Train Along With Me – Beginners Kettlebell Workout

by Marianne  - October 14, 2011

Hi everyone,

Lately I have been so busy focusing on my own goals that I had forgotten that there are many beginners here too. I realise from once being a beginner that, while inspiring, seeing these advanced workouts can also be intimidating.

After hearing from my sister (who has recently become addicted to my workouts) that she often forgets her form while trying to remember the exercises from my usual format; so I thought I would follow her suggestion and put together another “Class-Style” or “Train-Along-With-Me” workout for beginners to follow. In addition I have filmed a tutorial specifically for this workout to save you time searching through all the separate exercises tutorials.

Of course those who follow the more advanced workouts need not feel this is too easy as we should all know how to progress the exercises by now. If not, then leave a comment and ask 🙂

The Workout Prep

Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for 9 cycles of 30 seconds rest and 30 seconds effort. After your Warm Up then aim to complete 2 or 3 rounds of the following 9 exercises. Remember to check out the tutorial first and then you can do one full round with me in the second video. I will give you cues and hopefully a little motivation throughout!

  1. *Kettlebell Goblet Squat
  2. Single Arm KB Row (right)
  3. Single Arm KB Row (left)
  4. Two-Handed KB Swing
  5. Plank Climber or Push Up
  6. *KB Alternating Reverse Lunge
  7. **Push Press (right)
  8. **Push Press (left)
  9. KB Alternating Swing

* These exercises can also be performed with body weight only if preferred.

** The Push Press is the only exercise in this workout that requires you to Rack the Kettlebell. For proper “Racking” technique, please see the next video.

Now you are ready to complete the workout! Have fun 🙂

Take about 1-2 minutes rest between each round and then repeat as many times as you want, but I recommend 2 or 3 rounds in total; which equates to a good 30 to 40 min training session.

The Workout

Cool down and stretch to complete the training session.

Leave your feedback below and let me know what you thought of the format and the workout. Any queries on the exercises? – ask below 🙂



My Beating Heart! Cardio / Conditioning Workout

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  1. Hi Marianne,
    I just love the web site, I am completely new to Kettlebell training, and what an inspiration you are. Firstly “Fair Play” you your wonderful mum, goodness!
    I am 54 years old and I have been a fit person all of my life, so keeping fit is not new to me, however I have been a female driving instructor for 25 years and this last year my lower back has begun to suffer!!!!! I stretch my back every day, but would appreciate any advice you may give me to making a recovery.
    Yours sincerely,

  2. Pingback: Train Along With Me – Beginners Kettlebell Workout | | Free Fitness Blog | Duend'art
  3. Pingback: Train Along With Me – Beginners Kettlebell Workout | | Free Fitness Blog | Duend'art
  4. Hi Marianne

    Thanks to stumbling across your workouts I have just picked up my kettle bells from wolveston and plan to try this work out tomorrow. I have bought a pair of 16kg bells I am really hoping that I havent gone too heavy too soon ! we will see!

    I have had next to zero inspiration to get in shape for ages since starting a busy job and your site and the other comments have really got me excited about getting started.

    just wanted to say thanks!

  5. Hi Marianne!

    This is my second WO on Myomytv and I love it! I consider my self a beginner because I’ve never used KB ‘s before! I have been doing, since almost one year now, some WO’s from Bodyrock and now with Zuzana. My problem is I’m too skinny (mostly my butt). I lost 10 pounds and I need to increase my muscle mass. I hope I can make here, with my new KB’s and your videos!.
    I think I’ll keep doing the beginners corner WO’s until I feel comfortable.
    Thanks a lot for all your explanations and comments!


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  7. Hi Marianne,

    I’ve been doing this workout now for the last couple of weeks (three times a week) and I’m really enjoying it!

    I did kettlebell workouts before this one, but I progressed too quickly and injured my back. I was using a 16kg bell, so I decided to get a 12kg bell and use this workout to get my conditioning back on track and help my back. So far, it’s working out great!

    I’m planning on doing this workout for another 4 weeks so 6 in total before stepping it up. I was wondering if you could advise on the best way to step it up? I was thinking of increasing the work to 40 secs and reducing the rest to 20 secs. I’m wary about moving up to the 16kg bell because of the injury I picked up but eventually I need to do this. I coped with the weight before, so I’ll need to go up to that weight at some point.

