Monday Madness – Strength and Conditioning Workout

by Marianne  - April 11, 2011

Hi everyone,

Well I had a great weekend! The cottage where we stayed was in a beautiful location and the weather was amazing. It was relaxing and fun at the same time. Way too much food, but nothing I can’t “undo” with just getting back to normal this week.

On the first night we played table tennis and pool for a while, then watched chick flicks and ate lots of yummy food, had some wine of course. We had quite a sensible time that night as we all got settled in.

The second day began with a massive breakfast 🙂 then we headed to Eden Pottery to paint our own mugs and plates etc which was great fun. Later on we played “make the bridal dress with random materials” – this was hilarious and involved some more wine 😉 We were divided into 2 teams and we had to design and make a dress to fit one member of the team – I was on the bride-to-be’s team (the best one) – and we won of course!! The other team’s dress just looked like a clown – I was half expecting the bouquet to sqirt water at me! 😛

After more games of really badly played table tennis and competitively played pool (by me), we had dinner and got dressed up to play “Murder on the Ghost Train” – as you can see, the theme was Halloween and we each had our characters to play in the murder mystery … my character was not the murderer btw – it was the freaky ghost girl “Flow Ting”! Following this game we brought our glasses of wine down to the games room and had some more tipsy fun … this is when I lost my status as pool champion – I was not impressed :/ lol Here are some Pictures:

What a weekend!

On my last post I mentioned my personal situation and I just want to thank you all for your words of advice and support. I appreciate all the heart-felt best wishes from all over the world, it really is amazing what we have here.

Now, back to business.  Today’s workout is a tough one, in me trying to get things back on track, so I apologise in advance!

There are 3 sections of 3 exercises (triplets). There are 2 rounds of each triplet. After the second round of each Triplet, complete one Turkish Get Up on each side, before moving on to the next section.  After the 3rd set of TGUs, there is an evil Tabata waiting for you to end the workout on a high (heart rate).

The exercises are more strength-based today, although the reps are slightly higher. Choose a challenging weight that you can manage these reps with. If you want you can increase the weight and drop the reps in the second round. For me I kept the weight and reps the same.

Where you see * in the workout breakdown below, this is where I offer an alternative exercise for beginners and intermediates.  All of the other exercises are suitable for all levels (modifying the weight slightly). An alternative for pull ups is the horizontal pull up – but the direction of the pull is different, so you will be using slightly different muscles.

Workout Breakdown

Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for either 30 seconds (beginners), 45 seconds (intermediates) or 1 min (advanced). This time interval is for exercise 3 or each section, all the others are set reps.

Triplet 1

  1. KB Halo x 12 rotations each direction (14kg)
  2. *Double Kettlebell Front Squat into Military Press x 8 – 12 reps (2 x 14kg)
  3. *Squat Jumps x 1 min (31, 28)
  • TGU x 1 rep each side (16kg)

Triplet 2

  1. Pull Ups x 3 – 5 reps (5, 5) 😀
  2. Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift x 8 – 12 reps (2 x 24kg)
  3. Two-Handed KB Swing x 1 min (20kg – 38, 36)
  • TGU x 1 rep each side (20kg) – just about!

Triplet 3

  1. *Single-Leg Hip Thrust (right) x 12 – 15 reps (15, 13)
  2. *Single-Leg Hip Thrust (left) x 12 – 15 reps (15, 12)
  3. *KB Renegade Row x 1 min (24, 23)
  • TGU x 1 each side (didn’t happen – grr)


Reset your Gymboss Interval Timer for 8 cycles of 10 seconds rest and 20 seconds effort and complete 2 rounds of the following 4 exercises. For the thrusters use a moderate weight that you can do fast-paced reps (with good form – I used 12kg).  Beginners, split the Tabata into 2 separate rounds and take an extra breather in between:

  1. Burpees
  2. Side to Side Step Ups
  3. KB Thruster (right)
  4. KB Thruster (left)

Now curl up and die 😛

*Alternative exercises:

  1. Replace the Double Front Squat to Press with either Goblet Squat to Press, or Single Front Squat to Press (right then left)
  2. Replace the Squat Jumps with Dynamic Squats, High Knees, Step Ups
  3. Replace Single-Leg Hip Thrusts with Glute Bridge, Single-Leg Glute Bridge or Double Hip Thrusts – if you want to wait until I have my “Progression Video” up about how/when to move from one version of this movement to the next, you can. Otherwise, you can see it explained HERE . Remember that you are best to master the double leg versions first, then progress to single-leg.
  4. Replace Renegade Rows with Single Arm Row or Bent Over Rows.

