Full Body Kettlebell Couplet Workout PLUS Bonus Complex | Home Workout Videos

by Marianne  - February 22, 2012

Hi everyone,

This workout was a killer! You all know how much I love/hate (term meaning GREAT workout) Couplets, and it’s been a while since I posted a workout like this, so today’s will jog the memory as to why we love/hate them 🙂

The twist with this one is the “Bonus” Complex right at the very end.  Just when you think the torture is over, then we have a little strength section.

The Workout

Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for 6 cycles of 15 seconds rest and 45 seconds effort and complete 3 rounds of each Couplet before having a longer recovery and moving on to the next Couplet etc etc. Oh and be prepare for all the burpees 😉

Couplet 1

  1. Suitcase Deadlift Burpee (2x20kg) (13, 12, 10)
  2. Side to Side Step Ups (first round BW, then I added a 6kg KB) (47, 44, 43)

Couplet 2

  1. Alternating Single-Leg Hip Thrust (17, 16, 17)
  2. Bent Over Alternating Row (20kg) (18, 16, 15)

Couplet 3 (Hell)

  1. Two-Handed KB Swing (24kg) (30, 30, 28 )
  2. Burpees (13, 12, 10)

Couplet 4

  1. Alternating High Deficit Reverse Lunge (16kg) (17, 14, 15)
  2. Vertical Swing/Pull Burpee (20kg) (12, 10.5, 12)

BONUS Complex

Complete 3 rounds of the following combination:

  1. Kettlebell Clean and Press (right) x 5 reps
  2. Kettlebell Clean and Press (left) x 5 reps
  3. Pull Ups x 5 reps

If you cannot complete 5 reps in a row, then break it down into smaller “sets” 🙂

Have fun!



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