    Any advice would be awesome.

    Best wishes,


    1. I would suggest the change in interval times and/or increasing the weight as you suggest. Even just for the squat and row – then practice the swing more carefully with the heavier weight outside of the workout 🙂

  8. Hi Marianne,

    First: thanks for what you do! I’ve been curious about kettlebell training for awhile since I got bored of strength training at my gym and I’m happy I am able to learn from you. I’ve found it to be a really nice compliment to my pilates training.

    Question though: I’m ready to move on from beginner, but not sure what to do next. I like this train along with me video, I put it on, crank up the music and work out, just repeating it. I’ve increased weights, but don’t want to get bored. I don’t think you offer any other train with me videos? Do you have any suggestions?

    It would be really awesome if you did. Or if you even started live streaming some classes–I would definitely pay a subscription fee for that.


    1. I don’t yet Sarah, but stay tuned, because I have an exciting new project that might answer this for you 🙂

      Thank you for following, and great job with your progress to date!

  9. Well I’ve purchased a kettlebell and completed a first workout this morning. Given that I’m a working mum (40 hrs a week), I have approximately 30minutes at 5.30am to do a workout…

    Going to take it really slowly, as I’m not only relatively unfit, but also type 1 diabetic so I need to gauge the impact of an unfamiliar type of exercise will have on my blood sugar levels. After the workout this morning, I’m guessing I’m going to need to drop my insulin by at least 50% for an hour or so during and afterwards.

    Thanks for the clear instructions and easy to follow videos.


    1. This is great Lyndal! Thank you for commenting, and I am very pleased that you are taking this step. I hope that your sugars improve significantly and you don’t need as much insulin 🙂

  10. I recently purchased a kettlebell and found your videos on youtube when searching for kettlebell workouts. The videos are wonderful and I wanted to say thank you for what you do! I have been neglecting my personal fitness for too long and I have really been inspired by your motivation. Cheers from another Belfast! (Maine, U.S.A.)

  11. Just did my very first Kettlebelle workout and I decided to do the train-along-with-me workout!
    I have a 12 kg kettlebell, which is (thank goooood) a good weight. I am a newbie with kettlebells (but with a high fitness level) and look forward to learn a lot more about it on your site.

    Many thanks for the tutorial. During the workout I realised that I should watch it again and practise the technique more 🙂

    You will see me a lot more on your site.

    Good luck with your new career decision!


  12. Hi, Marianne,

    I think you are great! You bring kettlebelling (if this is a word)to beyond the Universe level! You really teach safety and correct ways to do each movement.

    I have a friend who watches your videos and does the kettlebell all the time. She really looks up to you. We live in New York City, do you come to the states at all? Do you give any training classes here? I would love to surprise her and bring her to one of your classes here in New York and do a kettlebell workout with you being the instructor. She would be so happy.
    Please let me know if you and when you will be holding classes in NYC.
    Thank you again for your expertise !!! We really appreciate you!


  13. Hi Marianne, how are you today?

    I’m from Brazil, so sorry my poor english lol.

    I would like to know if it’s possible to a person with a large fat belly do the kettlebell adequately since the belly touchs the arms before the front side of hips.

    I’m been searching the web for some time now but fail miserably to find an answer.

    I’m not knew to normal gym workouts, but absolutely newbie to kettlebells and right now, i’m idle at exercises, so wanna back with kettlebells.

    Sorry for the long post, but I’m waiting kindly for your responde.

    Best Regards, Rodolfo

    1. Rodolfo, thank you for your question. To be honest, that is only something you will know. If you can’t hold the KB properly or you find your belly is getting in the way, then try some other types of exercise. However you should be able to manage some Goblet Box Squats, Military Presses and Single Arm Rows with the KB. The swing might be an issue though, but stay motivated and over time your belly will reduce allowing you to learn the other exercises too 🙂

      I wish you well with your journey to health and fitness!

      1. Thanks a lot for the info, Marianne!
        Sorry for the long time between the posts…

        I already started doing one and two handed swings for some time now. The belly get the exercises harder, but it’s absolutely possible to do them, only have to do it harder with gluteos and abs. It’s fun 🙂

        Mine is 14 kgs, good for the right arm, but heavy for the left, but i’m getting there! Lol.