When I have more time on my hands I promise to run through the sequences again in the video to illustrate the different workout levels. If you have any problems with understanding this workout, or any of these exercises, just leave me a comment below, or even start a thread in the Forum. I will endeavour to help how and when I can 🙂

Just a little tip – one of the worst things you can do when you are training (especially as a beginner) is: Try to run before you can walk – you must master the body-weight or minimally loaded versions of exercises first, before adding anything to it. Look at this like sketching the outline of a drawing before adding the detail, shading or colour.

I hope you all enjoy this workout and I hope to hear your feedback.



Waist-Shrinking Workout - Cardio and Core

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  1. Hi Marianne,

    Just stumbled across your website the other day looking for KB and functional workout routines and I am throughly enjoying your routines and I like how you talk and explain what the workout entails before you do it. You look the part and you are doing everyone a great service for the quality and great routines you have on here, Awesome!!

    Norm ~ 🙂

  2. In this video you can see different, very full of life and energy, very bright, congratulations.
    This routine seemed to me excellent, and the probe in these spring break and had a great effect, thanks. You are a great person. Best regards

  3. “Way too much food, but nothing I can’t “undo” with just getting back to normal this week.” – I laughed reading this after getting back from a wedding in Mexico on Sunday night. 😛

    That’s the biggest thing – not how you fall off the wagon, but how you get back on. I used to have big weight problems/fluctuations for years, but after enrolling in one of those popular diet plans, I learned how not only to keep weight off, but how to bounce back. And after seven days of gratuitious gorging (at lack of a more scientific term) at an all-inclusive, I knew my weight would be up, but having the confidence of getting back into routine, and knowing there’s “nothing I can’t undo” has made all the difference!

    Now back to the Canadian snow. 🙁


  4. I did this workout last night and it was great! It’s nice to be back at home and be able to workout on a consistent basis ….myohmy how I have missed it:) I have lost some strength and it reflects in my #’s and weights that I had to use but I wanted to take it easy and build back slowly so I don’t get injured.

    I. Halo: 25lbs x 12 each way, 12
    Double front squat to military press 2x15lbs-12,12
    Squat jumps 1 min 34, 29 (Im feeling these today, they get me every time!)

    changed the TGU to 50 Plank Knee to Elbow as I have not yet mastered the TGU

    II. Chin ups 3,2+1
    Sumo deadlift 16+20 Kg x 12, 12
    Swing 1 min 16 Kg x 38,38


    III. Single leg hip thrust (On floor, tried on bench but it wasn’t happening) right 12, 12
    left 12,12
    Renegade rows 1 min 12+14 kg x 20, 18

    50- PKTE
    burpees 5, 5
    side to side step up 20, 20
    KB thruster Rt 15lbs 8, 8
    Left 8, 8

    I have officially chosen KB thruster as my most evil exercise!! They never seem to get easier:(

    They way you put these exercises together is genius, it hit the entire body plus a cardio blast at the end just to top it off.

    Thanks for a great workout:)

    I think tonight will be your crazy cardio workout…although im a little intimidated by it and must admit I’ve been putting it off for a while now:/

    1. Haha – great work Rashelle!! The thrusters are like that for me too! I find myself dreading the 16kgs with them LOL just hell!

      Glad you like the design – I think that is key 😀

      Good luck with the Crazy Cardio … remember, blame Mickela for the madness!

  5. Hey Marianne
    I’m not sure I understand the difference between thrusters and squats with military press – is there a difference in tech that I am missing? Thanks a lot!!! Michele

    1. Hi Mickela, the Thruster is one continuous movement into the press, as you use the acceleration from the upward phase of the squat to assist the press. Contol the lowering more and then either pause before squatting down again, or “catch” at the bottom of the squat.

      The Squat to Press, is exactly what is suggests. You finish the squat, re-pressurise and Military Press the KBs up. This is more of a strength exercise, were as the Thruster is more Conditioning, with higher cardio vascular and endurance requirements.

      Hope this helps 🙂

  6. Hey Marianne,

    Still haven’t got to do one of your workouts, might not for a while 🙁 but it will be something to look forward to!

    Looks like you and your mates had an awesome time…, wine, crafts, murder mystery, what a fun packed weekend!!

    Also I’ve been meaning to say CONGRATS on getting into the course you wanted! Thats so exciting woohoo! 🙂

    Take care 🙂

    1. Oh dear, hope all is well with you ?

      We did have a great time, thanks and I would so go there again, maybe for my birthday…

      Will have to catch up with you soon 🙂

      1. My lopsidedness has caught up with me! I’m falling APART!! lol bit of early morning drama. I did a mega rant on the forum last night lol. Going to the chiropractor again later, I’m hoping he’ll get my hips etc at least aligned today.

