Sculpt and Burn – Super Mix

by Marianne  - June 10, 2010

Hi everyone,

First of all, what a wee star Tim is! LOL Think he wanted to join in 😉

What a week this has been so far. Since I am off work, I have been helping Andrew with all of his Kettlebell classes, which means I participate in them all and demonstrate exercises. In addition have have increased my cardio this week, by going to the gym super early and doing 30 – 40 minutes on the Stair Master. I have also done some weights too. [Note from the future: In 2015 I now know that more training does NOT yield better results; often the opposite.]

I will probably only be able to maintain this until I go back to work next week, but I’m hoping I will make some gains by then 🙂

Needless to say, I am totally wrecked from using Kettlebells all week, so today’s workout is bodyweight only. No equipment needed except my exercise mat, 2 dining room chairs and of course my trusted Gymboss Interval Timer . Because I was in the gym this morning, I limited this workout to 12 minutes. It was not an easy 12 minutes, so don’t be fooled. If you want to extend this workout, you may do 2 rounds of the 12 exercises.

The Workout

I set my Interval Timer for 12 cycles of 15 seconds rest and 45 seconds effort. I kept a record of my reps per exercise which are in brackets next to the descriptions.

The exercises are:

  1. Burpees ( 15 )
  2. Elevated Single Glute Raises (right) ( 15 )
  3. Elevated Single Glute Raises (left) ( 16 )
  4. Triceps Dips ( 16 )
  5. Burpees ( 14 )
  6. Bodyweight Curtsy (right) ( 22 )
  7. BW Curtsy (left) ( 23 )
  8. Staggered Push Ups ( 12 )
  9. Burpees ( 15 )
  10. Reverse Lunges with High Kick (right) ( 22 )
  11. Reverse Lunges with High Kick (left) ( 21 )
  12. Elevated Push Ups ( 11 )

This workout has a great mix of exercises for sculpting  your legs, arms and shoulders, while burning fat by keeping the heart rate elevated throughout. It also works, your chest, core and back, providing a full body burn.

This workout can be made more challenging by using a Kettlebell during the leg exercises, or repeating the workout again.

I hope you enjoy the workout and will leave me a comment on how you did.


Tight Buns - Kettlebell Challenge

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  1. Hello! I have been following your site for the last couple of months and doing various workouts “hit & miss” due to my crazy schedule. I absolutely love your site and workouts!

    I just did this workout all the way through and OMG!!! I am profusely sweating like crazy and I’m still winded as I type this!

    Keep up the great site and workouts! I have printed several of your workouts and will embarking seriously starting today doing your workouts –trying at least for 6 days a week!


    1. Hi Julie, thank you for your comment. I am glad you enjoyed this workout 🙂

      I totally understand what a busy schedule can do to a training regime, so I hope your new 6 day plan will work out for you. You must let me know how you get on.

      Look forward to hearing from you again 😀


  2. Hi, I am new to this site and wanted to know how often you try doing your workouts. Also how would you call this kind of exercise–circuit training or strength training?
    Thank you.

    1. Hi Anya,
      Firstly, welcome 🙂

      I do these workouts 2-3 times per week. I also do other training in the gym with weights, some cardio and I attend my partner’s Kettlebell classes when time permits. I would class these workouts as both circuit and strength training. That’s the beauty of them. Short intense bursts of effort, mixing cardio and resistance, with even shorter rest periods is the best way to optimise fat burning and strength.

      If I was only to do these workouts I would probably do them 5-6 times per week.

      Hope this helps.

  3. Hey i did this workout today. After watching it the second time around. ha ha, i realized on the elevated glute raises, you are on your hands, ha ha i was on my elbows. Might explain why i did twice as many reps as you. ha ha, i’m sure i would have had a hard time doing what you did, had i been on my hands. Nonetheless, awesome workout. I had to do the pushups on my knees as always, but better than nothing.
    Here are my reps
    ps i thought i would do two rounds, but with all those sets of burpees, i decided there was no way i could do it.

    burpees 16
    elevated single glute raise, right, 30
    elevated single glute raise, left, 34 (weird) usually right is more

    triceps dip 20
    burpees 17
    body weight curtsies right, 19
    body weight curtsies left, 19
    staggered pushups 19,,, these were a little hard for me
    burpees 14,, these are a love/hate thing for me.

    reverse lunge with high kick right 25
    reverse lunge with high kick left 24
    i must admit on the last two excercises, the lunges w/kick i stopped about five seconds or so before the timer went off. I was spent. and it didn’t help that i didn’t have the air on.ha ha

    elevated pushups 14, definatley only did these for about 40 seconds. this was a killer workout.

  4. Hey Marianne

    Your arms became more muscular and strong, so cool!
    Thanks for a new workout. Will try today.

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