        Keep the good work!

  14. Hi, I’m just starting out with kettlebells and am following this routine. So far, I’ve been concentrating on getting my form correct but am now ready to start in earnest and with the Gymboss. My question is, how often would you recommend doing the routine? I mean like every day, every other day, etc.

    Thanks, Gary

    1. Hi Gary,

      Provided you feel recovered enough (and are not too sore), you can perform routines such as this daily. However I recommend trying to get 2 full day’s recovery throughout the week. Plus it depends on what else you do 🙂

  15. Hi Marianne,
    I’m glad you enjoyed your US trip and had the opportunity to meet some of the most famous strength and fitness figures. And I think they’re very lucky to have met you too… You look wonderful on the pictures and videos, I’d never suspected you were in pain. I do hope your SI joint is behaving now and I think you’ve put up with it wonderfully. I know what it’s like to feel the “body machine” is breaking down, knowing you will have to slow down a bit, feeling frustrated and almost helpless. But I suppose it’s the way our body reminds us that patience and gentleness are virtues too as much as endurance and determination… Well I’m no philosopher, so I won’t bother you further with my thoughts. I just want to thank you again for your website and the KB tutorials and workouts. I’ve bought a new KB (12kg), the 8kg is now too light for lower body exercises. But the 12kg is a bit to heavy for my poor upper body. I stick to it though, as I can’t stand to be challenged and fail. Was I talking about patience as a virtue?
    Well as I haven’t found a KB course around I hope the form is correct, I try as much as I can to reproduce your moves, I even stopped banging my forearms performing the racks…
    Sorry for being so wordy, it must be your site, I feel like I’m chatting with a friend!
    Take care. A bientôt.

    1. Aw that’s sweet Marie-Anne! I feel like that too sometimes when I am replying to comments here. Like we are all just chatting 🙂 Love that!

      You can post your thoughts as much as you like!

      Your upper body will soon be ready for the 12kg, but you are right to wait until it feels right and not over do it.


  16. Hy Marianne,

    My Name is Christopher short Chris, i follow your site just a long time and i have to make a big compliment to you and your site :-).
    Today was my first training with kb 😀 i got one on April 2011 and i don’t know why i never ever train before.
    But now my mind was on a good mood 😉 and i start with your Vid, first i do your warm up and after that the workout 2 Round’s … Damn “Kettlebell Goblet Squat” are really thoug. .well for me 🙂 but im sure in short time it will be good. Thank you again Marianne your are a really inspiration to me and i admire you.

    Happy Training

    1. Great job Chris! I’m chuffed you decided to pick up that Kettlebell and make a start … that is the hardest part. Keep me posted on your progression 🙂

  17. Hi Marianne! I’m so excited to have found this site!! Lucky girl I am! I bought a KB on a whim at a local department store….started looking around at videos and whatnot and then went to youtube and found you! I have NOT used a KB before and think that I will returning the one I bought to get a better quality (the one I got is only 5 lbs anyhow). Just goes to show you that you need to thoroughly research something before getting started! My son is getting married in a little over a year and I want to be in tip top shape……and you’re going to help me get there! Thank you soooooo much! 🙂

    1. Nice job Kim! And welcome to my site!! You will surely get in great shape as you progress. You just have to find something you enjoy enough to be consistent with. Good luck 😀

  18. Hi Marianne! I just started doing kettle bells and LOVE your site! I was wondering if I can do a kettle bell workout every day or do I need to rest? I really enjoy it and feel it is something I could stick to because it doesn’t require a lot of time. I just don’t want to harm myself by doing it daily.

    1. I Liza, thanks! The advice I give about rest days is listen to your body. I can’t tell you what rest you need, because everyone is different. If you are so sore that you can’t move, then it’s probably best to have a rest day. If you train every day and you find after a while your performance starts to suffer or your body composition is getting worse, then it might be time to add more recovery. I hope this makes sense. I can usually train most days, but I have 1 or 2 full day’s rest each week.Then some weeks I have more. It all depends on what other stressors I have going on.

      Hope this helps.

