Bring It On! Home Fitness Workout | Kettlebells and Body Weight

by Marianne  - December 30, 2011

Hi everyone,

This is the first workout I did after 3 days off over Christmas.  It’s a tough wee one!  I do apologise on my short write up as I am tight for time today – I overslept after work and now I am trying to get everything done before tonight’s shift begins.

I realise that there will be a lot of people who will start to feel that pressure to lose weight at this time of year, so I can assure you that my home workouts with Kettlebells and Body Weight exercises are an excellent way to not only reach your fat loss goals, but also build a strength and confidence.

The Workout

Throughout this workout, you only need one Kettlebell per exercise and each exercise can easily be adapted for beginners. I will offer some suggestions below the workout.

Set your Gymboss Interval Timer for 24 cycles of 15 seconds recovery and 45 seconds effort. Please remember that the times are not set in stone. So if you need more recovery, adjust it.  Aim to complete 3 rounds of the following 8 exercises:

I used a 20kg and 6kg Kettlebell in today’s workout and my reps per exercise (mostly) are recorded in brackets.

  1. Goblet Squat to Press (12, 11, 9.5)
  2. Side to Side Step Ups (I added 6kg) (44, 40, 39)
  3. Plank Climber to Knee Tuck (didn’t count as this is more about control than reps)
  4. Bent Over Alternating Row (13, 11, 11)
  5. Vertical Swing Burpee (11, 11, 9)
  6. Passing Reverse Lunge (right) (13, 12, 12)
  7. Passing Reverse Lunge (left) (12, 11, 11)
  8. Two-Handed Swing (32, 31, 30)

Last week I struck a pose showing off my sexy arm pits in “Sweat-Marks Rock” Workout … Today I realised that a sweaty crack mark isn’t so sexy – eek! 😉

Here are some ways to regress the exercises above for the beginner:

  1. Goblet Squat alone or Body Weight Only without the Press or with very light weight
  2. Un-weighted Side to Side Steps, Mountain Climber or Skipping
  3. Plank Climber alone, Knee Tucks alone or just a static Plank Hold
  4. Single Arm Row (right and left in different intervals)
  5. Either just Vertical Swing with light KB or Body Weight Burpee
  6. Body Weight Reverse Lunge or holding KB in Goblet Position
  7. Same for left
  8. Two-Handed Swing with lighter weight or shorter effort  interval with longer rest.

These regressions are important to note, as form is very important. Without mastering the basic co-ordination and full range of movement, then any weight progression will only allow you to get stronger at moving improperly.

Over the coming weeks, I will be including these suggestions again for beginners because I know that there will likely be a great demand for fitness workouts from newbies.

I will be back soon with my list of Myomytv’s Top Strength Workouts from 2011 🙂

As always, feedback is welcome!



Myomytv's Top 10 Strength Workouts of 2011

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  1. Thank you so much for this site!!
    I am beyond glad I found you, because you have now become an essential part of my day and you have taken my kettle bell workouts to a whole new level!

    Much luv
    & keep up the awsomeness

  2. I’ve been gone for a few days, though I was ‘good’ and did bodyweight workouts each full day I was gone.

    I am always intrigued to try Marianne’s workouts — how will they be? Will they be harder for me than she makes them look? Will I dissolve in a puddle on the floor? Will I dent the floor or break a window as a bell goes flying out of my hands? (I’ve only dropped a bell twice and that was on wierd around the body passes.)

    Plus, I think this is such a great way to start the year, so jumping headlong into this…
    1. goblet squat to press: 16 Kg 12, 10, 9
    2. side to side step up with 15 lb Kb: 36, 31, 32
    3. plank climber to knee tucks: 10, 10.5, 10.5
    4. bent over alt rows: 16 Kg 20, 19, 19
    5. vertical swing burpee 14 Kg 9.5, 9.5, 10 (these are really tiring!)
    6. passing rev lunge L 12 Kg 16, 16, 16
    7. ditto R 15,15, 15
    8. swings 20 kg 28, 28, 27

    After the first round, I was really panting, so I was slow getting back to the goblet squats — you can see my 2nd and 3rd round numbers went down.

