Sculpt and Burn – Super Mix

by Marianne  - June 10, 2010

Hi everyone,

First of all, what a wee star Tim is! LOL Think he wanted to join in 😉

What a week this has been so far. Since I am off work, I have been helping Andrew with all of his Kettlebell classes, which means I participate in them all and demonstrate exercises. In addition have have increased my cardio this week, by going to the gym super early and doing 30 – 40 minutes on the Stair Master. I have also done some weights too. [Note from the future: In 2015 I now know that more training does NOT yield better results; often the opposite.]

I will probably only be able to maintain this until I go back to work next week, but I’m hoping I will make some gains by then 🙂

Needless to say, I am totally wrecked from using Kettlebells all week, so today’s workout is bodyweight only. No equipment needed except my exercise mat, 2 dining room chairs and of course my trusted Gymboss Interval Timer . Because I was in the gym this morning, I limited this workout to 12 minutes. It was not an easy 12 minutes, so don’t be fooled. If you want to extend this workout, you may do 2 rounds of the 12 exercises.

The Workout

I set my Interval Timer for 12 cycles of 15 seconds rest and 45 seconds effort. I kept a record of my reps per exercise which are in brackets next to the descriptions.

The exercises are:

  1. Burpees ( 15 )
  2. Elevated Single Glute Raises (right) ( 15 )
  3. Elevated Single Glute Raises (left) ( 16 )
  4. Triceps Dips ( 16 )
  5. Burpees ( 14 )
  6. Bodyweight Curtsy (right) ( 22 )
  7. BW Curtsy (left) ( 23 )
  8. Staggered Push Ups ( 12 )
  9. Burpees ( 15 )
  10. Reverse Lunges with High Kick (right) ( 22 )
  11. Reverse Lunges with High Kick (left) ( 21 )
  12. Elevated Push Ups ( 11 )

This workout has a great mix of exercises for sculpting  your legs, arms and shoulders, while burning fat by keeping the heart rate elevated throughout. It also works, your chest, core and back, providing a full body burn.

This workout can be made more challenging by using a Kettlebell during the leg exercises, or repeating the workout again.

I hope you enjoy the workout and will leave me a comment on how you did.


Tight Buns - Kettlebell Challenge

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