        Actually have a question for you (came from my rant)….. Do you think you can have good form if your structure doesn’t have good form?

        Oh yeah you definitely should! that would waay better than just going to a pub for evening! Yeah definitely, that would be great!! I hope you’re keeping well too 🙂

        1. Just read the rant lol! Poor you! Thats crazy about how lopsided you are. You didn’t tilt too much when I met you … that was until we got a few drinks in 😉

          But seriously, it would stand to reason that if your alignment is SO out of wack (as yours is), then how could your movements, even just walking about be considered proper form. It may feel like good form for the way you are, but just like when the chiropractor straightened you out and it felt weird, I am sure that proper form would possible feel weird too.

          I guess what I would say is not to overload your body with additional weights, especially when things are so “flared” up. If some one comes to me and performs a bodyweight squat all wrong, I will NOT be adding weight to the equation as the form will still suck. Exercises only become fully beneficial when you can move with good form AND aim for full range of movement. If you need time to improve you range of movement, then taper back the heavier training and stick to lighter stuff. As your posture improves, then you will need to start to re-learn the exercises again as a new (non-lopsided) you.

          If your structure is “off” then your “off” movements may only become worse over time. What did the Chiro say about the exercise you are doing?

          Clearly zero exercise is not an option as you need to try and maintain the good movements and ranges you do have – so maybe you can tailor workouts to help you stay fit and build on the improvements you get from the adjustments. Of course I am not an expert in this field, but I can try and find out more for you.

          Anyway I better go to bed – working tonight again – boo 🙁

          1. Hi Marianne,

            Awwh cheers for the advice, you must have been wrecked after work and that was one long rant!

            As far as exercise, I’ve just been walking, my back definitely cant handle much more than that at the moment. It just feels too unstable and theres a lot of pressure on my left side now from the adjustments! I went to him again yesterday and he said just after the first adjustment my right leg length difference has gone from 1.5 inches to 1 inch. I was totally dreading the adjustments yesterday because of the pain afterwards. eek I’m going to him again tomorrow. He did say that because of the extent of the problem that there things would have to move a lot and it will be quite painful so for the first while best thing to do exercise is walk 30mins a day, but as i was saying its so painful thats about all I could bear doing! Bit upsetting but it will be worth it in the long run. Its mad but I really am starting to notice extra weight on my left and its not used to it!!

            Hope you have a nice weekend and work wasn’t too bad 🙂

          2. Yeah Sarajane, just keep thinking long term – you want to be functional as long as possible 😀

            Work was shite lol, but weekend has just begun 😉 You too!

  7. I did this workout yesterday, tuesday… it was great. Your exercises have changed over the last week or so… somehow the combos are more complex and varied. This keeps them interesting and always a challenge! I am amazed that these just never seem to get easy!

    I did a long workout with TGUs on monday, so I was careful on this workout.

    I. Halo: 10 Kg x 12 each way, 12
    Double front squat to military press 12 Kg x 5, changed to 10 Kg x 5; 10 Kg x 8
    Squat jumps 1 min 32, 30

    1 TGU each side 12 Kg

    II. Pull-ups 5, 5 (was 3 pullups and 2 chinups)
    Sumo deadlift 16+14 Kg x 12, 12
    Swing 1 min 16 Kg x 35, 35

    1 TGU each side 14 Kg

    III. Single leg hip thrust, right 15, 15
    left 15,15
    Renegade rows 1 min 12 kg x 22, 22

    1 TGU each side 14 Kg

    burpees 5, 5
    side to side step up 20, 19
    KB thruster Rt 12 Kg 6, 6
    Left 5, 6

    Phew! It was ll I could do to get through the tabata at the end! Another great one Marianne!
    Thank you!

    ~ Gillian

    1. I like to keep things fresh, but familar too – don’t want to add in silly exercises and cart-wheels like on another blog I saw. There are ways to keep your workouts exciting, but still beneficial to all participants and levels. 😀 If it ain’t broken, don’t try and fix it.

      Glad you enjoyed it, this one was tough for me!

