Hi everyone,
Since I last spoke to you I have been invited to become a YouTube Partner, so I have now customised my channel to look like a mini site. If you haven’t seen it yet, then click here, or, on the new YouTube social icon at the top right corner on my blog, which will take you directly to my channel. If you are a member on YouTube, then feel free to subscribe to my channel 😉
Things are hectic here this week, so today’s workout is one I actually did last week. I like to have a surplus of videos and workouts to share, just in case life gets in the way of my usual schedule 🙂
The Workout
This workout is in 2 sections, 50% Kettlebells and 50% Body Weight. Each section is made up of 5 exercises and the aim is to complete 2 rounds of each.
This workout is also interval training so I set my Gymboss Interval Timer for 20 cycles of 15 seconds rest and 45 seconds effort. I recorded my reps per exercise (in brackets), and have also indicated whether an exercise is cardio (c), resistance (r), strength (s) or a core activating exercise (cae) (also in brackets). The exercises are:
Section 1
- KB Suitcase/Dead Lift into Squat Thrust (c,r,cae) (13,12)
- Double KB Military Press (s,r,cae) (13, 11)
- KB Renegade Row (s,r,cae) (16,14)
- Two-Handed KB Swing (c,r,cae) (30,31)
- KB Vertical Swing (r,c) (16,13)
Section 2
- Evil Jumps (c) (13,14)
- Push Up into Squat Thrust or 1/2 burpee (s,r,c,cae) (17, 15 1/2 )
- Reverse Lunge with Kick Up (right) (r,c,cae) (18,17)
- Reverse Lunge with Kick Up (left) (r,c,cae) (19,17)
- Plank Climber (r,cae,c and a little s) (17,16)
A great interval workout, because it was straight forward for me to get on with it and not worry about changing camera positions in between intervals. AND because you have a great body weight section, those who don’t have kettlebells (yet) can do 4 rounds of the body weight exercises and still get a great workout.
Anyway, I must love ya and leave you for now, but I hope to be back soon with a new workout. In the meantime, let me know your thoughts on this one, and good luck.
Looks like a fun and challenging workout, can’t wait to try it. Thank you for sharing.
Marianne… I am new to the site… great work!! Wondering what weight of KB you used for the routine? All the best.. FV
Hi Franks, welcome to the site. Hope you will continue to visit. The weight are : Blues are 12kg, whites 14kg, yellows, 16kg, and the grey one is my 20kg. I have quite a collection now LOL
Hope you will join in with some of the workouts. Are you a Kettlebell fan yourself?
Hi Marianne,
Did this workout this morning,wow!!!! Loved it. It took me 24 minutes but……renegade rows well haven’t mastered them YET so just did the one armed rows. The other difficult exercises (for me anyway) were the planks in that alternating is harder than just coming uo using the same side,and……the dreaded squat thrusts. All in all a great workout. My numbers were:
Section 2
Not bad for a 51 year old. Thanks again, enjoy the day!!!!!
Minnie V. :O)
Great numbers Minnie! Those plank climbers are difficult, but they are such a great exercise for core, chest and triceps, as well as a little cardio 🙂 Glad you had fun with it.
Have a great day too
Wow, Minnie you must have a LOT of endurance to consistently do that many Evil Jumps!
I am mixing up Tacfit KB and RKC Rites of Passage. I am not strong enough to move up in weight, so the workouts are a challenge, but not enough to get me sweating and feeling that I have done enough, so I have added this workout at the end several times. My numbers today were:
From Tacfit: 30 sec each consecutive work followed by 60 sec rest for 4 rounds (20 minutes): kneeling single KB cleans, lying KB pullovers, single KB military press, KB side -rock-it (single arm KB swing side to side in a semi-squat) , KB windmill, KB high swing, KB flag stir (KB in a stirring motion at chest level) & KB single leg romanian deadlifts.