  19. Hi Marianne, I am new to kettlebells like many others. Thank you for publishing this wonderful tutorial. I have watched a few time and tonight I did it along with you! I have not worked out consistently in about 5 years. I am now trying to get back into it. Do you reccommend streching before this routine?

    Thank you from Tracy in Texas!!!

    1. Hey there Tracy! I’m excited that you have got back into your training 🙂 Yes, I recommend a 10 min warm up, including some stretching before each workout. I have a little warm-up routine in the main workout section. Have you seen that?

      Thank you for commenting!

  20. Your tutorial is awesome! What are your suggestions when choosing the kettlebell weight? I want to start at 10lbs, but, what should be the main determining factor?

  21. Hi, I was delighted when I found your site as I have recently just bought an 8kg kettle bell but it came with only a chart using 2 kettle bells, I have been dieting and walking for 2 weeks now and have lost 12lbs I have 84lbs to go so I know i have a long way to go, So I want to start kettlebell training to gain more strength and muscle whislt losing weight. I will start tomorrow with your beginners videos and let you know how I get on. Thanks again from Cork Ireland.


      1. Hi Marianne,

        I Havent started it as I think my kettlebell is either too heavy or im so completly out of shape, To be honest i’ve only ever walked as I love to walk, So im thinking that I just don’t have physical strength lol A shame for someone thats 5ft 6in you’d think I could lift a 8kg for more than a few seconds, I’ll keep at it, I have been trying to do it after my walking in the morning, would it be a better idea to do the kettlebell before my walking, I like to walk between 6 and 8 miles a day my little dog charlie just loves to be outside. Anyway Ill keep at it hopefully it will get easier and ill be able to complete one excersise lol then maybe the whole 20 mins. Take care your fab.

        1. We all started somewhere Mags. I remember not being able to exercise for much longer than 8 minutes – so you will get there! Just keep at it and build it up slowly. Soon enough, the 8kg will be swapped for a 12kg 🙂

  22. Just wanted to let you know that I’m loving your workouts. I’m in Australia and it’s Summer here and your workouts have had me sweating buckets. A few of my friends are into BodyRock but now that I’ve shown them your site they’re making the switch. Less booty in your face and more interesting content. Thanks for keeping it nice! Cheers. Jane

    1. Hey Jane, thank you for your comment. I like to hear where people are from 🙂 Wish I was there!!!

      Hope your friends like my workouts too 😀


  23. Well I tried this on Saturday last week and again tonight. I am only getting through 2 rounds, I am out of shape but getting back on track! Saturday I tried my first mountain climber and fell on the third one! LOL!! But . . . tonight I actually did 4 in my 30 seconds! Progress!!

    I am so glad to have found you, I love all of the information that I find here and love to read your older articles and watch the beginner videos again and again to get you into my head for when I am working out. It IS about time someone took us women seriously who want to work out with weights but don’t want to be ripped or compete.

    I lifted weights in my 30’s and loved it! But life happened and now, 20 years later, I am 70 pounds heavier and really out of shape. But even with the few workouts I have tried, my body is responding and remembering what it felt like and it is great.

    I got a kettlebell for Christmas from my husband, it is only 10 lbs, but definetely working me! Quite a nice surprise from my husband! I hope to work up to a heavier one by Spring when I can get my bike back out and ride some more of “this” extra off of me.

    Really appreciate what you are doing here! Thank you!


    1. This is fantastic! I love hearing that you are already seeing results 🙂 How cool that your hubby got you a KB – kudos 😀

      Here’s to you finding your strength again! Please keep me updated. And remember, if you need any advice – just ask 🙂

  24. Hello from Finland! 🙂

    I found your website today and this evening I tried out your beginners workout. It was awesome! I was really sweating throughout the workout! I’ve done weightlifting for over 2 years now but I decided to start of with the beginners workout since I’ve heard kettlebell exercises are slightly different to lifting normal weights.

    Even though its a beginners workout I thought it was pretty tough. I did 3 sets altogether, I must say the plank climbers really killed me each time but I stuck with it. 30 secs isn’t really that long and if you just grit your teeth you’ll get through it. I’ve got some experience in interval training with weights and it was really refreshing to do a interval based routine. 😀 It really gets your heart rate going compared to regular weightlifting. Love it!

