Hi everyone,
Today I have a real treat of a variety workout for you. It’s a Lucky Dip Kettlebell (and body weight) Circuit Routine! It may only be 18 minutes of HIIT Training, but there are also 18 or so different exercises to keep the fun times flowing 😀
Before I get on to explaining the workout, I just wanted to touch very briefly on what I was talking about the other day … “Amend Your Mind, Not Your Body“. Since I realised the error of my thinking, I have felt so much better about things! I have been enjoying going into the gym and refocusing on my performance goals, rather than my fat loss goal. It has caused a great sense of calm about things again and I feel relieved that I am not putting that pressure on myself to be any happier than I am today 😀 I thought for a while there I was stuck again in that obsessive thinking and constant tracking – I’m freeeeeeeeeee !
Now for something else that ties in with what I have just re-realised 😉 My good friend Nia Shanks (from Beautiful Badass) has just released an awesome product – actually, I’d call it a comprehensive Training Resource.
The “Lift Like a Girl Guide” is:
“the Ultimate Resource to Lift Like a Girl & Look Absolutely Awesome with Simple, No Nonsense Strength Training and Nutrition information. The Guide gives YOU the power and control to create workout programs and eating patterns that work for YOU. You’ll get all the tools you need to design customized training programs based on your training experience level, personal goals, equipment, and preferences.”
Now, I am not one for just selling you stuff willy nilly; I will only recommend the highest quality products and I am so proud of Nia because I personally know (from several rescheduled Skype chats), that she worked her southern butt off on this. The cool thing about it is that it’s a VIDEO product and you get to learn by visual slides and have Nia explaining it all too. Anyway, I recommend following the link above or by clicking on the photo below to take you straight to the Introduction page, which explains it more. Plus there’s 40% off until this Sunday (30th Sept 2012).
Last night I sat and listened to a portion of this jam-packed series and I can’t wait to listen to the rest and check out all the additional PDFs that come with it. You actually won’t need to ask me any training or diet questions ever again LOL, because Nia has provided so much information for trainees at all levels (including programs).
Definitely worth checking out.
The Workout
I wrote out a bunch of exercises onto cut-outs of paper, rolled them up and then picked 6 exercises at random. I then had to perform the exercises IN THE ORDER they were picked :/ eek! I repeated this process until there were no rolled up bits of paper left.
Basically, I set my Gymboss Interval Timer for 6 cycles of 15 seconds rest and 45 effort. I performed the first 6 exercises, then stopped to chose the next 6 etc. My workout looked like this:
Round 1
- Renegade Row (2x16kg) x 19 reps
- Vertical Pull Burpee (20kg) x 9.5 reps
- Thruster (Right) (14kg) x 15 reps
- Thruster (Left) (14kg) x 14 reps
- Two-Jump Burpees x 8 reps
- Tactical Reverse Lunges (16kg) x 18 reps
Round 2
- Side to Side Step Over x 44 reps
- Staggered Push Ups x 16 reps
- Roundabout Swing (20kg) x about 29 reps??
- Push Press (right) (14kg) x 15 reps
- Push Press (left) (14kg) x 17 reps
- Divebombers (eeek) x 8 reps 🙁
Round 3
- Side Lunge (right) (12kg) x 14 reps
- Side Lunge (left) (12kg) x 12 reps
- Jungle Gym Inverted Row x 13 reps
- Goblet Squat (20kg) x 17 reps
- Alternating KB Swing (20kg) x 29 reps
- Skater Jumps (or my version LOL) x 16 reps – I have the WORST balance haha!
There you have it! I LOVED this workout 😀 And I can’t wait to do something like this again – maybe using dice, or a pack of cards – I have a few cool ideas already.
I am NOT going to slog my way through workouts for the sole purpose of burning fat – I want to improve my performance and have more fun workouts like this!
Who’s with me? Could this be an idea for an October 31 Day Pledge? Maybe we could end the month with a Halloween fancy dress workout LOL! AND Rog Lawson will be over visiting me that week, so I am sure he will know exactly how to make the workout more fun!
Have a great day!
Hi Marianne,
this is really a very fun workout. I need to ask you something (just for a change, LOL). Apart from renegade rows, vertical pull burpee (pulling exercises) and burpees, thrusters (pushing exercises), could you please give me more examples of pulling and pushing exercises so that I can include them correctly in my future lucky dip workouts?
Hi Sarah,
Pulling: Suitcase DL, Single arm row, Ballistic Row, some sort of vertical pull like assisted pull ups, snatch (posterior chain “pull”), combo of single leg RDL with a Row, Lying overhead pull
Pushing: Push Press, kneeling press, Any type of push up (diamond, close, dynamic, plank climber), Floor press (lying on back and chest pressing the KB)
Does this help? If I think of any more, I’ll let you know 🙂
Hi Marianne,
great help. The swing is neither a pulling nor a pushing exercise, right?
