Hi everyone,
I found working out today really difficult, it was actually more like a chore :/ I hope you all will be patient with me at the minute as I am having a few extra stresses in my personal life, which I didn’t expect. As yet, I am unsure whether it is something I should share with you all, but I don’t think I can right now.
This workout has 2 sections. The first, has 2 rounds of 8 kettlebell exercises which are all based on set rep ranges. The second section is body weight Tabata.
Due to time constraints I was unable to film the modification rounds, but the workout should be easy enough to adapt. Check out my other recent workouts for ideas.
This workout is great for shaping, muscular endurance, fat loss and developing co-ordination.
Sorry for there not being a table either :/
Section 1
Use a challenging weight throughout and feel free to progress the weight in the second round. The rep range is just a guide, so remember if you know you can manage another rep, then do so 🙂
- Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift x 12 – 15 reps
- Two-Handed KB Swing x 30 reps
- KB High Deficit Reverse Lunge (right) x 12 – 15 reps
- KB High Deficit Reverse Lunge (left) x 12 – 15 reps
- KB Push Press (right) x 12 – 15 reps
- KB Push Press (left) x 12 – 15 reps
- KB Renegade Row x 12 – 16 reps
- KB Vertical Swing x 12 – 15 reps
Section 2
Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for 8 cycles of 10 seconds rest and 20 seconds MAX effort. Complete 2 rounds of the 4 exercises below:
- Burpees
- Side to Side Step Ups
- Mountain Climbers
- Light Squat Jumps
I am sorry for my low mood today, I will try and snap out of it asap – but we all have our bad days, right – no point in pretending 🙂
Talk to you all soon.
Hi Marianne,
Just finished this workout. Wow !!! I was calling for my mama and thought I was gonna puke.
Great feeling as weird as it sounds. My heaviest kettlebell is a 12 kg so I had to make modifications.
For the two handed swings I held a 12kg in each hand. For the renegade row I did a two KB rear press.
Loved it! I have to check my workout journal and see how I did the first time I did this.
Anyway thanks again.
Ps- I forgot to tell you that the reason for keeping the bar close
to your shins when deadlifting is because the farther away the heavier
It is.
Haha! Must’ve been tough! Glad you like it though.
Thanks for that tip btw. I knew that was why, but I just wasn’t paying enough attention to it. Did some conventional DLs today, and was really focusing on keeping the bar close and extending the knees then the hips and keeping the back in a strong position – MUCH better, and managed 1 rep (with excellent form) at 100kg 😀 Andrew was in the gym at the same time as me and I asked him to watch my form and give me feedback – so I am well pleased. Didn’t feel it in my back at all today, hammies and glutes got a hounding though.
Thanks again Minnie!
Hi Marianne,
I’ve come across your blog today while I was searching for high-intensity resistance exercise videos on youtube. I’m really impressed by what I’ve seen. Your blog contains the sort of exercising programs that I was looking for and planning to start from TOMORROW (well, it is now almost 2 minutes before mid-night!!).
In the last couple of years I was concentrating more on the conventional iron-bumping exercises while largely ignoring exercises that target my core muscles. The end result was: a big guy with massive packed muscles but with weak imbalanced core muscles that caused lower back pain, joints problems and scattered stubborn fat pockets.
I’me now planning to change my exercising routine and programs completely. I’ve viewed many of your videos (they are great specially on how to perform them in a correct form). I’m now working out the new exercising regime.
If you like, I can keep you informed with the progress and the key results as it happen (think of me a kind-off a guinea pig!!!).
P.S. I’m not native English speaker so forgive my linguistics mistakes
Thanks James, Sounds like you have a lot to gain from varying your training, and I wish you all the best with it. Feel free to keep us all posted in the “my diary” section in the forum. Means you can also keep track of your progress. It will be great to see your journey unfold, thanks 🙂
Sending positive vibes to you from across the pond in Canada
Can you substitute dumbbells in lieu of kbells?
P.S. My kettlebell instructor loves your website btw…he combines his stuff with some of yours for an extra workout (I mean torture 😉
Thanks Thomas 🙂
Yes you can use DBs instead of KBs in most of the exercises, as long as it feels right. Sometimes DBs are a little more awkward. Happy days that your instructor likes my workouts – Nice to know!
I just found your site today and wanted to say thank you for all the time you have put into sharing with the world. I am looking forward to playing with the workouts, it’s always great to try something different and I am looking forward to learn more about the KB.
Also, the irish stew looks wonderful, can’t wait to try it.
Hi Karl, thanks for the comment, glad to have you visit my site. I hope that you can get something from it and I am glad to hear that you are open to “new” things 😀 Gotta love variety!
Hope you enjoy the stew! It’s yummy 😛
I loved this workout! It was a change to focus on reps and not on time, and this workout still left me panting for air. It was also easier to judge what weights to use when I had an idea of the number of reps I would be doing. The final closing Tabata finished it off wonderfully.
