Kettlebell Mania – 180 or 360 Rep Challenge

by Marianne  - September 9, 2010

Hi everyone,

Just a very quick post today before I rush out to work. I did this 360 Rep Challenge/workout yesterday, and it’s a killer. I was set this Time Challenge from Carla on facebook. It had been suggested to her by her friend, so we thought we’d spread the word. The challenge originates from here if you want to check that out.

The Challenge

Basically you have 2 choices. The 180 rep challenge (1 round) or 360 reps (2 rounds). I timed both. The first round I did with the 16kg and the second I did with 12kg (didn’t want to risk injury from poor form caused by fatiqued muscles). I used my Gymboss Interval Timer as a stopwatch to time myself. There are 9 exercises with set reps as below:

  1. Single arm KB Swing x 10 each arm
  2. KB Cleans x 10 each side
  3. KB Front Squats x 10 each side
  4. KB Presses x 10 each side
  5. KB Thrusters x 10 each side
  6. KB High Pulls x 10 each side
  7. KB Rows x 10 each side
  8. KB Snatches x 10 each side
  9. KB Crunches x 20 reps total

This workout was a killer, I was in a puddle at the end of the first round! With the 16kg it took me 10 minutes and 18 seconds. Then the second round (after about 1 minutes rest if I’m honest), with 12kg took 7 minutes and 59 seconds. Therefore the whole 360 took me 19 min 17 seconds, but if I add in the 1 minutes rest, it took 20 minutes and 17 seconds. GREAT WORKOUT / CHALLENGE. Just the fact I knew I was competing with everyone, really got me to push myself – a great way to increase the intensity.  I do wish I had done better with the 16kg, but it’s a work in progress. I actually feel I’ve lost some strength with it. Either that or I’ve just lost confidence after the EKI Challenge 🙁 sob sob (pity party).

I have to love ya and leave you now to get ready for lovely work, but I hope you will post your times and weights etc and let us all get a little friendly competition going. I expect all the Kettlebellas over at VideoFitness to have their times at the ready 😀

So until next time, good luck with what ever challenges you need to overcome in the days to come – think strength 🙂



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