      Good to hear from you 🙂

  8. Glad I topped up my life insurance before attempting this for the first time. Renegate rows were particularly tough, even with a small weight (12’s) and lots of puffing around the squats. Miracle upon miracles I worked out how to set my new gymboss trainer for the tabata, no thanks to the instruction manual which came with it, which is appalling (shame on you gymboss). However, I did find this YouTube video for the latest timer that made life very simple – which it needs to for someeone like me! No sweaty Italians on broomsticks abound, but an all girl Power Plate class with in sweating distance, a timely distraction.

    1. LOL – Adam, I know what you mean, the “manual” is like a code!

      Glad you had fun with this. The renegades take time to master, because you are doing so many things or trying to stay stable, it’s a hard one. Even I get it wrong sometimes.

      Thanks for the link 🙂

      ps – I don’t think we need anymore sweaty Italians around here, we have enough 😉

  9. I did this one today, after spending the weekend in San Francisco with the family…and eating everything that crossed my That being said, I completed it, but took my time doing so. The 3 day layoof killed me…felt very tight, so I rested a bit longer than usual. I managed max reps on all. renegades were 22 and 21, pullups 9 and 8. (Im doing the 100 pushups in 7 weeks program, and did my set before this workout, which didn’t help)
    The TGU continues to escape me…I used my sandbag for those. I just cant seem to get aligned properly…more practice! Anyway, great workout, hopefully I can sweat out what I ate over the last 3

    1. Everyone seems to be doing this 100 push up plan – I’m gonna be left behind on that one – better up my game! LOL

      Sounds like you had a lovely time away! You deserve it!!

      Seems the TGUs were escaping me too :/

  10. Hi Marianne!
    I just recently found your blog and I really like your workouts! You do such a nice job providing explanation and breakdown of each exercise. Plus its just awesome to see a girl working out with kettlebells. I want to buy some but I was wondering what size in lbs do you use? They look much heavier than the ones I saw at the store. Also they did not have the color cover on them, so I couldnt compare them to the ones you use.
    Thank you, and nice to meet you 🙂

    1. Hi Olga, thanks for commenting, glad you like the workouts. The KBs I have are pro grades, so they are all the same size no matter the weight. The pink is 8kg (it’s the lightest), blues – 12kg, whites – 14kg, yellow – 16kg, grey – 20kg and green – 24kg.

      If you are just starting out I would recommend 6kg or 8kg. You will get more use out of an 8kg though.

      I hope this helps. Make sure you try the KB out in the store, like holding it and making sure it’s not too light or heavy.


      1. I also suggest what Marianne is saying, also, just get one and try some of the workouts here combining bodyweight.
        and keep it up for a month or 2 to make sure you really like/enjoy them before purchasing more.
        I find that they are my favorite type of workout along with crazy cardio. anything to lift my spirit

          1. Marianne thank you for your response 🙂
            And thanks for the tip Mickella.
            I am going to start out with the 8 kg and work my way up.
            Marianne I have one more question for you that maybe you can answer. I have been lifting weights for about half a year now consistently as well as doing cardio type body weight workouts and have pretty good results as far as leanness and a strong core, but what I really want is to build up my muscles more. Specifically the arms and legs. You mentioned a few times in previous entries that your main focus is on gaining strength as opposed to leanness, so maybe you can tell me how I can achieve that. I do feel that I am gaining strength overall because I can lift heavier weight and do more reps than when I first started out, but I feel like my muscles havent increased in size all that much. Is there something I should be doing differently to achieve muscle gain.
            Thanks 🙂

          2. There are several factors to hypertrophy, which is muscle growth as opposed to increasing strength, although the two do overlap with regard to rep ranges and using progressively heavier weights. Strength training tends to have very low reps and you may be working for 1 rep maxes etc and the lifts can be more powerful and “fast”. This is why most powerlifters and Olypmic Lifters generally don’t have much “shape” to their muscles, but Body Builders do. BB’s work for hypertrophy (and leanness too, which I will get to later).

            With hypertrophy you need you are looking to “break” muscle fibre to stimulate them to heal bigger and denser. This is done by progressively overloading the muscle in exercise, but also putting it under tension for longer than you would with strength training. You can do this by mixing your resistance training between lower reps 5-8 “ish” with high reps of 15+ sometimes. Basically the type of training I talk about here will go a long way to helping you.

            It gets quite confusing, because quite often strength training (or the type I do) WILL also assist hypertrophy, especially if you are new to this type of training – your body will welcome the change of stimulus and will adapt as a result ie: your muscles will get bigger.