Thanks so much again.
It’s a hinge. But I would say it most closely matches a pulling movement. Even though your glutes actively “push” the weight, the resistance is all on the posterior chain which is require to “pull” against the forward force and then the lats are used sometimes to pull the KB back. But it’s not a typical pulling exercise, but I would class it as hip dominant verses knee dominant exercises in a lucky dip to ensure balanced exercises 🙂
Hi Marianne,
thanks again. Let me see if I got it right:
HIP DOMINANT EXERCISES: swings, deadlifts (also single-leg ones), glute bridges, hip thrusts, good mornings, 45 degree hypers.
KNEE DOMINANT EXERCISES: squats, lunges (back, forward and side lunges), step-ups, bulgarian squats.
Where would you place donkey kicks?
Thanks! (and sorry for the too many questions)
You got it!
I would say that donkey kicks would lean more toward being hip dominant, simply because it’s a hip extension exercise that works more the glutes, hamstrings and “core”. But there’s no hip hinge of course. The quads are not being used much at all.
I think there is another term for those types of exercises, but it’s escaped me right now lol.
I love this workout, Marianne. I am not going to do it just yet, but I appreciate seeing you work out your needs and draw up a work out to stir up and excite yourself. I almost went for it and bought Nia’s product, but for right now, I am slowing myself down and keeping my nose to my program. I had a small epiphany a few days back, I read your blog, many of the GGS, Bret, I am soaking it up. I started to wonder, how do I become like them, how do I get confident with the exercises, and the answer is simple, just keep working out, correcting form and keep at it! Experience is key, all the rest will happen in time.
Oh, I remember thinking the same thing when I first started out, but you are right just to focus on your own progress and not compare it to people who have been training for years. I still fall into that trap when I see how advanced the other GGS are compared to me, but they have all been training much longer, so I must only compare to myself 🙂 I’m glad you came to this simple answer – applying it is sometime not so simple.
Hi Marianne,
I finally bought two KB!! 😀 8kg and 12kg and I’m so happy, can’t wait to start working out with them!
However, I’ve tried them out, and when I hold the KB (in the end position of cleans) my forearm hurts. As if the KB is not of proper shape (it’s not a RKC KB, and I didn’t have the chance to try it out, before buying it, because I ordered it via Internet :()
My question is: am I doing something wrong, maybe I’m not holding it right, or is it that the KB is not good?
I will find a way to use it, but I just wanted to make sure I’m not doing it wrong..
Thanks Marianne!
Also, KB are not completely round, they have straight sides where it has the number showing how heavy it is..
Firstly, YAY! Glad you like them!
Next this forearm thing. Yeah, it can hurt for a while, especially those KBs that are flat on the side. You can buy special arm bands for KBs to lessen this soreness, but first ensure you are racking the KB properly. Here is my guide:
Hope this helps 🙂 Let me know how your first workout goes 😀
Thanks Marianne for the quick reply! I’ll watch the video and see if I can find arm bands to buy. Thanks a lot, I’ll do the workout today, so I’ll get back with thoughts on it.. Sure I’m gonna love it! 🙂
Two words… Brilliant Fun!!
Especially the skater jumps…!! Got up mega early to hit the gym and fit this in today so I can enjoy my dinner and few drinks at the pub tonight without feeling too guilty!! 🙂
Love how quick and effective your workouts are…
Look forward to the next instalment
Hi Marianne
I ordered myself some competition bells from Wolverson couple days ago (Yeah, you’re to blame). Double 8s for the girlfriend (and my snatching), double 16s and double 20s. I’ve been annoyed with the thickness on the handles of my cast iron bells, and the pressure on my wrists. No good.
Anyway, I’ve been doing a few of your workouts without killing myself (pretty close every time though), and I’ve lost 5kgs so far. Planning to stay on 80, but hope to turn more of that weight into muscle. As a medstudent, I have a fairly busy schedule, but with your workouts I get great exercise in a short time. I’m still utterly useless an hour after the workout, but I expect that to improve with better conditioning. Anyway, thanks a bunch of millions for keeping this site. Not just for girls, I can attest to that (but put some more blue on the site ;p )
Oh, by the way, is Wolverson usually reheally slow replying to e-mails, or is it just me getting the feet-dragging treatment?
Hi Magnus,
Great to hear about your results so far! Awesome 🙂 Hope your GF is enjoying KBs too!
