The Workout
So, set your Gymboss Interval Timer for 21 cycles of 15 seconds rest and 45 seconds effort and complete 3 rounds of the following 7 exercises. My reps and weights are in brackets as always 🙂
- Kettlebell Clean into Front Squat (right) (16kg) (11, 9, 9)
- Kettlebell Clean into Front Squat (left) (16kg) (11, 9.5, 8)
- Burpees (14, 12, 11)
- Two-Handed KB Swing (20kg) (31, 30, 30)
- Dynamic Squat (30, 28, 27)
- Plank Climber (last 2 rounds Elevated) (22, 19, 17)
- KB Vertical Swing Burpee (16kg then 20kg for last round) (13, 12, 8)
This workout is great for overall fitness, speed co-ordination, core stability and fat loss (if that is your goal). It includes a good mix of body weight and kettlebell exercises and I really enjoyed it. I felt my recovery speed was a lot better today than the last workout, so I was pleased to see that.
Over the next few days I hope to post the strength workout than I intended doing before this.
I hope you all enjoy this one in the mean time 🙂
This is a great one, Marianne. I’m really enjoying your workouts.
This hindu squat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPSVpo4mzNI
and this is rock up squat:
Ok, interesting – Cheers!
I just did it! I didn’t think it was so hard! It works! Normally I do 32 minutes of kettlebell training on 40″second work/20″second rest, and I do a routine similar like this:
Swing 1 arm sx
swing 1 arm dx
row on rings
hindu push up
Snatch 1 arm sx
snatch 1 arm dx
renegade row
push up on kettlebells
Hindu squat
Knee press sx
knee press dx
kipping pull up
Clean & press 1 arm sx
clean & press 1 arm dx
body rock up squat
Your routine seems harder than mine! Cheers;)
Thanks for your ideas, not exactly sure what Hindu or Body Rock Squats are though? Looks like a challenging routine 🙂
first of all, I love ur workouts 🙂 good to watch when I lack of inspiration (or motivation hehe)
I tried this one this evening, but i added one exercises more for the legs ..
(only have one weight kettlebell tho, but I think its time for me to upgrade to a heavier one 🙂 )
3rounds 45/15:
Kettlebell (12kg)Clean into Front Squat (right) (9, 10, 11)
Kettlebell Clean into Front Squat (left) (10, 10, 11)
Burpees (9, 11, 11)
Two-Handed KB Swing (31, 30, 30)
Dynamic Squat (29,31,32)
Plank Climber (17, 19, 19)
KB Vertical Swing Burpee (10,10, 12)
Doubbleleg hipthrust on stabilityball (16,19,19)
sweat was dripping afterwards, a good 2nd workout for 2day 🙂
Thank you!
/Greetings from Sweden!
Greetings Sweden, from Ireland 🙂
Thanks for your comment, I am glad you enjoyed this workout and were able to add to it, to get what you need and enjoy – that’s what it’s all about!
I had been putting this one off as it looked like it was going to be a tuff one…and it was! But it was a good challange and lots of fun:) I changed a couple things as my legs & glutes had major DOMS from the strenght workout yesterday.
21 X 15/45
1) Lunge back Kick up R 21,23,21
2) Lunge back kick up L 20,21,21
3) Burpee 11.5,10,10
4) Swing 20K 27 all rounds
5) Dyno Squat 34,29,30
6) Plank Climber 25,21,18(should have pushed myself to do elevated, but they are so hard!lol)
7) Verticle swing Burpee 14kg 9,9.5,9.5
Myohmy was I a heap of sweat after this one!
I was bathed in sweat after this one! Great!! Annoyingly, right at the end of my 3rd round, the owner of my (very small) gym told me I couldn’t use my GymBoss anymore! My hubby figured out if you clip it so it’s near your clavicle the “vibrate” is more noticeable. I’ve had problems not feeling the vibrate when I clipped the timer to the front of my shirt. I will give it a try today in the new position.
Aw what a bummer! I find that too with the vibrate, but then the clip on mine has broke off, so maybe that’s why LOL!
I agree with you guys, I think they should also make the Gymboss blink using a small light instead of beeping.
I can’t even feel the vibrate if I have my headphones on.
Did this after another bout of sanding and waxing our racing boat.
I made some small changes to the workout
1. dbl kb 8kg clean and squat 7,4,4
2. V ups 20,15,12
3. burpees 8,8,8
4. swings using 16kg 25,26,23
5. dynamic squat 29,20,22
6. plank climber (first round elevated)12,14,10
7. over head or vertical swing\burpee 12kg 7,7,7
the box I am using for elevated planks is dangerous.
that was brutal, but well worth it.
I so did not want to do this today! I already did assorted pushups and leg raises, but I had taken them easy and got no cardiovascular challenge, so I had to do something more. Since this was on my ‘to do’ list and I don’t lie missing Marianne’s workouts, I went ahead:
1 & 2 Cleans to front squat: 12 Kg 8 each
3 Burpee 9, 9, 10
4. 2 handed swing 20 Kg 27, 26, 26
5. Dyno squat 29.5, 29, 29
6. Plank Climber 18, elevated (why not really kill myself?) 13, 14
7. Vertical Swing Burpee 14 Kg 9, 9.5, 10.5
I already had a blister on my left hand from snatches several days ago, and I managed to open it on saturday and again today. So now I am very much aware of this pain in my left palm.
~ Gillian
hi Marianne,
Just wanted to comment, your form on the cleans has seriously improved. This workout is on my to do list for this week. I am doing some hard work on the boat I race on this eve, so that will be my workout for tonight.
I really liking your new (beat me up) challenges. lots of hugs from the big apple.
I did this workout this morning, after doing the “Triple the Results” on Friday and having a rest on Saturday. I thought this one would be easier, silly me! I was done for when I had finished!
Another great workout, thanks Marianne.
You’re welcome Peter. Never easy around here 😀
Can’t wait to get my teeth into this – bitchin’!
Are you planning on running any KB Summer boot-camps this year, M?
Hehe, like your style. Andrew might be planning a KB bootcamp again, but I will not be involved 🙁 But I think my workouts are enough to keep me and everyone else busy 😉
Hi Marianne,
I think it’s just as well you didn’t have time to do the strength section as this workout just about finished me off this morning :). I’m embarrassed to admit that I had to revert to beginner’s burpees in the last round. I was really trying to up my game with these in round one and two, but boy did I pay for it later! Some reps then:
Clean squat – 16kg (11,11,10)
Other side (10,11,10)
Burpees (14,13,14)
Swing 20kg (29,28,29)
Dynamic squat (36,34,32)
Plank climber on bosu ball (19,17,17)
Vertical swing burpee 16kg (11,10,9)
I take my hat off to you for toughening up the exercises and adding weight in the later rounds as this was the last thing on my mind 🙂
Thanks as ever for uploading this workout. I look forward to trying the strength section (I must be a gluten for punishment 🙂 )
Emma, your numbers always impress me 🙂 Well done!
Emma you are one beast 🙂 cheers
Nice wokout, so hard, thanks