Strength & Conditioning – Extreme Home Workout

by Marianne  - February 28, 2011

Hi all,

This workout was just what I needed after 3 days off from my training. Using my NEW pull up bar 😛 I was able to include more variety into the workout.

This workout will help you work on strength, plyometrics, full body conditioning, abdominals and core. The cardio aspect will also help you burn more calories.

There are 3 sections really, the first is a series of TGUs, for full body recruitment – with a little challenge at the end. Then, we move on to some upper body strength and plyometric work, followed by an 18 minute interval training section to finish.

Workout Breakdown

Section 1

I had planned to do 3 sets of 3 TGUs each side, bit ended up doing 3 sets plus an additional challenge, doing a double Kettlebell Sit Up Get Up.

Set 1 – 3 x 3 TGUs using 16kg

Set 2 – 3 x 3 TGUs using 20kg

Set 3 – 3 x 3 TGUs using 24kg (this was tough)

Set 4 – 3 TGUs using 2 x 12kg (I tried to use 2 x 14kgs for this, but I just couldn’t get myself to sit up, it was quite funny really, even my rage couldn’t help me with this one 🙁 LOL)

Section 2

For this you need a pull up bar. If you don’t have a pull up bar, you can substitute with some type of rowing exercise, or horizontal pull up using 2 chairs and a broom stick (see Steve Cotter demonstrate it here at 1 min 28 seconds).

This section is working on upper body pulling strength and upper body pushing power.

As pull ups are something I am working on AGAIN LOL, I am not working to failure, but keeping the number of reps at a number I know is doable but challenging. As you all know, I tend to just do my own thing rather than follow another protocol (I guess I am stubborn that way) – but there is a very good protocol on the Forum HERE for building up your pull up max.

Right back to the set up:

I completed 3 rounds of:

  1. Pull Up (various grip) x 3 reps
  2. Clapping Push Up x 6 reps.

Boy do I feel this today!

Section 3

This is the conditioning section where I have added more cardio into the picture. Use a moderate weight Kettlebell and aim for higher reps. It is interval training, so set your Gymboss Interval Timer for 18 cycles of 15 seconds rest, and 45 effort. I set mine for 25 seconds “rest” as I was running around like a mad thing moving the camera! But I would not need to do that if I wasn’t filming – so everyone else keep it to 15 seconds (if you want of course 😉 ).  Complete 3 rounds of the following 6 exercises. My reps are in brackets and the weight used is indicated also:

  1. Kettlebell Thruster to Reverse Lunge (right) ~ 16kg (11, 9, 8.5 )
  2. Kettlebell Thruster to Reverse Lunge (left) ~ 16kg (9, 8, 8)
  3. Hanging Leg Raises (as much as possible, downgrade to knee raises as needed) (14, 14, 12)
  4. Two-Handed Kettlebell Swing ~ 20kg (30, 28, 28)
  5. Hanging Side/Oblique Raises (16, 15, 11) (grip was an issue near the end)
  6. Two-Sumo Jump Burpees (14, 12, 12)

After this, I did intend on adding some glute work in, but I was pretty done in from work and this workout, plus, Sunday is breakfast day! So Andrew and I made pancakes, egg and muesli!!

Modification Options

Instead of the usual layout, I will try to illustrate the progression to the above workout here, by showing you how to adapt the exercises, and the intervals to suit your level.

Section 1

TGUs – start with Body Weight and progress to a light weight, as you get more proficient with the movement pattern, then begin to increase the weight and try other more challenging variations like the Double KB Get Up.

Section 2

Pull ups and push ups are two of the most challenging body weight exercises, especially for females:

Pull ups – Modifications begin @ 04:20:

  • Either start by using “negatives” – were by you push or jump up and slowly lower yourself down, then repeat.
  • Use a bench or chair to support your weight and allow your upper body to take some weight – this will get you the benefits of full range of movement – focus on activating your lats this will REALLY help!
  • Use resistance bands to gradually increase the difficulty. As you progress to a thinner band, the more body weight you will have to pull. Thicker band = easier.
  • If you don’t have a pull up bar, perform Rows, or horizontal pull ups instead (follow link to Steve Cotter’s demo video above).

Clapping Push Ups – Modifications begin @ 05:00:

  • Start with partial “normal” push ups from your knees, then progress to full push ups. As you become stronger at these you may try the clapping push up from your knees then progress to your toes again. Ensure that your core remains tight as the explosive nature of the push and the landing can cause the hips to sink.
  • You may also progress from full “normal” push ups to dynamic push ups and these require a faster, more explosive movement.

Section 3

In the final section, there is a choice of time intervals or set reps:

Beginners – either use the set reps suggested below in the 3 rounds or set your timer for 30/30 (3 continuous rounds or 3 separate rounds with more rest in between). Use the first exercise suggested in the list below. Modifations begin @ 06:10

Intermediates – Either use 18 cycles of 20/40 or 6 cycles 3 times. Use the second exercise suggested below. Modifications begin @ 05:19

  1. Either Body Weight Squat to Reverse Lunge (right) X 10 reps or, Kettlebell Thruster (right)
  2. Either Body Weight Squat to Reverse Lunge (leftt) X 10 reps or, Kettlebell Thruster (left)
  3. Either Lying Leg Raises/lifts X 12 – 15 reps or, Hanging Knee Raises
  4. Two-Handed Kettlebell Swing X 20 reps
  5. Either Lying Bicycles X 20 reps (total) or, Hanging Side/Oblique Raises
  6. Either Two-Squat into (stage 1) Burpee X 12 reps or, Two-Sumo Jump (stage 2) Burpee

I found the first 2 sections fun and challenging because of the strength factor, then I enjoyed section 3 for getting the heart rate elevated and the abs working again! I can feel that today too. Think I could have added more lower body exercises in, but I guess I was pre-occupied with my new toy 😉

I hope this layout is clear for beginners and intermediates, as I am trying to become more efficient at writing the workouts up, so my time can be more focused on other content too. Let me know what you think of this, and how you get on with the workout.



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