Very Sunny Workout | Kettlebell Workout Challenge

by Marianne  - August 5, 2013

At last a new workout.  

Just, FYI – I still intend on posting training stuff 🙂 I LOVE my home workouts, so they will be more regular once I get my garage finished. My mum is getting married on Wednesday, so everything is go-go-go and mum will be moving out to start her new life … ah, they grow up so quick LOL

I will officially be the cat lady with SEVEN fluffy kittehs – my life is nearly complete 😉

Last year, my mum started doing a workout program (designed by moi) and she was really dedicated for the first month or two (you can check out her program HERE and HERE). Then, like many people, she got side-tracked and fell off the wagon. However, with the wedding looming, she has been extremely committed in the last two months and has done really well with all her exercises – so I’m very proud of her and she’ll look even more amazing in her dress … she has even started to see the effects on her Glutes.

I shall post a wee update on how the big day went, since many of you will know my mum from her appearance last year 🙂

Now for the workout. I posted this one last week on my Facebook Page:


At the time, I wrote that I had tried and testing it …

Here is the evidence for my claim:

 Hope you like the workout and I’ll be back later in the week 🙂




New Studio, New Home Workout Routine

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  1. Hi Marianne,
    Regarding my question about the swings , I haven’t filmed it yet, but I saw you posted a video on your youtube channel. ( I know it wasn’t especially for me:)) But it came just in time.
    Thank you for being such a good information-source for your readers, it heelps a lot!


    1. You’re welcome Polina. It was with you and some other folk in mind and it’s for a guest blog I am doing – but I was hoping to link you to it when the time came. Glad it was helpful 🙂

  2. Just started following you . Will try this ! I workout 3/4 days per week. Tuesday , Wednesday , Saturday and Sunday . What type of workouts would you recommend for this schedule? I currently shoot for Tuesday and Saturday full body and Wednesday /Sunday cardio .

    1. Depends on your goals, Becky. Generally I will always advise people to find a way to prioritise strength training and add 1 or 2 days of short cardio or conditioning.

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