Then Marianne’s 50/50:
Giant set 1:
KB Deadlift to Squat thrust: 11, 11
Military Press (w/ DB) 15,13
Renegade Rows (w/ DBs) 10 each, 11 1/2
KB Swings 27, 27
KB vertical swing (pull) 15, 15
Giant set 2:
Evil Jumps 9, 9 (squat, touch, lunge left, lunge right all count as one)
1/2 Burpee 11, 11
Rev lunge to kick (left) 13, 17
(right) 17, 17 — was really feeling these, so they must be working
Plank Climber 17, 17 (each side)
…the toughest were the vertical swings and the evil jumps.
I am still at the beating-myself-up stage on the cleans — so either my wrists get banged, or my biceps when I rack! Add to that the couple of times I missed the bench with bench jumps and I have bruises all over the place!
BTW, I am 51 as well, so it seems several of us are in the awesome older set! 1959 was a great year!
~ Gillian
Congrats Marianne!
It looks great!
😀 cheers Carla
wow, i just did this workout, and i’m dying. took me about 20 minutes….. i’m sweating like crazy. i had to cheat on the pushups into burpees, and the second set of the plank things, i had to get on my knees… i loved this
Nice work, I’m glad you enjoyed it!
Congratulations on making youtube partner 🙂 I can’t wait to to this workout tomorrow…i think 😉
Thanks 🙂 I never thought it would happen! Enjoy the workout 😀
I tried this this morning and it was great — a real challenge to hang in there! (Evil jumps are worse than evil burpees!) I really prefer your workouts to Z’s, as they are more varied and more productive with the combo of kettlebell and bodyweight. Congrats on your YouTube site: it looks great, and I don’t think you look too serious at all! (And while there are probably some voyeurs who just look for pretty women, I am sure you have a pretty high percentage of followers who actually attempt your workouts.) I think one of the things that makes following you and your routines so enjoyable is that you are real and not too perfect. We can all relate! Thanks for all the time you put into this to share with us.
~ Gillian (soapmaven on youtube)
Those Evil Jumps are a nightmare! Haven’t included them in a while, so they were pretty tough that day. I’m glad you are also a fan of variety workouts, I love changing things up and keeping it all interesting.
I’m so pleased with my wee design, who wants to be perfect anyway – too much pressure to maintain it! Better to start as you mean to go on, ie just like everyone else – trying to do your best with what ya got! No point in pretending I’m better or perfect, people see right through it, or follow for the wrong reasons 🙂
Nice to know your YouTube name btw 😉
Glad you survived the workout
Hi Marianne! Just found your site not too long ago and love it! Hope to get in great shape like you one day. Keep up the great work!
Hi Roxanne, thanks for stopping by, nice to hear from new follower 😀 I hope you will continue to follow my workouts and join the rest of us on our journeys to being healthier and fitter 🙂
Hi Marianne, just a quick silly question- how do you count evil jumps? 1 dynamic squat + 2 lunge jumps as one rep, or each jump counts as one?
Love you workouts! at first l wasn’t sure if I will like them, but now I’m hooked! They are fun ( sure sometimes I don’t look like I’m having fun) challenging and can be done with dumbells (buying kb is not an option right now).
Oh, did I say you are gorgeous? Inside and out.
Can’t wait for another workout
Hi Jussa, thanks for your lovely comment 🙂 It’s nice to hear from you. The Evil Jumps are as you thought, 1 dynamic squat and 2 lunge jumps = 1 “evil” rep LOL
I am glad you are having fun with the workouts and you are finding them adaptable to dumbbells too. I always worry that people will think they must buy Kettlebells to join in.
I hope to have a new workout up soon.
Cheers again
Hi Marianne, I am so happy that you have become a partner: you definitely deserve it (much much more than some over-estimated individuals with ever-changing names but un-varied attitudes).
This workout looks super-intense and I look forward to giving it a try.
I appreciate very much the fact that you write the specifications next to the names of the exercises (strength, resistance, cardio, cae): it’s a brilliant idea and it’s very useful.
I am really happy that I have found your site (and Youtube channel): it’s helping me a lot.
Have a very nice day (it’s X Factor night here in Italy).
Thanks Bianca, got your wee message on Youtube too 🙂 I am so happy with my channel, would be nice if someday I could get proper pictures taken, but my camera work will have to do for now LOL, even if I look a little serious :/
Hope you enjoy your X-Factor night, I’m already looking forward to Saturday night here.