As for Wolverson, they have always been very quick to respond and great service, so I am not going to assume I know why there is a delay right now. Maybe phone them?
Hope you get sorted!
Bells arrived today, think I got a pretty good discount, £180 for 90kg steel (plus £105 shipping though, still way better than other shops I talked to).
Did you sand the handles on your bells? Some of mine seem a bit rough on the underside. Do you use chalk at all? Seems the majority of my sweatglands are in my palms =/
I would recommend sanding the handles if they are rough, or have that edging. I think new KBs have a protective coating on them to stop rust, so that needs to be sanded off of it will cause more friction. Regarding chalk, get a feel for the KBs without it and then try it – you’ll know then; you see, some folk like it and some don’t 🙂
I just received a new kettle bell as well. I will use it a couple of times before I decide to sand the handle. Good to read that you think it necessary.
Oooo, great!! Bet you’re excited to start using it 🙂
i do julia’s card workout, love it, very similiar.
Its so funny when you can change your perspective how DIFFERENT your workouts can be?! focusing on performance over fat loss is brilliant! I love that you said this is it is something that more people need to focus on!
QUick and dirty workout <—love!
Wow! A change is as good as a rest eh? I was suppose to do back and quads today, but I liked your plan, so I made up my own (not as tough as yours). But, tough for me.
2 rounds with 12kg kbs ( and I get points for carrying them up stairs and back down after???)
3 chin ups
Round 1 40W/20R
renag rows(14)
vert pull burpees (8)
thruster L (7)
thruster R (8)
tact rev lunge (16)
2 chin ups
round 2
alt kb swing (26)
push press L (10)
push press R (11)
Gob SQ (11)
speed skater (34total)
5×1 chin ups
So good, over and done!
I didn’t smile as much as you either;)
Thanks for the ideas!
Laurie, Canada
I like yours too! Nice job with the chin ups 🙂
Great imagination,
a very fresh,
nothing to get bored, thanks… 🙂
Thank you 🙂
Marianne! I love this idea! I have been having such a hard time when I am sitting down creating workouts for my friend and I, there are so many exercises and I just get overstimulated and end up doing the same ones. SOoooooo, this is perfect. Thanks! We did your version today and did two sets of 1 min ea of RKC planks (zoinks!) and some glute bridges to break up the three rounds (we are working on our glute progressions 🙂 :). I think i will have to write out a bunch of exercises on some notecards and pick from the stack next time.
LOL, I know the feeling of just doing the same thing *guilty as charged!* But sometimes the same thing is needed to see real progress in your strength, but if it’s just for overall conditioning, fitness and fun, then variety is great!
Yay for your glute progress 😀 Keep it up ladies!
Have a fun workout!
Love this idea! This is a nice way to include everyone’s favorite (or not so fav) exercises within one workout – if you have a group of people who workout together (like I do.. my husband, his buddy and me [i have yet to find a female friend who is willing to workout with me )-: ] I am going to use this idea this week and see how it goes! (we’ve used the deck of cards in the past, but this adds a little more fun and mix to the workout) Love Love Love! Keep up the good work~!
p.s. i’m going to order Nia’s guide today! and the 5 training programs! woohoo
Lately i’ve been feeling like I have no rhyme or reason to my strength training sessions. I feel like i’m all over the board..just winging it. I feel I need to get on track and follow a program of some sort, so hopefully this is it!!!
Wish me luck! It’s Nia (one of the GGS) .. of course it’s going to be what I need Right? Just like finding you set me on a new path in fitness (KBs)!!!
This is great, Penny. Yes, Nia is one of the GGS too, but her programs are all on her own site. I think you’ll find exactly what you’re after to keep you on track. You’ll learn so much as well. Not only gaining new programs, but learning how to design your own 🙂
Thanks for the feedback – hope your Lucky Dip workout goes well!
What does the tatoo on your left shoulder mean?
It means “Dog”, but it’s because I was born in the Chinese Year of the Dog 😀
Yes, I was wondering why you had the Chinese character for dog on your shoulder…you’re a dog year baby? So am I! 🙂 Uh, that means I’m 12, 24 or 36 years older than you! 😛 (thankfully, I think I am only 12 years your senior! 🙂 )
Surrey, BC Canada
I sure am! Just turned 30 in July 🙂
You are so cute. I love the way you got excited every time you opened the little sheets.
I love this idea. We all need to make our workouts playful and interesting, but also good at some arse kicking
Ha! I remember there was a promise of Rog exercising in striped socks…?
Yes, I remember something about that too … good call! 😉
ok, this’ll do for today :))) maybe i switch a few elements to something with my trx but this will be the main frame 🙂