Crazy Kettlebell Sweat-Bath

by Marianne  - May 1, 2010

Hi everyone,

When I first got up this morning I was feeling so tired and didn’t really feel very motivated. I went on to the computer to check my comments and messages here and on Youtube and my day turned around! I was delighted to see several really lovely comments and positive feedback about my site and my workouts. It gave me so much motivation to do a really good workout, which I think I did 🙂

So thank you to everyone for your support and encouragement. A special thank you to Melissa, from FitMiss.TV (aka BareFootWarrior on YouTube) for your great workouts and positivity. It is very inspiring when you come across genuine, like-minded people.

The Workout

Now onto today’s workout. I completed 2 rounds of the following 8 exercises:

  1. Kettlebell Goblet/Front Squat into Alternating Reverse Lunges x 16 reps (total)
  2. Kettlebell Overhead Swing into Rotation x 12 reps (each 1 swing and 2 rotations counts as 1 rep)
  3. Single-Leg Deadlift Hold with Single Arm Kettlebell Row (right) x 12 reps
  4. Single-Leg Deadlift Hold with Single Arm Kettlebell Row (left) x 12 reps
  5. Double Kettlebell Chest Press x 12 reps
  6. Kettlebell Bear Crawl/walk x 16 steps
  7. Double Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift x 15 reps
  8. Double Kettlebell Snatch (reverting to single snatch as needed) x 8 reps double, and up to 15 reps single.

I then set my Gymboss Interval Timer for the usual 8 cycles of 10 seconds rest and 20 seconds MAX effort for Tabata training at the end.  The exercises for this were:

  1. Push-ups with Knee Tucks (2 sets)
  2. Prisoner Squats (2 sets)
  3. Kettlebell High-Pulls (set 1 right, set 2 left)
  4. Dynamic Squats (my favorite, 2 sets to finish)

I was drenched in sweat (hence the workout name) and I was really happy I was able to do a few double snatches with the 12kg. I will have to keep practicing, but you have to start somewhere with these things.  I also added the Bear Crawl as it was suggested by Rich from Youtube, so thanks for that challenge, really tough core exercise!

I will be back soon with more.


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