    Also I must say you were right about the workout getting easier after each set. During the first set I was really listening to your advice on the tutorial but on the 2nd and 3rd set I started to get the hang of it. I can’t wait to advance onto other workouts!

    Keep up the good work!

  25. Hello from Texas!

    WOW! I am so impressed with your workout videos. I just got my first KB about two weeks ago and have been watching your videos to learn how to use it and get the most out of my workouts.

    Keep up the great work!

  26. Thank you very much for sharing your videos. I thank you so much. I started training kettlebell in a gym almost a year ago but stopped for a few months. Now, I bought my own kettlebells so I don’t need to enroll myself into a gym. Now, I learn new workouts from your videos.

    I’m a new follower.

    1. Hey Mike! Welcome 🙂

      I am glad that you enjoy the workouts here. It’s great that you have discovered KBs again and that you feel confident enough to go it “alone”. If you need any help, just leave me a message 😀

  27. marianne,
    Thank you for the “train along” video,it really helps me stay motivated.
    I do have a problem with the push press in that although I gently rack the kettlebell,I find that my forearms feel bruised. I am using a 15lb kettlebell. Is it too heavy for a beginner?

    1. Mary, I have this problem with the push press too. 15lbs is only too heavy if your form is off. I would say for a female, it is a good weight to start with for the PP. Hope this helps.

  28. Did this again just now, just 2 rounds since I started with swings and practicing box squats and one legged deadlifts first for 20 minutes. Sweating like a pig :-). I really love the “train along”, it helps me focuse on the technique, it´s easy to forget something or other when you´re in the middle of it. When you say “load your hamstrings” or “lock it out” it helps more. More “train alongs” to the people :-).

    A question. I really have a problem balancing while lunging (forward or backward). In the beginning I had to use walking poles for support, now I can do them if I stretch my arms out to the sides and up over my head while lunging, arms come down as I step back into start position. Is this ok? I don´t use a kb for those exercises (duh, I´d drop it on my head ;-)) because I need my arms to prevent falling. Any pointers?

    1. I will be doing more “train alongs” 🙂

      As for the lunge query, I say what you are doing is absolutely fine. Using your arms will help you balance, so keep doing that for a while and, ever so often, try them with your hands on your hips to test your balance. It will improve, you just need realise your limitations and work around them for a while. This is better than just trying something more advanced and not benefiting from it as well as you could. Build up your ankle, knee, hip and core stability first 🙂

  29. Hi… watched a couple of your videos on YouTube and jumped over here to find out more information. I am thrilled to have found you, love your training.
    I am a beginner and have a l o n g way to go in getting fit. I am really looking forward to getting there with your help.
    I am taking it slowly because I am so out of shape but… I am looking forward to progressing on with heavier Kettlebells and reps.
    I was very ill for a very long time and became a couch potato because I had no choice in the matter. I have a new friend in my life who is a great encourager and is motivating me to push on, walk and get into an exercisse routine. He took me on a four mile walk which I had only been walking about a mile a day for a while now. He is retired military and was a commander who is so used to pushing through… I do have some limitations and I know them very well so I know when to stop, and he is learning when to push and when not to and when to listen to me. Love the guy, he has really inspired me to do this!!!

    1. Hi Cindy, nice to have you here 🙂 I am thrilled to be attracting more beginners here, especially those looking to get stronger!

      It sounds like you have met a great friend who is almost like a Guardian Angel; making sure you push yourself a little further and progress! You must be so happy to be moving again – I can identify with that after a few years of being affected by an illness too.

      I am looking forward to hearing all about your progress!

  30. Hi from Sweden! I just found your website and tried your beginners kb workout yesterday. Loved it! Hated it ;-)! Hard work but fun, I´ll definitely do it again!

    As a newcomer I´d like to know if there´s a presentation of you somewhere, a summary, a bio or something. I read your post about your body image through the years and saw that you have arthritis. I have rheumatiod arthritis (juvenile, since 4 years of age, very mildly though) so I am extra interested in that and the intense workouts, how they help you etcetera. I started my path to fitness quite recently but my body has never been this healthy. My pain levels are much lower, I haven´t had much inflammations this past year at all.

    I´ll keep navigation around the site and try more workouts, keep posting!