            With having one KB to use, you can play around with the tempo you use aswell. I am not sure if you have access to other weights, but if you only have the KB then try mixing slower reps, faster reps etc. For the arms (and upper body), the best exercises are pull ups and dips, or even push ups. You do need equipment though. Lower body-wise you may find that the 8kg will feel light very soon (which is fine), but you can maybe try mixing single leg exercises and then start adding the weight. The Single-leg glute bridge and single-leg hip thrust are great for increasing strength and shape in the glutes.

            Finally, probably the most important factor in determining whether your muscles grow in size is …. CALORIES! EEK!!! Right, I can gather from what you are saying that you are pretty lean, so in order to now increase the size of your muscles, you will likely have to eat more calories. I am guessing that you are in a slight calorie deficit to maintain your leanness, which is fine as you can still build strength, but hypertrophy requires you to add something to your frame, and you can only do this by providing more building materials. Now, I ‘m not saying you need to stuff your face, but maybe gradually increase the total weekly calories. If you are lifting you should not gain fat, you will likely gain muscle. Tweek and cycle your daily calories to reflect your activity, so eat more on heavy training days and normal amount on rest days.

            For me, I stuff my face at some point every day :/ rightly or wrongly – I know I have the genetics to be a fatty, but because I lift HEAVY I can get away with being a gorb. If I didn’t train, I would be a tub. I guess what I am saying is, genetics can affect your ability to build muscle too. I am lucky because, although I would also gain fat easily, I also build muscle very easily, wereas Bianca (one of our sweaty Italians) finds gaining muscle very difficult.

            Over the past 6 months, or since you started training, have you gained any muscle? Or, have you been in fat loss mode for all this time? You see, another point worth making is – starting point. If you start trying to get lean right off the bat, you won’t have the muscle mass to shape your body and give you size (or the appearance of size) and strength. I would tell people to focus on building muscle first. Being a beginner and not in a huge calorie deficit, these people will build muscle faster and this increase in muscle mass will support them losing fat, even before the calorie intake is changed. Then you only need to lower “energy in” slightly to help them get lean.

            For a while you may need to increase the calories. But I am only guessing here, as i don’t know the ins and outs of your diet, genetics etc 🙂

            Sorry for being so long-winded – once I get started….


          3. This was VERY helpful! Thank you for breaking it down so clearly. I wanted to both build muscle and lean down a bit but wasnt sure which way to go first. I have build up muscle and now it’s time to lean down. Guess I’ll have to really watch my calorie intake for the next little

          4. Glad this helps Rashelle. On the “watching calorie intake” front, I would recommend only a slight deficit, or even this cycling idea. So for fat loss, keep up your lifting and conditioning training, but tinker with your calorie intake, so that on heavy training days you eat the most (normal kcal), then moderate days (small deficit), on rest days, either low calorie or even add in a fast once or twice a week. Coax your body to lose fat, but also remind it to keep muscle by continuing to train them. This way can take longer, but it is more sustainable and realistic.

            Hope this helps. Any other queries, just ask.

          5. This is the single BEST explanation / advice I’ve ever read on muscle building / strength training. I am guessing that going over 12/13 reps make the exercise go into the ‘endurance’ zone – that’s where the heart rate’s in the fat-loss zone! Right?

            Honest. I read it thrice just to make sure that its gone in. *grin*. On second thoughts, I think I print it…..

            a big THANKS and its good (and very important) to be long-winded. Mostly everyone wants action without thought, no wonder they are unable to change their lives (in any field).

            take care.

          6. Hi VJ, I appreciate that, thanks.

            The rep range 12 – 20 (ish) works on Muscular endurance, this is different to heart rate zones. In fact there is no “fat loss zone” as such. Fat loss is basically dependent on calories in verses calories out and a few other factors, but not how fast the heart rate is. In the right dietary circumstances, the best way to coax your body to lose fat is to vary your training by utilising resistance and cardio aith various degrees of intensity. By maximising your body’s ability to build AND use muscle, you will burn more calories. FAT loss can be tricky, especially as you get leaner. If you start very over weight, you lose more fat. But as you reach a normal weight and body fat, the body is reluctant to burn too much – so some coaxing is required – I might do a post on the topic actually – as it is a great one 🙂

            I hope you continue to find the information here useful. And just ask is you need to know anything


  11. Oh you can tell you had a good time, you look absolutely radiant!!!!
    What can I replace pull ups with, rows??
    Have a great week

    1. Thanks Sara 🙂 Yeah Rows. I know they aren’t very exciting, but they are the best alternative and better to have some sort of pulling exercise.

      You too, have a good one 😀

      1. Uh just had an idea, what about inverted rows?you know two chairs, one broomstick and a sweaty italian hanging from it!!!:)
        That is a pulling exercise, right?

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