I fell off my bells once on each side on the renegade rows, but I am new to using bells for this rather than dumbells. At least I didn’t damage the floor (or me!) Oh, and those lunges directly after the swings were hard!
This just hit the spot! Thank you Marianne!
~ Gillian
OOPS – I hope you’re ok! It’s scary having near misses like that!
Glad you like this one – I did too 🙂
Hi Marianne
Just wanted to add my well wishes to the host of comments left. I am hoping for the best for you. I too had situations to deal with that had me down n frustrated with life recently…hence my silence. I was checking in with your site just was so blah I didn’t comment. Slowly but surely things are getting better and I am hoping things keep getting better. So all I can say is keep putting one foot infront of the other and know that we are all here and we “got your back” :o) even if we r thousands of miles away.
((hugs))from NY
Take care of you, thats the most important thing right now. We are all big girls and boys and will keep ourselves occupied while you heal, no pressure to come back before you are ready and able. We love you :o)
Feel better and take care
Hi Kera, Thank you for commenting, it’s great to hear from you again. I am sorry you have been having a hard time of things too. It sucks that we have to go through shitty times, but I guess it makes us appreciate the good times more 🙂
Your hugs are welcomed 😀
Take care
Missing you. I’ll dedicate today’s workout to you. Hope you are well and taking care.
Thanks Mickela 😀 I am doing better – and I think about things here everyday!
Hi Marianne
Hope you are ok? You are such an inspiration to me and i have also had a rubbish week to say the least!!! But i got back out on them cliffs today and boy oh boy did i push myself to make up for doing nothing this week and eating lots of chocolate!!!!
I really appreciate all your work you do on here and the time to do it all for us. It has helped loads as i can not afford the gym and completely love my kettlebells, well except for this week i’ve like nothing, lol.
You take care
Hi Marianne,
Just a quick post to let you know that you’re one tough gal, but even tough gals should feel free to have bad days too. Here’s to hoping things get easier from here on out 🙂
“I am sorry for my low mood today, I will try and snap out of it asap – but we all have our bad days, right – no point in pretending”
Thank you for saying this. I feel the same way. I have friends that TOTALLY hide behind over the top positive quotes they constantly post on forums, social media sites etc. We ALL have our ups and downs and you know what? That is OK. Its ok to be human and show all emotions. To me its strange to hide and pretend to be something we aren’t. And usually a good workout, like the ones you offer here for free to all of us, makes us feel a little better if not a lot better. So we all totally understand if you are having an “off” day or few days. There are lots of great workouts here to do if you haven’t updated in a while. Which is great to go back and re-do older workouts. Try to beat our times, up our weight amounts etc. So thanks for a great blog and I am off to try this workout as my baby naps – hopefully! ha ha
Take care and feel better!
No body should feel bad for feeling bad 🙂 There is even a lot of pressure in the world to be happy and positive all the time. How can bottling up our other emotions be good – I don’t know. Once you let them out, you feel better. I am glad I let you know what I am feeling right now. It seems everyone can identify with it.
Thank you so much Shanna 🙂
Hi Marianne,
I’m sorry you are going through a bad patch at the moment. You are so generous with your time and expertise and I have got so much from following this site as I know many others have too.
I hope you will take some time out if you need to. As you have often explained the science behind your workouts, I feel much more confident devising some of my own, as well as following the ones here.
In the meantime, I will be trying this workout tonight. I’m not looking forward to the 20kg vertical swings though : )
Take care,
Thanks Emma 🙂
You go girl – 20kg! Yipee 😀
Hi Marianne,
whenever you have time and whenever you feel like it and without any pressure, as I really like glute bridges and hip thrusts and all that sort of Contreras exercises, I would love to see a tutorial where you start from the easiest exercise (glute bridge on the floor) and then you progress – step by step – to the most difficult one (shoulder elevated and feet elevated hip thrust). Considering all the things you said and all the things that Bret wrote (both here and on his wonderful site).
I would love to see the progression from one to the next exercise, step by step, in a tutorial. But if you don’t feel like it or if you don’t have time, never mind.
Thanks very much.
That may be my next project. I was thinking about that the other day, will see how the rest of the week pans out before making any promises – work etc “etc” :/
Cheers and thank you for your support and friendship!
Like all of us mentionned, take the time to take care of yourself, we all appreciate what you do, so do not put too much pressure on yourself – so what if you do not post anything for a week are two, real fans will wait for you 😉
I like Bianca’s idea, will sure love to hear about that too (no pressure :))
Will do, thanks Melissa 😀
Hi Marianne,
thanks for this great workout and – again another Italian stupid comment – I think you really look great with hair like that.
Guess somebody else would agree too.
Bianca (S)
Thanks Bianca, I like it too 🙂 I hope someone else agrees 😉
Hi Marianne,
Please take your time to heal. Jo is right put yourself first. Thank you for your honesty and we will see you when your ready.
I feel like I am acting all dramatic or something, but I have to stop feeling bad for being human 🙂 It’s crazy what self-made pressure can do to you. Thank you all for understanding – I will still be about, just maybe not as much.