    1. Nevermind, I found the “about” on top of the page!! That enlightened me, thank you. Interesting to read about your condition and your fitness level, that´s where I want to go too!

    2. Hi Beata, welcome to my site 🙂

      We have a similar experience with exercise helping our pain. I am glad that your pain level is more controlled – it makes life so much easier and let results easier to see!

      Look forward to hearing your progress.

  31. HI!

    Okay, do you for sure think that I could start kettlebells without seeing a trainer first for proper form, or do you think after watching enough videos and’easing’ into it, I could jump into doing something like this? I’m a follow of your site, but haven’t done an exercise and I want to try! And, sorry you’ve probably answered this before – but what do you recommend to start off with in the size?

    Thanks! 🙂


    1. Hi Heidi, Welcome 🙂

      My advice for you is that it would be preferable but not necessary to be trained or guided by someone in person. Simply because they will be able to correct your form and tell you what you are doing wrong/right? All I can do is coach one-way through my videos and hope that you replicate the technique. So from that point of view you need to be aware that doing these exercises without a trainer is your judgement call. I hope you understand 🙂

      That being said, if you follow the warm up and the tutorials you should manage well enough as long as you have a good understanding of your movements.

      With regard to starting KB weights. For females who currently do not train, then I recommend 6kg or 8kg. Most girls who started our KB classes used 6kg for their first class, but quickly changed to 8kg. 8kg, therefore is better value and it’s not a big jump in weight. Most of the exercises are doable with the 8kg, as the strength generally comes from the lower body or back, which contain big muscle groups.

      Hope this helps 🙂

    1. Hi Ralphy! I would recommend 3 times per week. Then, depending on your goals, you can do other types of training (weights or cardio) on another 2 days. Only if you feel recovered enough though 🙂 Maybe for the first week, just do the Kettlebells twice and see how well you recover, then add it in more. Technically, you can do this sort of training most days, but I like to recommend a variety of training.


  32. Hey Marianne,

    I am new to the kettle bell workouts, usually use weights, so this is a fabulous change! I like your workouts and having watched many different ones on Utube, I have to say that your form is superb! Thanks for this site and keep up the good work….very inspirational!

  33. Just did this and it was brill!! thank you. I only just qualified as an instructor and i am trying to lose weight and practice as much as i can before i start taking classes so your video’s are a massive help – feel like i am not alone!!

  34. Mare
    All four Fingers wraped around the handle. Thumb underneath Like you would hold a dumbbell. And I will check out steve cotters videos. I’m using a cast iron type KB. Just worried about elbow injury or strain thx. Mike

  35. Mare
    Is it that important that the KB is held in that position. I feel more relaxed with it in my fist. Will it cause any harm this way Been following you for about 6 months now and have learned alot. Your stuff is great Very informative and to the point. Great job. Mike

    1. Mike, it is important that the KB is held in a position that does not compromise the wrist or shoulder. Having it “locked” into this rack position is the best way of doing that. I learned the importance of this from a the Steve Cotter Workshop I went to a while back. I”m not sure I know exactly what you mean by “in my fist”. It may actually depend on the dimensions of the KB handle to the comfort of the rack position.

  36. awesome workout! I am loving kettle bells and as a trainer I love incorporating them into my clients routines…they really work your ENTIRE body oh boy LOVE the feeling of pushing myself with the KB’s!

    thanks for the workout!

  37. I am so happy I found your site. Where can I find those slipper socks you are wearing to workout in. Your videos are everything I have been looking for. Going tonight to purchase my first pair of kettlebells!

    1. Hey Katya! Thanks for your comment. The training shoes are called Vibram FiveFingers – LOVE THEM! Great for KB and weight training 🙂

      I am so excited for you getting your first Kettlebells! You know you have to given them names 😉

  38. Thanks for the beginners workout. Just what I needed! I have a question: Doing 2-handed swings I feel my technique is failing, but in doing 1-handed I have better control of my lower back. Should I use a heavier KB in the 2-handed swing, I mean, is it possible to over do movements without proper resistance from the KB?



    1. Hey Lotta, it is likely that is what’s happening. A heavier KB will force you to really load your hamstrings and stop you compensating with other muscles. The KB you currently use may be making you lift with your arms or over arch the low back without realising.

      Glad you like the workout 🙂

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