Jump to it! Kettlebell and Body Weight Workout

by Marianne  - July 24, 2011

Hi all,

This workout will challenge you is many different ways by helping you develop your strength, skill, agility, co-ordination, speed, while also assisting with fat loss and general conditioning.

During this workout I decided to practice my double KB Jerks (lol) – they are harder than they look. I was also attempting to get the breathing right, but I am clearly crap at that part. Anyway, I think it’s something that will be fun to work on and gradually increase the weight. For those who are not familiar with the Jerk, you could try Clean and Presses, or Push Presses instead.

The weather here is beautiful today, so the last thing I want to do is spend the day indoors on the computer, so I will run through the workout quickly 🙂

The Workout

Firstly, I set my Gymboss Interval Timer for one interval of 45 seconds for the timed exercise. The rest are set reps. I completed 2 rounds, but you could try for 3 rounds if you were feeling up for an extra challenge:

  1. Double KB Front Squat x 8 reps (2 x 16kg)
  2. Crazy Bench Jumps x 45 secs (couldn’t count)
  3. Double KB Stiff-Leg DeadLift and Row x 8 – 12 reps (2 x 16kg – 12, 11 )
  4. Crazy Bench Jumps x 45 secs
  5. Double KB Jerk x 8 – 12 reps (2 x 14kg – 12, 12 )
  6. Crazy Bench Jumps x 45 secs
  7. Double KB Alternating Reverse Lunge x 12 – 16 reps (2 x 16kg – 12, 12 )
  8. Crazy Bench Jumps x 45 secs

Now, curl up and die!


  • Try 30 seconds for the jumps
  • Perhaps replace the Crazy Bench Jumps for Side to Side Step Ups
  • Split the Double KB exercises and do single side.

This workout was tough, but fun. I must be crazy, but I love the bench jumps 😀

Hope you all hve a great day!



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  1. Thanks for the great workout! This was really enjoyable. I used dumbbells throughout, and did full jump tucks for the cardio bits.

  2. this looks crazy i might try it today, but i have to ask what is the difference between push presses, and jerks?

    1. The push press has one dip before the push. The Jerk has a dip before the push and a quick dip under the weight after the push to allow lock out. It’s hard to explain LOL, but I would just stick to the push press, it’s less technical and just as beneficial for what we are after here. The Jerk was just me trying something new. Havin a go at it anyway 😉

  3. Killer workout! I did this one tonight with 45 sec. of side to side step ups as I can’t to those jumps (back issues). However I did manage 2 rounds with 2 8 kg kettlebells. This is my first real attempt at 2 kettlebells workout. I plan to work up to heavier KBs but for now this was fun, fun, fun!!

    1. Great stuff Maria. It’s the best thing when you realise how much you’re progressing 😀 Soon you’ll be on to 12kgs.

      Glad you enjoyed this one, it WAS fun! 😛

  4. Hiya Marianne,

    I just did this workout and it was so cool. I tried to do my own Steve Cotter-style set up for the crazy jumps. Basically, I laid a resistance band between two steps, weighed each end down with a kettlebell and then jumped over the band. It worked quite well and the jumps were so much fun (at least they were until they started to hurt 🙂 ). I managed two rounds with 2 16s, but I couldn’t get the double jerks quite right, so had to do singles.
    I’m fully expecting to need the help of a zimmer-frame to get me about tomorrow, but I can’t wait to see what you come up with next 🙂

    1. Good idea for the jumps!! It’s strange how something so evil can be so much fun at the same time 🙂

      The Jerks are hard to get used to. I manage ok with the singles, the doubles plus the new breathing takes a lot of concentration.

      Good luck tomorrow Emma 🙁 LOL

  5. Hi. Marianne,
    Whew!! I thought I’d puke ! Great workout . I could , rather I only did 2 rounds.
    I can do three. Doing so will be my next challenge. The jump overs were a killer.
    They’re my new favorite.  You make it all look so easy.
    Have a great day!

  6. This looks tough!!! Those crazy jumps do not bother your back? I saw you practice some jumping at the workshop – especially those one legged jumps – looked like torture for the low back. Those do not bother you?
    You are a workout machine!

    1. Hey Gina, no the jumps have not annoyed my back at all. I actually thought they might annoy my knees, but they haven’t. I would advise though, to take care with the jumps, mainly due to the co-ordination issues LOL, it was hard to aim for the bench the whole time!


  7. nice workout! i did a similar one today- i’m like you in that i can never just do someone else’s workout without tweaking it 🙂 but this workout was the inspiration 🙂 my mind is so boggled down with uni work that i didn’t have the creative juices to think up something today! thanks 🙂

    1. Nice one Amy, I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes even a template of a workout is enough to inspire some independent design, other times it’s nice to just have a workout handed to you.

      Hope you enjoy the bones of this one 🙂

  8. Hi Marianne,

    This is great workout as always. I would like to try asap.

    ps: Could you activate my account, user name : Bojan
    If you have time check out my challenge workout.

    Best regards,

  9. Hi Mariannina,

    I love these post-Cotter workouts: so creative and dynamic, still with a huge amount of strength exercises.

    Your glutes are getting better and better, together with your strength and flexibility.
    You won’t ever be as good as I am with pull-ups (my technique is quite unique, LOL) but you are really becoming a super athlete.


    1. LOL, it sure sounds unique Bianca, but then what else should we expect from our Bianca 😉

      Thank you for your compliments, as always 😀 Hardly a super athlete, but hopefully a better one.


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