Hi Marianne.
I just wanted to log on and give you a huge cyber ((( hug ))).
All the best
Thank you Sarah, I appreciate the cyber hug 😀
Marianne, just watched the video, woo hoo!!!! Can’t wait to do it!
Right up my alley, the tabata part has become somewhat of a favorite . Well we won’t get crazy but…. I do like the exercises you chose. Thank you , thank you .
Hi Marianne,
This looks like a great workout. I’ll be doing it in about half sn hour. Buzy this morning so… Gotta get in the grove. I’m hoping all
Works well for you. As others have mentioned , there’s so much to
Choose from you don’t need to post anything for a while. You must take care of you period. I’ll always look for you, no post , no problem. No tables no problem. We can also use our own imagination when it comes to working out. Thank you Marianne.
Stay well.
Thanks Minnie, I really do need to try and work out what is most important to me right now. Things arw just all over the show and my I am unable to fully apply myself to any task right now. It will take a little time to get into a new stride.
I hope whatever it is works out for you! Doesn’t it stink being a grownup sometimes?!
So do I Vickie and, yes it does suck 🙁
Hi Marianne,
Sending you big hugs from MA! Please give yourself permission to feel and to function at a less than optimal level for a period of time. You may not be able to be quite as productive on the job or in your workouts in exactly the way you’re accustomed to for a little while. No one is superman or superwoman; take time to heal, regroup and re-energize.
Even in the midst of the sadness and stress, you have an opportunity to learn from the experience and grow into a stronger, wiser person.
Help yourself heal by scheduling daily time for activities you find calming and soothing. Go for a walk in nature, listen to music, enjoy a hot bath, get a massage, read a favorite book, take a yoga class, or savor a warm cup of tea.
Don’t worry about us! We will still be here for you when you have had time to heal. Please take care of yourself first! Do what feels right to you and only do what you can. You are a strong lady and can and will get through this!
Thank you Lori, I will take your great advice. Thanks for being so understanding 🙂
Hi Marianne,
I haven’t posted here before, but follow your workouts regularly. Just wanted to say a huge thank you for such an honest post today. There’s so much pressure in this world to be happy all the time and it’s brilliantly refreshing for someone to be open about not having a great time.
Not so brilliant that you’re facing a significant personal challenge, but perhaps it’s time to put yourself first for a little while (not too long though, or we’ll all start putting weight on and blaming you! 😉 )
Sending lots of love and positive vibes,
Jo x
Hi Jo and thank you for posting this 🙂 I can put a brave face on for some things, but not this, so I feel like crap lol!
Anyway, I hope you will post again, as it’s nice to hear from the “silent” followers 😛
Thanks for your positive vibes 😀
Sending a big smile from NYC. I was in the slumps for a bit there myself. Feeling sorry for myself and the fact that the cold is still here and it might snow again is making things a bit harder.
This workout looks good if my swimming buddy flakes tonight this will be my workout with modifications.
Hope all starts to look better and happier for you.
Thanks Mickela,
It will take me a while to get through this one, but I know I will. I will try not to be a mope lol!
Enjoy the workout – Can’t believe there’s gonna be more snow over there, that’s crazy! 😛
Hi Marianne 🙂
Hope everything will be fine soon…yeah, sometimes we can’t avoid stress in our life-it’s how we manage the stress.And I think working out too, is one way to de-stress, right…Anyway, I will try this workout tomorrow.Thanks for keep updating new workout.You are such a great and inspirational person!
Thanks Nenie 🙂 Will keep ploughing through!
Aww I hope things turn around for you today:) Yes we all have those days and don’t apologize, you work really really hard and if your going through something that makes it especially difficult. Remember some of us like the tables some of us don’t care so don’t feel bad about no tables. Personally I like it this way because it’s easier for me to read:) We appreciate everything you do here so much so here’s to a better rest of the week chicky!
Thanks Aimee, you’re very kind. I just want people to know I am not deliberately neglecting the blog :/ Boy I put some pressure on myself – it’s my own fault I am feeling like this now LOL
Hi Marianne,
if you feel you need a break please feel no pressure from your community, we support you and admire your work, but as Gillian once said, there are loads of great workout here already and lots of ideas exchanged on the forum, so don’t “feel that you have to”!
Just enjoy it!!And that is an order,lol!!
Jokes aside we all go through periods of our lives when you think, seriously, this on the top too!!!Personally when a get my few bad days (that sometimes turn into a month :() it seems to affect me of all sides, work personal life family, everything just seems to explode and I’m left in pieces!The only thing I hold on to at this time is the hope of a little wee silver lining…..
And by the way, we all respect your privacy, so if you don’t want to share we’ll all mind our business!!!!
p.s. road service have been digging up the road closeby every sunday morning I had off in Feb/beginning of March, they do have good timing no doubt!!!
Take care
I am wishing for that silver lining 🙂 Dam these tests in life !
Thanks for understanding Sara