    This really got me going, so now I feel I can tackle the day!

    Pulse 1.5 sweat 1 face red my heart wasn’t racing, but this was a good challenge. Auspicious of the coming year perhaps.

    ~ Gillian

  3. Yeah Marianne! Thanks for another good one and some diff ex (plank climber to knee tuck)!!! Envious of your backside also 😉 but more envious of those dang deep squats!!! I know I know – I keep mentioning this but it amazes me every time I watch you!!! Alas, I can continue to go deeper, but may never get there! As long as I’m getting stronger, that is all that matters right? AND not getting hurt!!! Started looking up “mince pies” on internet and recipes…maybe that isn’t a good idea!!!
    Happy New Year! Michele <

    1. Mince Pies are so evil! Soooo good though mmm! The backside is bigger yet because of them 😉

      I will have to come up with some new workout styles! Need to step it up a gear for the New Year.

      It’s good that your squats are getting better. At least you are not trying to go too low too soon, I’m rooting for you 🙂

  4. Marianne..
    You crack me up (no pun intended)with the sweat mark comment. I am always self conscious about that. Don’t know why. Who really cares right? lol Just another sign that your working hard.

    This one looks like another good one for a 5am workout challenge! Thanks Marianne 🙂

    Happy 2012 Marianne and to all of your faithful followers.


  5. That was awesome and I really think that having found your website I’m taking my fitness and strength training to a new level. I especially like the fact that there are no silly combos just simple clear exercises so I can just get on with it, not having to remember what amount to dressed up dance moves. It’s clear that you’re very strong and that’s very encouraging for me as that’s what I want from my workouts. Yours is a great website and a great find, here’s to following you in 2012!

    Happy New Year Marianne and everyone else on this site.



  6. Did this one yesterday Marianne.

    1 – Goblet Squat to Press (11,8,12) first 2 sets I used a 12kg the last set I used a 10kg
    2 – Side to Side Step Ups (28, 38,44) the first set I used a 8lb kettlebell the next 2 set I did not add a weight. My step was set at 10 inches
    3 – Plank Climber to Knee Tuck (8,9,9)
    4 – Bent Over Alternating Row (20,20,21) I did double rows instead of single rows with 2/8kg
    5 – Vertical Swing Burpee (8,9,10) the first 2 sets I used a 10kg the last set I used a 8kg
    6 – Passing Reverse Lunge (right) (16,18,21) I used a 10kg
    7 – Passing Reverse Lunge (left) (17,18,19) I used a 10kg
    8 – Two-Handed Swing (21, 21,29) The first 2 sets I used a 10kg and the last set I used a 8kg

    The music I picked was Daughtry’s new album Break the Spell.

  7. Did this workout this morning and found the side to side step ups with weights OK. I used 8 KG as that is the lightest KB I have.

    I cobbled up a 20 KG KB by roping an iron 8 KG to a competition grade 12 KG and used this for the lunges, but I reckon it was too much of a jump for me, from 12 KG as my lower back was aching.

    Good workout, another success, cheers Marianne.


  8. Hi Marianne,

    great workout.

    I would like to wish you a very Happy New Year. And the same to all your blog readers, the ones I know in particular (like Mickela up here).


  9. Hi Marianne,
    I just recently became interested in kettlebell workouts and am delighted to have found your website through Girls Gone Strong! I just wanted to comment and tell you that I am really loving your workouts and appreciate all the work you put into your site.
    I have a lot to learn and really value the great resource here.
    Happy Holidays to you

  10. You have such an enviable back side. 🙂
    will do this one without those step ups as soon as I get home from work.
    Happy New year to all who visit here and to you of course Marianne.

    1. Thanks Mickela 😉

      Hope you like it … the workout that is hehe!

      And have a great weekend … not too much red wine 😀 … actually who cares girl, go for it!

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