Sweat Mania – Kettlebell Cardio Challenge

by Marianne  - June 16, 2010

Hi everyone,

What a glorious day here in Belfast! This whole week is to be nice. Could it be that summer is finally here? I hope so 🙂

Today’s workout was taken from a suggestion made by Timothy Bell of Bell’s Taekwondo (Halifax, Canada), also on Facebook under Kettlebells Halifax.

The Workout

The workout has 3 different exercises, 10 reps per exercise. The goal is to complete as many rounds as you can in 15 minutes. This workout is not only good for practicing some foundation Kettlebell exercises but is also a great fat burning cardio workout – believe me!!

I finally worked out how to set my Gymboss Interval Timer for a single 15 minute interval – sometimes I wonder about my intelligence. I then completed the exercises below:

  1. 2-handed KB Swings with 16kg (10 reps)
  2. Single KB Snatches with 12kg (10 reps each side)
  3. Burpees (10 reps)

I considered adding a pushup into the burpees, but on hindsight I’m so glad I didn’t LOL. This was a tough cardio workout, as it has the added challenge of the burpees and the “competition”.  I did have to slow myself down when my snatches became sloppy, so don’t sacrifice your form for the challenge.

I completed 6 full rounds and then 10 swings, 10 snatches (both sides) and 1 burpee.  The first 3 rounds I was  fast, then I hit the wall at round 4 and 5, the last round I got my second wind. My hands are in bits though – keep meaning to get chalk!

Anyway, if you decide to try this workout, let me know how you did by posting a comment below.

Will be back soon.


Try Something New With Kettlebells

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  1. Hi Marianne,
    Just finished this workout. My time, 21min.4 seconds. setting the timer twice. My 1st few burpees were a bit hard but as you continue it becomes a bit easier. Today was supposed to have been my cardio day doing HITT on the threadmill but I’m so pumped with the kettlebells I had to do this. I finished in a puddle of sweat.
    I’m famished,I’ve never really worked out in this fashion during a fast but I find that drinking plenty of water helps alot. I also finally ordered my kettlebells, two 12kg. for starters. So excited. Thanks again Marianne. Enjoy your day!

    1. I actually hate burpee! But I do them because they are such a good exercise LOL

      I had to look back at this workout to remember, but this was a tough challenge! Have you worked out yet how to set your timer to 15 minutes? It took me ages LOL

      Anyway you will see great results from all your fasted training, well done on sticking with it Minnie 😀


  2. Hi Marianne!!
    Thanks for a great workout!
    I`m new to KB workouts. I got my 8 kg KG last week..
    Takes my workouts to a new level! I`ve been doing bodyweight and interval training. 🙂
    Just wondering about the snatches… I wonder if 8 kg is too much for me.. Should I build strenght by doing single arm KB swings for a while??
    What do you recommend?
    Have a great day!!!!!!

    Hugs from Hanne. (Norway ;-D )

    1. Hi Hanne,

      You are officially a Kettlebella now 😀 I think 8kg is a perfect weight to start at. There’s no reason that you can’t try to perform snatches with this weight. Quite often, it’s actually better to use a slightly heavier bell for snatches, you will have better control of it then. If it’s too light the bell will fly up and just slap the forearm. So use your 8kg to practice a smooth “landing” at the top of the snatch.

      In order to practice the first part of the snatching movement, I would recommend the High Pull. A common mistake with the snatch is that people tend to swing it too far out from the body. The bell should travel in a more vertical direction, the high pull is actually a partial snatch. Think of it like a sort of upward row to slightly above the shoulder, but try and keep the KB closer to the body than a swing.

      It’s really hard to advise you in writing lol it’s probably confusing. You may find the link below useful. At the start he refers to lighter weights being better, but I think 8kg is fine. I started out with 8kg myself. If you can do a single arm swing and a pressing movement with 8kg, you’ll be able to do the snatch 🙂


      Good luck
      Enjoy the workout 🙂

  3. Marianne, I just want to say that you are such an inspiration. It’s great to see a girl doing all the stuff you can do. Most guys I know couldn’t do half the stuff.

    Plus you’re better to look at 😉 Keep it up

  4. Hi Marianne, what a great workout, will definitely be trying this one. Looked like lovely weather. Keep up the good work.

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